Surpassing Danger
Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
By Anne B. Walsh
LynnTerald posted a comment on Tuesday 11th June 2013 8:44pm for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
It wasn't as good as him being there, not even close. Even if Luna does end up pregnant by him and Alex's bloodline is restarted, it still won't be as good as having him there , but it is something and that is better than nothing. I'm still waiting for Lucius to die horribly and painfully and for Draco to pull off something amazing and maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm still holding to Danger's first ever dream of her and Moony getting married and all of the cubs being there.
And, yes, yes, before you point it out, I realize that you have said on more than one occasion that a true dream can always change, that it doesn't have to happen, but its been there since the beginning, since before the Pack even existed and its something nice to hold to in these darker moments of the story. Combine the dream with one of your other side stories and I'm hoping something in particular is going to go down and that Luna's dream of the tombstone wasn't everything it seemed to be.
Ok, with that rant done, let's get on with seeing what old Lucky has to say to Draco and how he plans to "bring the pack under control" *scoffs at the idea*. Moron that he is, I think I already have an idea of what its going to be. I've made it this far with Fox and I'm not gonna duck out on him here just cause it hurts more than it should, so with that said...*hits the next button*
Anne B. Walsh replied:
No, it wasn't as good, but it wasn't nothing. And everything you want may yet happen... hold onto hope even when it looks like there is none left, because remember, this is an Anne story, with everything that entails...
karm23 posted a comment on Sunday 9th June 2013 10:35pm for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
Fell behind on reviews... Trying to catch up now...
Great chapter, I loved it that the ceremony was simple, and Draco was able to be there, if only in dream form... and giving the Resurrection stone to them like that? very sneaky... Hoping to see how that will play itself out!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
The fact of Dumbledore's giving it is also significant... you'll see why later!
Erika Shulkusky posted a comment on Tuesday 21st May 2013 8:44am for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
Ah, the game is afoot.....the classic cliffhanger. I am glad that Harry and Ginny were married; a glimmer of light in a bleak situation. I would like to read "Cat Tales;" my ereader is a Nook, is tit available on Barnes and Noble? If not, I will check out Amazon and get it on my iPad.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Smashwords does sell EPUB files, and Cat Tales will upload to Barnes and Noble within the next couple weeks. Take your pick!
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 16th May 2013 6:29am for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
Lovely chapter and a lovely way to give them some peace after so much pain. Sniff.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*passes tissues*
Nenya posted a comment on Wednesday 15th May 2013 4:23pm for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
I was so pleased to see this chapter! I'm working away this week so it was a perfect treat, doubly so because it was a moment we've been waiting for for so long. I think you hit on the perfect tone for the wedding - hopeful, but sad. It felt just right after everything that happened the night before.
I loved this little exchange between Luna and Ginny:
"I saw you first. That means you're mine."
"I saw him nearly as soon," Luna pointed out, opening the door for them. "But you always did like him better. Except when you didn't."
I also really like that Draco stood best man at the wedding. That was a really poignant touch.
I'm glad they can share dream worlds with their Fox, although I'm guessing this is a temporary respite and things are still going to get worse before they get better? Still, going back to the London den was lovely, it meade me feel all nostalgic - maybe I'll go back and do a re-read from the beginning, see if I can pick up any clues.
I know we're pulling nearer and nearer to the big showdown and Harry's destiny, but I'd like to request a little more of Percy and Crystal, if that's possible. I love what you did with A Secret Never Told :)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
No worries, Percy and Crystal will be back!
callie posted a comment on Sunday 12th May 2013 11:47pm for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)
Wedding was gorgeous!
confused about what Luna meant...
and I hate Lucious Malfoy!!!!!!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You'll find out what Luna meant down the road. No worries yet.
hermionegranger579 posted a comment on Saturday 30th May 2020 10:19pm for Chapter 27: And He Almost Deserved It (Year 6)