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bookaholic_au posted a comment on Friday 16th January 2009 12:30am

sign of the knife. ha. I rather like it. it sounds strange, but when I really think about it it's no stranger than the sign of the cross. A bit of a departure from Lewis' style though, despite the religious metaphors, I can't think of one instance where he attributes to the Narnians religious observances. Instead they just all adore Aslan ...

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 2:39am

OK, I am in AWE. A fanfic that combines HP canon, the Dangerverse (which is itself one of the best fanfics around) AND Narnia...Seriously impressive. Love your characters and writing style. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Robin Hood posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 8:31am

You're such a book nerd...Emrys is one of the names used to refer to a young Merlin.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 10:37am

I guite enjoy your tale of the beginnings of hogwarts and tying it to narnia is a coup de grace
thanks for continuing this arc.
warm regards and best wishes for a happy andhealthy new year

Musta posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 1:53am

Then Hello 2008! Not bad, though I get the nagging feeling that you've done, and could do, much better. I wonder why...

callie posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 11:52pm

that was a great chapter and i hope that you have a great 2008

hehe that rhymes

impliedauthor posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 10:10am

I am loving this story! I love the Chronicals of Narnia and you're doing an amazing job at mixing the two worlds. I can't wait to read more. Happy New Year!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 1:19am

"So," Draco said, leaning back on his hands and looking, for a moment, almost human. "When do we start?"

Almost human, eh? Here's hoping that his heart is healed off all the nastiness his family put there - but then again, Slytherin still broke from the other founders, didn't he? If he and his friends intermarried with part-humans in Narnia and brought them back with them, then how does his insistence on "purebloods" hold up?

tangentsferret posted a comment on Monday 24th December 2007 4:13am

Hi! A little last minute rising-to-the-challenge (and at this late date, if I am in fact the 20th to guess right, how you'll manage an update before 1/1/08 I have no least idea): the four wand-users are either the Founders themselves, or possibly their parents, given that at least some of them seem to be forming relationships.

I do love your work. You have a gift for feliticious phrasing found all too rarely in these degenerate days of spelling and grammar checkers. Noxious things, grammar checkers. Keep trying to tell me I'm doing things incorrectly, just because I am addicted to archaic sentence structure and the word "shan't". I say "Ptbhtbtht!" to them, I do, I do. And then wash the screen again because it is all sticky.

Meg posted a comment on Saturday 22nd December 2007 6:42am

Sounds like the 4 founders to me! :D Hope I'm not totally off base.

Great chapter! I'm glad I finally got the chance to sit down and read it.


Katie posted a comment on Wednesday 19th December 2007 3:32pm

also, because i just thought it was a little ungrateful to post without telling you what i think...your stories are brilliant! i love narnia and you have an interesting way of tying things in to your stories so that i enjoy reading them and trying to find your little clues, keep writing!

Katie posted a comment on Wednesday 19th December 2007 3:27pm

i know they have different names, but i'm still going for the founders...helga is beatrix with her love of plants and peace-making ways, regulo is salazar who learns to speak to snakes...and from his snake wife gives the green eyes to alex and is a sly talker, leticia is rowena who has a penchant for healing already but will gain more of the healing touch, not to mention intellect and gaubert is godric who excels at warfare and bravery and he will gain his control of fire from his adventures to the sun to gather the FIREflowers

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 18th December 2007 9:02am

I accept your challenge! I would think that it will end up being the four founders of Hogwarts...

The cunning Slytherin with his serpents tounge.
The kind and loyal Hufflepuff with her magical way with plants.
The brave Gryffindor and his warrior skills.
The intelligent Ravenclaw and her learned abilities.

Please post more soon. Thnx

joe lemen posted a comment on Tuesday 18th December 2007 5:22am

The Founding Four, we just heard H&S's story now onto R&G.

hahaheeheehaha posted a comment on Tuesday 18th December 2007 5:20am

hufflepuff and slytherin and their gifts of parselmouth and growing stuff! im glad you've updated this, i've been waiting for it! update soon!

Cendari posted a comment on Tuesday 18th December 2007 2:13am

*big grin* It's the Founders!!! Regulo is Slytherin, who learned Parseltongue; Beatrix is Hufflepuff, with her love of badgers; Leticia is Ravenclaw; and Gaubert is Gryffindor, what with his ability with a sword.

Of course, the big major clue in flashing lights is when Regulo mentions that they have a "Large undertaking" in progress that will fail if they are gone too long; meaning: they're in the process of builing Hogwarts. =)

BTW, it's brilliant as always. I've read almost all of your fics on, though I'm sorry to say that I never got around to actually reviewing... sorry...

Please post another chapter SOON !!!


Musta posted a comment on Monday 17th December 2007 2:45am

I should think it's the Four Founders, isn't it?

Cestrel posted a comment on Monday 17th December 2007 12:23am

I love this story! I think the four people are the Founders, it just makes sense, two men, two women, one of which can speak Parseltongue, it just has to be! //Cestrel

Jenny.S89 posted a comment on Sunday 16th December 2007 7:59pm

For some reason, the story makes me think of the Four Founders of Hogwarts.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 16th December 2007 4:36pm

I would guess that this is the beginning of the Hogwarts founders, and the bringing of parseltongue into the human world, along with the type of talents that i have seen attributed to Luna in several other fanfics.

I quite like the Narnia universe, and have seen way too few fics written there - thanks for filling this gap.