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Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 12th March 2011 11:44pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Poor Hagrid! I always had a soft spot for him, in canon and fics. Something tells me he's actually dead, instead of what happened to Sirius. Probably the pendant dying...
I should have heeded the BYOT warning. :'(

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 30th March 2009 5:20am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

oh my god! i didn't see that coming at all. ur evil, evil i say! great chapter.

thanks for writing.

PrayingForMercy posted a comment on Thursday 1st January 2009 11:39am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Ooooooh my god.
You killed Hagrid. How could you?!

piltad posted a comment on Friday 10th October 2008 4:21pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

WOW didn't see that one happening right now well the den is being attacked and no parents and if I understand this right you also have the girls out of the wards and I think they are with Lucius if I am reading that right. Have to see what the boys do really think Harry might be in quite the rage I am thinking.

Anthony May posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 6:44am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Ok, A cliff hanger on a story that you take months to update is just rude. I love the whole Danger series - you are awesome but I am disappointed with the rate you update this story. It's definitely worth it as you have given me hours of immense enjoyment - but it is hard to remember what is going on by the time you finally update. If you weren't so great I'd have given up. Here's to hoping you update soon!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I wish that I could update more frequently, but I have little needs like eating and paying rent which require me to work for most of my day. By the time I get home, put my personal life into some semblance of order, and relax enough that I feel like writing, it is usually time for me to go to bed. I am sorry you consider me rude for writing the best story I can, and I will try with all my might not to leave this cliffhanger for more than a month.

karina82 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 5:28pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

oh no, not hagrid.
who was that man beckoning to hermione?

Blocker posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 1:07pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)


How could you?!?

Its so sad. Hagrid never did anything to anyone.

-mumbles- meanest author ever


Hurry with then next one?

twilightxpanic posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 3:34pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

ahhhhhhhhh! noo. so sad! boohoohoohoo.
i cannot wait for the next chapter! the story is amazing!

callie posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 7:40pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)


Who is it????????

MORE! SOON! please?

Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 1:56am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Oh, poor Hagrid. That's so sad, and what happened to the girls?? Not a very fun chapter, overall, but a good one nonetheless. The next one ought to be pretty tense. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for writing!

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 9:43pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

This was such a sad chapter. I was worried from the time when you began it with him running but I didn't expect it to be that when it finished. I liked the use of Pack instincts to stop Harry from following.

Loved the fact that Luna watches Draco's colours. Great play stuff between the cubs.

You killed him! You really did didn't you? This is going to be a very sad story if they don't start beating Voldie soon. Fantastic chapter. More please.

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 7:58pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Okay, so you are wonderful, because you updated, and naturally that's utterly brilliant. (Mental happy dance was performed as soon as I saw there was a new chapter). On the other hand, though, you leave us with this cliffie, and also - Hagrid!! And Hermione!! Sleep not the year's first night of care, indeed...I truly hope you plan to update soon so as not to prolong this suspense!

Milarqui posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 6:29pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)


Lynn Terald posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 4:57pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

UPDATE!!!!!*runs around screaming and flailing* UPDATE!!!!

I have been reading back over your other stories and I have notice several things. You have things very well planned out, you can spin events in either a very comical or serious way as fits the story, and you consistently make me want to rip my hair out with the things you do to these charaters.

All in all, you are one of the more fantastic and brilliant fanfic authors that I have run across and I would wait for for your chapters as long as I waited for J.Ks books to come out.

UPDATE!!!!!*runs around screaming and flailing* UPDATE!!!!

sunrisesunset posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 3:31pm for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Ouch. The "BYOT" warning at the beginning made me very apprehensive, and then the last line sealed the deal. A consequence of making us feel so much about your characters is that we hate to see them go. Especially like this. I will say that you faked me out a bit with Brian's incident; I thought that he wasn't going to make it.

Somehow, I feel like this is only the first death of several - hopefully not too many more. Or any more. It's no fun when bad things happen to good people... but they happen nonetheless.

Your writing style is consistently dramatic, emotional, and unpredictable. Please update again soon - I really want to see everybody's reaction. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Musta posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 5:46am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

BYOT indeed. I STILL can't believe you did that.


Huor posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 5:06am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Oh, I wasn't expecting that. I'm guessing that the pendants didn't activate to warn that the girls were in danger because Malfoy swore to do whatever is in his power to protect them from harm. Nasty trick by Malfoy, turning that oath back against Lupin. I suppose that the next part of the plan would be to put himself in a position where he has no power to protect them.

Hopefully the Pack will finally learn to never trust Dudley.

Oh, my. I just re-read the chapter where the rituals of purification where brought up, and mentioning Dudley here has made me realize he's a natural candidate to try that. Would he have to kill Harry, too, or is killing half-blood relatives not required?

takon65 posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 4:19am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

NOooooooooooooo!!! Not Hagrid! Hopefully you'll let Fang take a chunk out of thier backsides..please?

Summerkins posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 3:13am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)


bdjsfgjkl What happened to Hermione? Who was that man? The girls didn't kill him did they? Cause that would be REALLY bad. -general flailing-

Treecat posted a comment on Sunday 27th July 2008 2:06am for Chapter 30: Unfelt and Unseen (Arc 6)

Don't kill him! We love him!
Great chapter, as always, some beautiful parts, as well as funny.
Thank you.