Living without Danger
Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
By Anne B. Walsh
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 16th July 2008 1:29am for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
Oh no! No Harry?
I figured out who the crow is! I'm feeling very proud of myself right now. Especially since I guessed it before the "reformed from darkness" (or something like that) line.
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 5:03am for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
oh no!
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 1:52pm for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
Good one.
Rocky235 posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 5:45am for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
No cliffies, no, not for me.
Divorce won't be so bad. I'm sure if I give the judge your story he'll side with me.
I think only 1 or 2% of readers review. You can think of me as 75 readers.
I know, deja moo.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 8:34am for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
I had hoped that Meghan would be a student early this year, but the Pack Parents on staff to some degree this year, and Meghan there as she described is realistic.
But I bet she will enter a year early when she proves herself as sharp as any first year this year.
Thanks for writing.
karina82 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2006 6:54am for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)
"And raven, once redeemed from night,..."
ok now that i'm re-reading the stories i find things i don't remeber seeing an answer for.
like the line on top from lunas vision, did they(pack and pride) ever figuer out who this is? though i'm sure i know who it is.
ilovewhydouneedtoknow posted a comment on Saturday 19th December 2009 4:24pm for Chapter 21: Disclosures and Departures (Year 2)