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Elenna123 posted a comment on Thursday 14th August 2014 2:28pm for After the End

Scamp real name and gender? :)

The Imaginatrix posted a comment on Friday 14th February 2014 7:38pm for After the End

Easy. You revealed neither the names nore genders of either of the new children mentioned. I would like to learn those one day, but I guess I can't have everything. :)

Bialystoker posted a comment on Monday 9th July 2012 3:25pm for After the End

Are you feeling inclined to work on this story anytime soon? I love this 'verse and I'd love to see more of it!

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Friday 1st July 2011 11:51pm for After the End

So why did you conceal the kids' genders and names?

Bialystoker posted a comment on Monday 11th April 2011 4:47pm for After the End

Yay, one more story to wonder about the ending of! :) hope your RL is treating you better than it has been...

Deborahsu posted a comment on Thursday 18th March 2010 3:06pm for After the End

Well, you didn't reveal where Draco & Luna are living ... or why they're driving a car to King's Cross instead of apparating or floo ...

Nice start! I look forward to updates. Thank you SOOOOOO much!

callie posted a comment on Friday 12th March 2010 6:40am for After the End

how did i miss the no genders or real names?
oh i know cause i always want to know whats going to happen so i read to fast...
which makes rereading even more fun!!!

callie posted a comment on Friday 12th March 2010 6:36am for After the End

is it that abby thought there could be abby/draco?

Yay! new story!!!!!

can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. i like exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patches posted a comment on Friday 12th March 2010 5:19am for After the End

This is really interesting. Luna and Draco. Hermione's sister Abby? Abby is a seer! Luna is a seer! Draco is an actor! There has to be more to this story. I hope so anyway. Thanks for and interesting interlude in the "after life"! (Not the big after life the little one!) pms

carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 8:36pm for After the End

Well, two things were not therein, and that's for certain: There were no porper names for any of the children, nor did you tell us whether they were girls or boys. Damn, now I'll have to go back and reread BC to find out what Abby Saw about the kids. At least I have it saved to my nook now (love the epub format!), so I can take it with me. It is impossible to hunt by chapter, though, so I have to set my own bookmarks as I go.

So this appears complete - does that mean it was just a plot bunny that insisted on being addressed before FD comes back to the forefront. And don't forget the Godiva chocolate waiting for you (unless you want some of the chex mix I'm making...).

ilovewhydouneedtoknow posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 8:01pm for After the End

hmm i like it alot its good and im hoping u continue i was alittle worried there when u stopped writing for awhile but this makes up for it :D

paintduckky posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 6:02pm for After the End


Unless I'm just stupid and didn't catch them.

I liked this(:

Anansii posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 5:34pm for After the End

Oh, look at that - on a reread I see that where I thought I saw "he" applied to Scamp it was actually applied to Draco. So the others are right, not only do we not know Scamp's name, we don't even know the sex. Grin.

Anansii posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 5:32pm for After the End

Ooh, more! What you did not reveal.. Luna and Draco's son's actual name?

Ryan Illuser posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 5:14pm for After the End

You didn't tell the sex of Cecilia and Snape's child.

BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 2:32pm for After the End

Hey there!
So great to see you started on the sequel early:)
But... come on! The kid can't be really named SCAMP! No way - and I'm not even sure if it's a boy or a girl (Cecy said Scamp looks a great deal like her when she was small, but that hardly has anything to say!)
And I want to know Cecy and Sev's childs name^^ (once again I'm not so sure about the gender - but perhaps it's just me and I'm going dense...)
Also, what about Ron and Hermione? They're still happy with each other, right?
My my... one chapter and I'm hooked again.

Sooo... update soon again and I wonder what this secret project of yours might be... :)

Greetings, Baltaine

ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 2:24pm for After the End

Ah! This made me so happy!!!!
Um, I noticed you didn't reveal the real names of any of the kids...
And FD!!!!
Please update soon!!!!

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 12:24pm for After the End

Secret Project?!?

Magical Makeovers for my house, perhaps? :)

You didn't mention any names what so ever of children and the announcement said this was a sequel with a quick glimpse ..... this was it?
Way to short my dear Anne. Gimme names and how is everyone doing but ....
The snippet on the Darkness does suggest that something big is coming our way one day, after updating some necessary FD, of course.

I might slip you some 'Mud' pie on my birthday at the end of the month. Lovely thick chocolaty bottom with layers of choco cream, choco meringue and choco cake topped with a layer of .....chocolate!

Tell me where to send it. :D

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 12:21pm for After the End

Oh yes. *cackles a lot* Well, for one thing, you never mention any of the darling children's actual NAMES.

I find that quite interesting. ^^

Hope you're having fun!

Lesa posted a comment on Thursday 11th March 2010 9:29am for After the End

Adorable! Ooh, secret project, sounds fun. There was a clear lack of gender/names on both children - though there's hints that Cecelia and Severus' is male, while I'm guessing Scamp is female. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. Very cute, and I love how Draco's an actor. Fits him, considering all the 'acting' he did that year. Also, there was a lack of mentioning any of the others, and what they might be up to, but that's less important a lack, in a way.