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AnnaTigg posted a comment on Monday 16th September 2013 9:30am for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

Argh again. Some amazingly brilliant stuff, as usual, but defintely a BYOT chapter. Liked the Hermione/Hannah conversation and the stuff in Dumbledore's office. More soon please - very intrigued by the anti-DA and how that might be dealt with. And indeed, more Draco would be appreciated...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

More Draco on the way, I promise!

Nenya posted a comment on Monday 9th September 2013 10:15am for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

Oh, no!!! :( But...what else could he have done?

I should have seen it coming, though - who else would Maya more than anybody else be weeping for?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Precisely, on both counts.

Dangams posted a comment on Monday 9th September 2013 9:26am for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

GRAHAM! :( Great sadnesss.

But... does this mean that Natalie and Zach are now protected from Alecto?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

It might. And it also means that Alecto has a great, great many people exceedingly angry with her.

Phil Boswell posted a comment on Monday 9th September 2013 12:52am for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

So kind of like what you did to them in "Be Careful" but the other way around. So out of three versions of this pairing so far, you've let them live once. Do you get the feeling they'd like you to look at someone else for a change? ;-)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I'm sure. But it was going to happen.

kendiara posted a comment on Sunday 8th September 2013 7:48pm for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

Well that sucked, I love Graham. I honestly felt like Hannah was going to be the one killed, mostly because Hermione wants her to remind her about letting people know about each other before sorting them apart.

Nice Who homage to sneak in there...wouldn't that be a fun crossover :) Just a silly one shot about the Dr giving Albus a gift to keep people from barging into his office without him knowing...

Also I'd totally love to be a fly on the wall to hear Snape, Flitwick, and Sprouts reaction to the loyalty test...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Probably along the lines of "You want us to ask our students WHAT?!"

Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Sunday 8th September 2013 6:42pm for Chapter 34: No Time At All (Arc 7)

"Whoever forms the next Pride, I hope it includes some Hufflepuffs." Hufflepuffs should take to Prides like ducks to water. It's exactly the kind of thing they'd love. "Two of one, four of the other." Natalie's smile beamed even brighter. "Just like everybody else." Except the Packcubs, who have four of one, and I'm not sure how many of the other. Sirius's parents don't really count, and I'm not sure how to count the Grangers ... Spell-breaking year wrapped up just in time, didn't it? I love it when prisoners escape on their own before the rescue team gets there :) Huh. I wasn't expecting Graham to go. I was worried it would be Zach. (Is it bad that I'm more invested in Zach than Graham? Maybe it's because I'm also reading Defying Gravity.) I didn't think you'd forgotten about Draco - how could I, I'd almost forgotten about him myself ... Now I'm trying to remember what my prediction about his story was, so I can see if I was right.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yeah, Hufflepuffs'll do well in Prides. Or Cetes. And biologically, that's how many parents and grandparents everybody has. Zach is an adorable little baby (or written that way) so I don't think you're too bad...