Surpassing Danger
Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
jua-chan posted a comment on Monday 28th October 2013 5:41pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
For so long I was holding on to the desperate believe that Lunas vision was not what it seemed. That maybe it was Draco in Lucius body, that maybe she finished what she started and punished Lucius for his atrocities. But this, this is so sad. And it is going to devastate the Pride. Oh Luna, LUna what has happened to you, I really really hope that all is not as it seems but sadly the world is a cruel place and in a war people will be lost. First Albus then Draco now Luna. And in such a short time too. Oh no. I wish I had listened and brought tissues. This is so sad.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*sends tissues, and hugs*
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Sunday 27th October 2013 11:40am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Oh, my! I wonder what trap Lucius has fallen into! Starwing's human mind may be gone, but somehow I suspect there is still something there.
I'll admit, though, that I'm a bit disappointed in the legerdemain you used to make the words in the propecy "true":
Did you love him so much, the one who lies buried here?"
"No, I suppose I didn't,"
Because she still does? The past is false because it is still present? Really? Couldn't you do better than that?
It's not often that I fault you (or any other author) over something like this, but this one just plain feels wrong. Like it doesn't match the tone of the story at all.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
True enough. But in this case, there are reasons.
swhitehouse posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 7:56am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Excellent as always! Lucius is turning out to be quite an interesting villain, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I enjoy writing him. He's just so good at being bad.
Nenya posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 4:23am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Ooh, two updates! Very exciting.
I'm not quite sure what to make of it all...although I don't recall Draco or Luna ever using their red gems, so maybe those rings are more than they seem. I'm pretty sure there's more going on here than there appears to be, because we are dealing with the Queen of Sneaky, but quite what the truth is I haven't worked out. Draco's funeral was very touching, and yet I can't bring myself to cry. In DV, I no longer believe in characters' deaths unless they die in their own viewpoint, or we've seen a body. Possibly not even then ;) plus there's those snippets you posted a while back - with Mr. Fox who'd lost his magic for a time, and "Lucius" taking Hermione "captive" then revealing he was more than he seemed. I won't believe it (I won't, I won't!) - until we have total proof, as in a scene of Draco up at Founders' Castle or something similar. "A secret hope hides in the light" after all...and what was the point in Aletha healing Lucius (apart from *that* scar) if it wasn't going to be of use to Pack and Pride some day? On a different note, I liked this approach to the story of Ariana; much better to have it out like this and stop Rita Skeeter being able to sell all those lies and half-truths.
Yay, year seven! Almost there! Are we close to the bit where "the queens shall ride the lion bold"? Will the stories of the Founders' spouses be revealed in mainline? When will the freshest blood be twined with Founders' line? Please don't lay off the updates too much; I know what NaNo can be like, but could we maybe have an unofficial Dangerverse NaNo in December? :D Thanks, as always, for carrying on with this!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Not pendant gems in the rings... good try though! Thanks for the idea, btw. And yes, we will have a little bit about the Founders' spouses, and the queens will indeed ride the lion. In chapters 62 and 63, I think.
Tiger posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 2:15am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
I dont even know where to begin. While I have not been reading for 9 years, it has been a few years and we have finally gotten to the vision. I tried to follow everything Luna says and I have my own suspicions. Also the rings in the end are important I bet. They are probably heir of slytherin rings. You said that true death will not be healed, but so far the only person who died true death that we know for sure is Albus.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oooh, you're good.
warthog1984 posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 2:14am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Lucius IS Draco. Draco is Lucius. Lucius is Draco. Oh god, Draco is a Malfoy!!! Ehwww.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
...only in the Dangerverse would that last sentence not be greeted with a resounding "Duh".
Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 1:34am for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Congratulations on hitting the anniversary! (Anne-iversary?). Lots of things going on right now, competing possible theories, and threads that I suspect won't really come together for a while. What's happening in the text as presented seems a little too straight or one-sided to be real, and there's certainly gaps in what we know, but I could also quite easily binterpreting those gaps via wishful thinking. I may just have to stop theorizing for a few chapters.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 9:46pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
I had completely forgotten in all my upset that the new resident "upstairs" could be Albus. Duh! The message from Alex was phrased so that we couldn't tell for sure, though.
I almost needed tissues, but I kept getting interrupted by family before it could get too bad, strangely enough. (then I would come back and read some more) So Luna's vision has come to pass. I am wondering, though, how Lucius happened to have the Imprimatus on hand; he was planning on using it on Draco if he couldn't get him under control, wasn't he? I guess this means that Luna isn't the heir of Slytherin, either. *sigh* So I'm out of ideas on that front.
I'm thinking about the prophecy: "A long awaited night of pain Brings dreadful loss, yet also gain; Despite the words, the theft, the flight, A secret hope hides in the light." Still don't know what it all means, but I think it refers to today. And didn't you write some stories with possible "outtakes" from the DV? This sounds really familiar. I need to go find it. And while I would love for you to tell me what Luna Saw when she looked at Lucius, I suppose I must be patient. It would be really helpful if I could remember who else had red hair besides Ginny and Anne (and all the other Weasleys).. Wait, Percy is the only Weasley with black hair, right? Hmmm. And speaking of the Weasleys, we haven't heard anything from Fred lately, either. Double hmmm...
You have really spoiled us these last few weeks, so I won't be too upset if it takes a while. Feel free to drop hints over on FB; I didn't realize there was a group until last week!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
No, Percy's also a redhead. But Dumbledore was a ginger before he went white... hee. The Imprimatus came from Draco's dagger, which Luna had planned on using on Lucius...
Anansii posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 8:27pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Scream? Nah - now we know that the tombstone never had a body under it, that nobody has SEEN a body, and Luna says he's been talking to her. Lucius' word is... well dubious at best. I has my doubts... In all events, We're past the prophecy point, and anything can happen.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Well, there's definitely ashes that used to be a body interred there.
Dangams posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 8:24pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
Ahhhhhhhhh. Has what I think might have happened, actually happened? Or am I misreading a line in the last chapter, and it's all gone horribly wrong. Hrm. We shall see.
In other news, Happy Birthday Dangerverse!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I don't know, what do you think has happened?
kendiara posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 7:07pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)
See if we scream at you then you're going to get sad and not write. At that point we'd have to wait forever and ever for you to finish, and if I yelled as much as I want to it would probably be a lot like Meghan when Harry fell from his broom. But louder and meaner and less magic-y. I loved that Albus was smart enough to realize that story would get out and cut it off at the knees. It probably is a lot easier to think about those kind of things when you aren't the only one doing all the things. (Having help with the Pride and the Pack instead of cannon HHR only). I find Lucius interesting in the last few chapters. Much more like the Lucius of old and less the mangy werewolf. We've had a lot of lessons on how the wolf effects people and while Mare's healing turned him back to pretty, I don't know how much she could have reversed the wolf. He was well on his way to Fenrir Greyback and far away from suave Malfoy. The rings are interesting too...since as far as I can remember neither Luna nor Draco have used their red gems. Basically I pretty much am ending most every review from now until the end of the 'Verse with: I refuse to believe in Draco's demise.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, well... all kinds of interesting things happen. And those aren't pendant gems in the rings, though good try!
Prongsie posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2014 3:13pm for Chapter 42: When All Is Fair (Arc 7)