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Nenya posted a comment on Wednesday 11th December 2013 5:56pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

I like that Harry cleaned his sword before leaving the dream world. Little touches like that are one of the things that make this series so special.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd June 2011 6:01am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Happy birthday, very belatedly. Wow, what a cliffhanger! Excellent chapter. I liked the Harry in chainmail dream especially.

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Friday 20th May 2011 12:01pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

evil, evil woman. so glad i don't have to wait for the next chapter. More please.
thanks for writing.

dadscooking posted a comment on Sunday 29th August 2010 5:05pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

I'm finally up to date. Nice world and characters! Happy Birthday! *(even though this would make you a LEO?)

Emma123 posted a comment on Sunday 22nd August 2010 1:40am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

OMG!!!! Why have you stopped writing?!? You can't leave readers hanging it's not polite! I Loooooove Danger verse; Your writing stlye is really good though you need to pollish it up. You sometimes put in unnecessary words. though overall it is really really good! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE!!!!

avidreaderbz posted a comment on Friday 20th August 2010 6:23pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

pitchforks are too tame, how about an army of hungarian horntails?
write woman write! You can't leave them there,, eeeeeeevil!
oh yeah, you dont know me, i've never reviewed before. I found your spries two weeks ago, and now, here we are! I've never managed to find the patience to tell you i love your stories because generally im too eager to get to the next one so... dont really have that problem anymore. Which brings us back to WRITE
in the nicest way possible of course

bz xxx

elizablaine posted a comment on Monday 16th August 2010 1:45am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

No pitchforks, but potion laced bday cake...LOL. Look forward to more of this as soon as your able. Love love love it!!

Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Friday 30th July 2010 2:11am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

I was very surprised to see your update. Was it relief?? Yes, because my son who also reads your stories will give me a break about you updating (for a while.).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Best Wishes for the coming year.

The scene of the battle with Voldemort was well written. It is the first story that I have read where they try to kill him in his dream. I don't know if it would work, but the thought was interesting.

Maybe, if the updates were a bit closer, the 'pitchfork-wielding fans' would be deterred from chasing you!!!!

zyvanume posted a comment on Friday 30th July 2010 1:21am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

great story. no offence, but could the next chapter be of the Pack Parents' point of view? it would realy help pull things together. as for your birthday, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?

callie posted a comment on Wednesday 28th July 2010 9:07pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

that was.... heart pounding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very dramatic i loved every word of it while at the same time wishing it wasn't happening to my favourite fanfic characters!!!!!

Please get the next chapter up as soon as you can!!!! I want Sirius and Letha safe again!!!!!

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 28th July 2010 4:17pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Hooray, at last another update... and another cliffie. Aargh... Happy Birthday anyway, and do get that next update in sometime soon, will you? :)

Well done, btw.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Wednesday 28th July 2010 8:46am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Happy birthday!!!! I love this story series and have been following for I don't know how long now! I hope you have good cake for your birthday! :)

LynnTerald posted a comment on Wednesday 28th July 2010 1:33am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

I keep coming back for more of your writing because I'm masochistic and like torturing myself with cliffhangers. ^_^

Seriously, though, you write like some of my favorite published authors and its a style and fluidity as well as character depth I've rarely seen even among published works (trust me, I've read a LOT of stuff, too). I'm well out of my Harry Potter phase, but I keep coming back for more of your stuff because I love your characters.

Danger is real (pun TOTALLY intended) and relateable. Aletha is interesting. Meghan is sooooo loveable. The relationships have an almost tangible flavor to them and the way you develop your characters is realistic. The balance of fluff and angst in your stories is perfectly balanced and great grammer and puncuation don't hurt one bit (I recently bought a book that made me want to throw it in a fire because it had so many errors).

Aside from that, I also love the twists you add to an already well written series. Its the little things like Merlin's history that really add depth to the world you've created(remade?watever).

And now that I've spent the last ten minutes boring everyone to death, I'm going to go back to rereading your other works. (Yes, I am that totally hooked on your writing that I read my favorites three or four times. I, too, admit to cheching and obsessively for updates. ^_^).

Ryan Illuser posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 11:39pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

umm.... ummm, no really what do you want me to say to that. I'm in shock, Anne how could you do this to me. To all your loyal fans. I'm going to go cry now. Franks DEAD! Leatha and Sirius MISSING! You should be thankful that I can't kill you.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 6:28pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

OK, killing you definitely takes second place to doing the happy dance because you aren't dead. And having done the happy dance because you aren't dead, I cannot then kill you, because then I would get whiplash from having to do the happy dance and the sad dance too close together.

So I guess you get a pass on the whole killing-the-author thing.

This time.

Love the chapter, hate the way I sat staring into space, running the chapter title through my head over and over until my brain finally spit back "When the hurly-burly's done" and I tracked the quote to it's lair. I am old enough that Google is still not my conditioned reflex when I need to attribute something. Ancient, that's me.

Anyway, must dash, just finished queueing on our MMORPG after an hour and a half.

LoneWolfe posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 1:44pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Great chapter, as always... though I must admit, the cliffies are starting to drive me mad!

I can't even begin to describe how thrilled I was to open my indox and find a notification that FD had updated. Although I am not always the best at reviewing, I have been following the Dangerverse since DwD began, and I have loved every second of it.

Thank you for creating such a wonderful universe for us to read about. I look forward to seeing another update notice whenever you choose to surprise us with a new chapter!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I shall try to make it come soon, and resolve the cliffies (though I fear this is far from the last of them) even sooner. You're welcome!

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 11:20am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

....well, hell, now that I've read this I'm EAGER to pack up and move apartments just to give myself something else to think about!

You evil woman, you. XD So much love for the cliffhangers! Happy birthday!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Eh, moving's not so bad. I just did it myself, and now have a nice pair of cats and a friendly roommate to show for it. One of them is in my lap as I type... the cat, not the roommate. Really. I promise.

joy! posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 7:39am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Wonderful work, as usual. Awful cliffie... also as usual.
I'm going to get the pitchforks if you don't update soon. Just so you know.
(And happy birthday, by the way.)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh no, halp halp, pitchforks. I am so very frightened.

LynnTerald posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 3:57am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Pitchfork-weilding is right. Cliff hangers!!!!! I hate them. Happy Birthday, though. I'll be on the lookout for more.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

If you hate them, why are you still reading my writing? *bfeg* Thanks for it whyever you are!

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 3:42am for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

OK, so welcome back, and hurray, new chapter of FD - made me very happy this morning...until I actually read it! And I thought last time's cliffy was a nasty one. So the cubs defeating Voldie, even if it was in a dream, good. Everything else, very very bad. Frank, Penny and Annette - that's just so sad - especially for Neville, Alice and the Weasleys of course. And if that weren't enough we also have a seriously Dark-magic injured Moony and an imprisioned Padfoot, Letha and Percy. Plus the three missing Muggle women, two of whom are related to the DA - and Terry's grandmother is a friend of the Pack as well, correct? So all in all, not very cheery, although, obviously, still brilliant. Why couldn't you post a happy chapter on your birthday?! Happy Birthday, by the way! And I can't think of much else to say, except post again soon, because I have a great need to know what happens next...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I couldn't post a happy chapter on my birthday because this is the chapter that needed writing next. And you think this is a bad cliffie... just wait. (I love saying that.) More as soon as I can manage!