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Two Out of Three Ain't Bad was updated on 12th May 06

Status: Completed - Rating: Young Teens - Chapters: 2 - Word count: 1,668 - Genre: Humor

Also available as: Epub | txt | pdf | lit | mobi

Two-shot. A little musing on the final battle, based on an idea from my mom. Lord Voldemort wants eternal life, unlimited power, and everlasting fame. Harry Potter and Moaning Myrtle have other plans.

1 - Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Word count: 840 - Reviews: 10 - Rating: Young Teens - Uploaded on: 16th Feb 06

2 - Two Out of Three Ain't Bad :: No Dignity for You
Word count: 828 - Reviews: 19 - Rating: Young Teens - Uploaded on: 12th May 06