Surpassing Danger
Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 14th June 2013 4:08am for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
LOL at the little words scene. (And at your review reply!)
I like the way you gently send up book 7 - the whole running about was quite ridiculous it's true.
Loved the way you had Fox looking after himself. That was so sweet.
Great chapter and thanks for updating so fast.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
And JKR says that's her favorite HP book... meh. YW!
tocom81 posted a comment on Friday 14th June 2013 1:41am for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
I guess, somehow Draco managed to hide in his mind and just left his 4 year old self from just before the pack came to the manor in charge. So Amandas poem could mean the long-imprsoned youth is this Draco and the pack should see through this before doing something that could in result harm Fox = Draco in hiding in his mind.
Do I make any sense?
Well, I am so curious as to how this all going to play out and I like that the story is getting more drive than the original did. I remeber going up the walls about the long time Harry, Hermione and Ron were only running around without knowing what to do in DH.
So, great chapter - looking forward to the next one!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You make excellent sense. And yes, the running around irked me. Couldn't Dumbledore have made slightly better plans than that?
Nenya posted a comment on Friday 14th June 2013 1:21am for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
Whee! :D I recognised the bit from Be Careful, though not the stars around the moon. And Luna knows about the other worlds...why am I not surprised? :P not sure what her little bit of iambic tetrameter is though, or what it's got to do with Amanda's letter. "Spare the one on whom it's cast" - I know you're not following canon, but that does sound like it might be a human horcrux. Anyway, great stuff as ever; I eagerly await the next update!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Think about the world of Homecoming for the other bit. And not quite a human Horcrux... not quite...
callie posted a comment on Thursday 13th June 2013 5:56pm for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
Is what Luna said really what I think it is? That just "immature bad Draco" will die and somehow "mature good Draco/Fox" will live? That would be amazing! I love it when Luna is sneaky! Also cleaver trick for finding the horcruxes!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oh, maybe it could mean that. Maybe.
jua-chan posted a comment on Thursday 13th June 2013 5:24pm for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)
this is another great chapter. i ma curious what luna is refering to though i have my own little suspishions.
I am glad that they are not just groping around in the dark for the horcruxes. that always annoys me. I much prefer when they figure out a way to find the things.
I wonder what is in that letter? well i guess we will find out eventually.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yeah, I could have done without it in canon. Ah well, that's what fanfic is for!
Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 13th July 2013 2:32pm for Chapter 31: Soul-Searching (Arc 7)