Surpassing Danger
Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
triciaelbl posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 7:31am for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
I loved sharing the grief of everyone in this chapter. Can't wait to see how it comes together!
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 6:46pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
Oddly, this chapter -- where the remaining pack- and pride-mates mourn Fox, needed more tissues than the previous one.
And once again we run into "Valentine". Can't be helped, you started this AU long before DH came out and we found what who "R.A.B." was. You could do a mass edit easily enough, but then the whole "Valentina Jett" thing wouldn't work if Sirius's middle name were Orion or Deneb or Castor or Polaris or Vega or (God help us) Betelgeuse.
Ah well, such a strange thing. All the major deviations from Canon don't bother me, but this one minor one does.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, that is rather odd. And sadly, I have no way to do a mass edit. Every chapter is a separate entity so I would need to reread the entire Dangerverse and individually edit each place where the name appears.
tocom81 posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 2:40am for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
I will NOT believe it until after the last word of the DV is published. If he is not back until then I will wait for an epilogue and only if he has not returned then to marry Luna, have kids and live his life in peace, I will start to believe that you have really done this unbelievable, unthinkable, unspeakable thing!
And thank you, by the way, for the fast updates!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Tiger posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 12:18am for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
I wonder if the person who is joining the pride at halloween is Albus and not Draco. Or Draco is actually dead, but he gets somehow brought back via the resurrection stone or some other maneuver. He cannot remain dead, otherwise I have an extra pitchfork. In all seriousness I loved this chapter, especially Luna's interaction with everyone else.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I've bucked JKR on many things, but not that. No spell can reverse true death.
kendiara posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 11:30pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
I refuse to believe in Draco's demise.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You do that, sweetheart.
warthog1984 posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 11:05pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
Evil, evil, evil Author. I'll wait until tomorrow to determine if you get run out on a rail or not ;). Lots of waiting... Good chapter, IF things turn out acceptably for the Pack and Pride. Fortunetly, tomorrow is a light day at work, so I'll have time for reading once it is posted. Update!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Mwahahahaha. *hides*
Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 10:43pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
*screams* They're going to turn Malfoy Manor into Fidelius Manor! Is Remus descended from the Beauvois in DV-main, too? "Straight through the hoop I wouldn't." Did you mean this to echo the Muggle expression 'damn straight'? Because it does, making this a very good piece of invented Wizard English. Sirius giving Draco permission to take his NEWTs sounds significant somehow. Maybe he'll enroll at Hogwarts-in-the-sky or something. "Barbara Allen" and Neville's roses - and from his heart grew a red, red rose, if I remember correctly.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, yes they are. And yes, Remus is descended from the Beauvoi daughter. And yes, that's exactly what I meant it to sound like!, that's a yes-y reply...
carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 8:58pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)
Yeah, I knew that Harry would have put safeguards onto the fire that he gave Draco, but of course he goes and blames himself anyway. Typical Harry. I loved how Ginny fussed some sense into him.
Oh dear, Draco really is gone... I had hopes... But I was wrong...
So many things have been put into motion; I really don't know how you manage to keep track of them. I didn't need the tissues right now, but I usually fall apart about the time of the funeral, so my time is coming. I'm very curious as to Luna's plans. It seems like I have this figured out, but it's just at the edge of my mind. I look forward to the next chapter. Well, not really, since I don't want what is going to happen to happen in case it goes badly. I guess it's more that I look to the idea of the next chapter. Let's leave it at that.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*sends hugs* Nitpicky fans and losing track of the details of my actual life.
Leleni posted a comment on Tuesday 14th January 2014 2:29pm for Chapter 41: Forgiveness and Permission (Arc 7)