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DrLissa posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 5:23am

Oh, you evil, evil author...*sob*...still, I understand why you did itt. Siss could have told Harry that she had a 'cousin' in the castle, and everything would have happened differently...(Whoops, I'm babbling again. Sorry.)
Great fic.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 1:33pm

What a touching chapter. You've done a wonderful job of making this so.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 12:39pm

Why does this Dudley make me nervous?

I like the idea of redeeming him somehow, but...

Great stuff.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 9:05am

In comparison to canon, this stands to be such a better year.

I cannot imagine how you will make this work even loosely with canon. No Lucius to pass Ginny the diary. How will this happen?

Oh yes, Nott took stuff from Malfoy Manor. Now who will open the chamber?


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 8:34am

I had hoped that Meghan would be a student early this year, but the Pack Parents on staff to some degree this year, and Meghan there as she described is realistic.

But I bet she will enter a year early when she proves herself as sharp as any first year this year.

Thanks for writing.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 8:02am

How can your chapters keep getting better and better?

It must be that you draw us more into the Pack/Pride world and you make it so delightful.


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 7:30am

This is an excellent bit of Harry think:

"He (Harry) tried to imagine their responses.

"Ron will be scared, but think it’s cool too. Hermione will be all "oh, this is terrible." Draco will look at me all quiet and meaningful and just kind of nod. Ginny... I don’t know what she’ll do, she’s still acting weird around me. Luna will say something nobody understands. And Meghan will hug me and promise she’ll stay with me all the way to the end."

Just excellent. Can't wait to see about the heirs thing.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 5:58am

Excellent manner of bringing Harry and Danger peace over their ncessary actions.

Loved it all.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 4:51am

This was brilliant again. I hate that brilliant is becoming a cliche to describe your work. But it is brill.

I don't know about Harry not being the one to really stop Voldie, but this is your tale, and you tell it so well.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 4:30am

Every time I review one of your chapters I end up saying something to the effect that I think you do a brilliant job of morphing canon to your AU perspective.

You did it again. Masterful.

I should probably create a digital rubber stamp telling how brilliant your work is and use it over and over. But you deserve better even if I sound like a broken record singing your praises.

Well done.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 7:38am

FASCINATING twist on the first-trip-into-the-forest scenario.

Amazing story all around.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 6:28am

I feel the excitement building as we get closer to stone saving time.

The dialogue is crisp and well done. I like it all so much.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 6:03am

I love the whole pack thing so very much. What a delight. The sooner we can get Neville in more and brought along with them, the sooner he will be safe.

Three cheers for the prospect of a stronger Neville, sooner than canon.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Friday 3rd March 2006 5:55am

You might want to look at and edit Sirius's family history in this chapter. The only ancestors Sirius's mother has that her husband doesn't are Violetta Bulstrode and Irma Crabbe, both of whom are related to persons we know who probably aren't descended from Rowena Ravenclaw. Or if you're planning Aletha to be Rowena's descendant anyway, not Sirius after all, this can stand, but you still ought to know.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Thanks for the info!

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 1:09am

Read the whole series beginning to end, and am now on second go. Very good story. I thought the 'swear on your music' bit looked familiar first time I read it--Sing the Four Quarters by Tanya Huff, isn't it?

karina82 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2006 6:54am

"And raven, once redeemed from night,..."

ok now that i'm re-reading the stories i find things i don't remeber seeing an answer for.
like the line on top from lunas vision, did they(pack and pride) ever figuer out who this is? though i'm sure i know who it is.

karina82 posted a comment on Monday 27th February 2006 11:44am

ewwww, i so had forgotten about this chapter and what the pack thought about.

karina82 posted a comment on Sunday 26th February 2006 1:21pm

did you ever explain who "MFT loves TMR" was? i'm trying to remember if it come up again in this story or Dealing with Danger.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

No, it never has come up again... :-)

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 20th February 2006 2:42am

That was good. The variations from canon were well done, and imaginative. The characters were human, flawed, and (for the most part) people I care about. I'm glad you're continuing with the story.

Excellent technical work, good plot, characterization, and again with the poems! Whay is it always poems?

Thanks for sharing your time and tallent and posting this.

Tom A.

Meg posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:05pm

Wicked. I know where I'm "going" tomorrow!

Thanks for another awesome story!
