By Anne B. Walsh
Zarz posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2008 3:23pm
This story is incredible! I love the Danger series, and I can't wait to read the next! About the one thing you didn't go into was how Hermione and Harry were still fighting when she was petrified. Obviously they don't care much about that any more, but you might want to put in some note about apologies. Besides that, however, I love this story and the characters, and the interactions between them!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 4:36am
which means that peter is going to escape...oh how sad...and someone else too...and what does that last vision mean...hmmm...i wonder...and is the next story done...or not? with my luck its not...oh well...
off to start year 3...and then 4
CodeRomance posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 4:08am
wow...the new snake! haa i love it!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 3:44am
GINNY! she's the only one not there! BLOODY HELL
CodeRomance posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 3:00am
oh and also...i think that neville's power has to be from his animagus form maybe...he can turn into that monkey thing...that can invisible...either that or he's an heir!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd January 2008 2:59am
oh joy!
brilliant work Neville!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 4:38pm
shite...ok so ginny didnt attack them...someone attacted her...took the diary...and then let the basilisk out...but has to be percy...thats the only one that makes any sense!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 4:16pm thats why ginny left so early...but gosh! its just starting...i mean...them liking each other!! oohhh and and percy's such a git! and there was something else i wanted to say but i cant figure it out...oh now i know...first norbert...and then..."spiders flee before it" heehee...follow the spiders...heeheeheeeheee
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 3:40pm
lol great chapter...nothing to amazing except! GINNY! cannot have the diary...even if it is supposed to make her her...because of the whole incident or whatever...argg!...but i guess it really is a good thing so i'll not complain...too much!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 3:14pm
oh no!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 2:49pm
*sigh* gave me quite a scare....and i hate i hate...Nott
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 1:09pm
wait so she's not just the choosen heir that they choose earlier in the story...she's the actual blood heir!?
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 12:48pm
WHAT nothing you can do! he's dying! what a load of crap!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 12:19pm
i was so hoping she was just petrified! that sucks! well i want harry to get a new pet now! another he can talk to them!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 11:55am
wow even the snake likes to fly! and poor sirius he doesnt even realize that meghan's already got her man! lol
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 5:27am
ok so nothing to do with the Chamber?
ps or is there?
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 5:03am
oh no!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 3:05am
bloody brilliant! really amazing! i loved it! now ginny and harry ginny and harry! lol i'm being silly!
CodeRomance posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 2:41am
hmm very interesting...and they should defentley
get extra chores for this...but still ooohh aahhh
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 2:39am