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A Secret Never Told was updated on 18th Mar 13

Status: In progress - Rating: Teens - Chapters: 4 - Word count: 19,821 - Genre: Drama

Also available as: Epub | lit | mobi | pdf | txt

Six years after the Final Battle, see what's happening (or not) in the Dangerverse. An AU future story, consisting of seven chapters the author cannot allow to happen in mainverse, but couldn't resist writing down anyway. Hints are possible, but so are red herrings. Read at your own risk.

1 - A Secret Never Told :: Reflections
Word count: 2,791 - Reviews: 4 - Rating: Teens - Uploaded on: 6th Jan 13

2 - A Secret Never Told :: If You're Not Good...
Word count: 6,731 - Reviews: 2 - Rating: Teens - Uploaded on: 20th Feb 13

3 - A Secret Never Told :: Among the Clans
Word count: 3,315 - Reviews: 3 - Rating: Teens - Uploaded on: 25th Feb 13

4 - A Secret Never Told :: Camelot
Word count: 6,984 - Reviews: 2 - Rating: Teens - Uploaded on: 18th Mar 13