Living without Danger
Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
By Anne B. Walsh
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 17th July 2007 6:19pm for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
So, Dumbledore may have been wrong about the 'other heir of Slytherin'. It could have been Neville. Couldn't it? After all, the 'H' on his father's ring... Well, that's a spoiler, for anyone who works it out. But, I do know one thing. Aletha's wrong about Ravenclaw blood not being on her side of the family. A reminder: "The Eagle-Hearted Truth must give the Star the sound that helped him live." Remember that line? Make of it what you will, to me it means that Aletha is a Blood Heir herself, even though she doesn't realise it.
Yamainu posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 11:58am for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
Please, don't let it be Percy. Ginny getting taken into the chamber is a major part of her character, one of the main reasons she's good for Harry. Although, considering he hasn't had as much darkness here as in the books, maybe that's not needed AS much.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 2:55pm for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
Good one.
Rocky235 posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 11:23am for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
"He’s going to miss most of his first year. Probably have to take special lessons to make up for it."
That's something I've never seen addressed before.
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 5:55am for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)
You might want to look at and edit Sirius's family history in this chapter. The only ancestors Sirius's mother has that her husband doesn't are Violetta Bulstrode and Irma Crabbe, both of whom are related to persons we know who probably aren't descended from Rowena Ravenclaw. Or if you're planning Aletha to be Rowena's descendant anyway, not Sirius after all, this can stand, but you still ought to know.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Thanks for the info!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 2:49pm for Chapter 27: Memories and Magic (Year 2)