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carolebear posted a comment on Monday 26th July 2010 11:34pm for Chapter 44: When the Battle's Lost and Won (Year 6)

Happy birthday, Anne! I see you are following the Hobbit tradition of giving presents to others on your birthday. I am grateful, and thus reward you with a review in return, but now I'm greedy and want to know more. And I wouldn't dream of chasing you with a pitchfork - I couldn't expect you to write more if you are running for your life. and I'm all about making things easy for you to write more. I will confess to obsessively checking fanficauthors daily to see if you have updated. Yes, I am really that pathetic. I recently reread all the main Dangerverse just to prepare for this new chapter. I'm trying to work out the latest prophecies and figure out what Amanda Smythe has up her sleeve, and trying to figure out a way out for Draco (which probably won't happen, but I live in hope...).

Nooooooo! I want my happy place back! I knew that Bad Things were going to happen in this chapter. You did warn us, after all. I had a really bad feeling that Penelope and little Annette were done for, and I was worried for Percy, too. But Percy and Sirius and Aletha captured by Voldemort? *sniff* I don't think Sirius will do too well in captivity, expecially if there are Dementors involved. And poor Remus. Where is he being cared for? Since the headmaster didn't mention Ginny and Ron, I hope I can assume that they did not sustain any great hurt. Shouldn't they be in the Heart of Hogwarts to protect them? It's the safest place, isn't it?

I think the Pride did quite well - I just wish that dying in a dream would really would get rid of Voldemort. At first I thought that Harry's pendants had fallen off, but of course, they are spelled to stay on unless the wearer removes them. Good thing that Draco and Hermoine are so resourceful. Smart to make Meghan stay back so Moldiewort couldn't hurt her.

I'll have to read through this chapter a few more times to make sure that I have caught everything, so you may hear back from me.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, but I hope I can generate new chapters faster than once a year! You're not greedy, or no more so than the rest of my readers. You're quite right about Sirius, but do remember, he is not without friends. Ginny and Ron, and Luna and Neville, for that matter, are unharmed. They didn't come to Hogwarts because Dumbledore feels the less travel at the moment, the better, and nobody can get into #12 physically to hurt them. I love hearing back, so please read and review away!