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Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 1st June 2015 5:24pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Ginger Malfoys! ROFLOL! Wonderful chapter.

Nenya posted a comment on Saturday 28th December 2013 6:40am for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

A thought...didn't Greyback turn to ash when Hermione stabbed him? So those ashes are not necessarily Draco's - because I can't believe that Lucius's magic would really supercede Gryffindor fire-powers...

Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 19th October 2013 10:04pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Draco, not Lucius, due to some of the phases used... or else the prolonged contact with Draco's mind had more affect on him than he do like to keep us guessing, don't you?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

But of course!

kendiara posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 10:01pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Lucius calling Hermione kitten? I'm calling shenanigans on that being right. I'm still voting for polyjuice and Draco being alive. If not I'm writing my own AU of an least in my head because I can't actually write lol.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

To mess with her head, because Kitten is the name she only accepts from her father... only Lucius, in a cruel and twisted way, is her father.

Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 9:28pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

"Tell me the Heir of Slytherin lies buried in Godric's Hollow" ... And now I know where Alex is buried, don't I. "Perhaps I can find someone with artistic talent who might be interested in rendering it for me…" Fan art. Lucius wants fan art of *himself*. And I have nothing to say about the more serious parts of the chapter, apparently. I'm enjoying it, though, and very interested to see how it all plays out.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

He does. He's also, very subtly, threatening Luna.

Dangams posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 2:14pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)


Anne B. Walsh replied:

*goes and gets tongue depressor*

Nenya posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 1:51pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Huzzah, another update!

" Tell me the Heir of Slytherin lies buried in Godric's Hollow and I might believe you" - oooh. I BELIEVE THAT. Though I'm not sure who it is...a Dumbledore, a Potter or a Peverell...hmm...

I'm not sure I totally believe in Draco's death. "A secret hope hides in the light"...wasn't that how it went? I doubt the real Lucius would be happily quoting Lloyd-Webber, either. I continue to keep my fingers crossed!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

That was the line... though Lucius might do that to mess with Hermione's head!

Matilda17 posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 1:49pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Hmm.I am not great at figuring out what's going on, but I don't think that Draco has really been killed.

Can I just say THANK YOU for the suddenly-constant updates? I love it!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

You're welcome!

Prongsie posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 11:05am for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Weeeeeeeell... You're good at this, aren't you? We many, happy DV-readers, being deceived time and time again by the not-so-evil writer... Which is, I suppose, why we like your stories so much. Anyway, on with the review!

I have to re-read everything decently soon, but for now: Draco dead? I don't buy it, I really don't. We would have seen a vengeant Luna, I think. Or heard something from her. Anyway, Lucius has either been fooled or he's not Lucius but Draco who will now go back to the DEs to spy on them... No, that's Snape who will be going back. Hmm.

Though I do think Draco stole Aletha's stuff. No way Lucius could have known about that, unless... He did see Draco's memories, right? Crap. There goes that theory. But I still think it's Draco. The Pack-parents reacted too strangely to the news of the break-in for it to be Lucius. I think/hope.

Hermione will have to be and stay strong, I'm afraid. She has some ass-kicking to do in the near future (I hope) and will need her concentration! As for Harry... He's grown up so well, hasn't he? I like how McGonagall has folded herself into the role of Headmistress, though it is sad to see Dumbledore go. Happily, I like your version of the facts a lot better than Rowling's! Yay for you!

Can't wait til the next chapter (pretty please and so on)!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Luna believes she knows when she will have her vengeance.

bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 2:10am for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Now this chapter is BYOT -- at least two. But I was right in my answers to the Author's Note in Chapter 38. Neenie _is_ too smart to be deceived.

Or I might say... It is not so easy to fool little cat-girls as it used to be. (Credit to James Thurber for the original)

But OMG. Lucius left Hermione alive after telling her how he killed Draco. As well anger a free Elf as Neenie, especially when she still has 7/8 of the Pack to back her up.

It occurs to me that Ron's little vision problem/enhancement has not played a part in the last several chapters. If I were "continuity directory," I would suggest it's time to bring that into play again lest the readers think you have forgotten.

Anyway, thank you for yet another fine chapter.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

As requested. And yes, Lucius had better watch his back.

buffarama posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 1:20am for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

shiny birthday pressie, even if you are evil panther.

lucius stole letha's money? but that doesn't make sense....

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Why not? He needs money and they cleaned out his Gringotts vault, even if he could get to Diagon Alley without magic...

Phil Boswell posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 12:37am for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)


Well, I thought I knew what was going on, and now I'm wondering…who was that auburn-haired man and where was he sitting?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

He was at the Founders' Castle, and who he was... well... you'll see!

katethebookworm posted a comment on Wednesday 16th October 2013 11:53pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

You know, I've been reading fanfiction for probably ten years now. In all that time, I've never found a story I've reread so often as your Dangerverse. Thanks for creating a believable, interesting Harry Potter AU :) You're a very talented writer, even if your cliffhangers do make me anxious!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Do I say "thank you" or "mwahahaha"?

carolebear posted a comment on Wednesday 16th October 2013 11:05pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod! Another chapter!

Okay. *breathes deeply and regularly* I can accept Dumbledore's passing; I guess it truly was his time. But I canNOT accept that Lucius got the better of Fox. Harry would have put safeguards on the parchment that would not allow the fire to hurt Fox. So even if what Lucius said was true about the spell ending, he would not have been killed by the fire. This must be a ruse. *smiles weakly* Right? *sniffs* My bet is that it was Lucius that was immolated and somehow Fox is in Lucius' body? (I want to believe the first, but the second part doesn't sound right.) And then there's the fact that Neenie's nose told her it was Lucius. (Or was the potion he used on her messing with her nose? And would his nose tell him all the same things that the Pack's do; owuld he be smart enough to figure them out? Unfortunately, probably so.)

And finally, why is one of the Founders in the castle watching? Or is that Dumbledore's ghost; wasn't he auburn haired? And I'm still waiting to see who Slytherin's heir is (not any closer to guessing, though, unless it's my first guess, since Luna is a Seer and that's Slytherin's gift, right?

Oh well, forgive the ramblings of a rabid fan. I had to review now, because if I don't, I might forget. Big mooshy hugs to you for being such a wonderful author!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yeah, that does seem like a bit of an odd idea (Fox in Lucius's body). Not horrible, though.

Tiger posted a comment on Wednesday 16th October 2013 9:40pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

What does Lucius spells have to do with the spells that were on fox's parchment fire? Wasnt that all Harry's work? Also I bet the heir of slytherin is burried in Godric Hallow

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, but. But. And you could always be right.

triciaelbl posted a comment on Wednesday 16th October 2013 9:02pm for Chapter 40: Tonight (Arc 7)

Noooo....Ok I knew it was coming, but oh so sad....My heart breaks for the pack and pride. Somewhere, though, in my deepest heart, I wonder if it is true, though. Is there not some glimmer of hope for Fox yet?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

You keep hoping, honey.