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Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 1st June 2015 7:50pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

That's a really, really good ending to the leadership thing. Padfoot is a beta, Remus may be an alpha but he's also a werewolf, and that was just genius. Love it.

Embeker posted a comment on Monday 13th January 2014 4:27pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Hello. I just want to say that i love your work very much. So much so that i forget about my duties at work and sometimes read a few chapters instead of doing my job (and ireally hope none of my superiors knows my nick to trace it to me). But to my shame i am not a computer person and a terible user so for me to create an account here and leave this note is a fit in itself ;) i am telling this because i just do not know what a blog is and how to handle it. Please please do not feel used. You are not!!! You are very much appreciated and liked. You are tremendously tallented. Words like you and it is felt that you like them in return. I await every chapter with as little patience as a baby posseses. I solemly swear that i will learn how handle amazon or where your work is sold and read whatever i can find there that you have written. Thank you so much for all you hard work you have already put in this story and thank you in advance for all your future efforts! Health and prosperity to you and yours. Elina

bialystoker19 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd January 2014 1:31am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Just finished a three-week, massive reread of the entire DV. :) Very pleasant way of spending my Christmas break. I have some questions, some observations, and some guesses for you. - Dealing with Danger ch. 14 - is the core of Nevile's wand related to Meghan's? - DwD ch. 21 - Haha , I see what you did there - Hermione's a queen both in name and Animagus form! (A female cat is called a queen.) Was that what you were going for? - SD ch. 43 - how does Malfoy know Snape is the spy? And why does this not blow Snape's cover? - One Britpicky thing that's always bothered me - why does Danger, a single woman in England, drive a truck? Nearly everyone in Europe drives cars unless they need a truck for their job, no? - Guess #1 - the Final Battle will be on Halloween. #2 - Both Luna and Draco are going to be back corporeally by said battle. Luna's situation hardly looks hopelesa, and all we have to prove Draco's body is ash is Malfoy's word, no? And Alex said Draco'd be able to come back for Halloween. #3 - The ribbon pattern on Starwing's cloak is going to be important. I love rereading your stories and figuring out the foreshadowing and the clues. Going back is like doing a puzzle - you get to see the whole picture or most of it, and then you put it together.

Geoffrey posted a comment on Wednesday 25th December 2013 8:11am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

The problem I have with Mr. Weasley in the role is that he was never set up as a leader. He may be likeable enough, but he lacks experience and skill. He also has a documented history of corruption (using his power to punish personal enemies, accepting bribes, etc...). From Harry's perspective, he's wise and knowledgable, but I don't know that I'd be comfortable following him myself if I were there.

I actually thought you were setting up Remus as the leader. While the cannon version would be terrible, your version is a well-respected, experienced leader and teacher. Not to mention he's a Lion, which is a not-so-subtle symbol for "King". And while he has a lot on his plate, that's what delegation is for. And besides, that would make Harry the "Heir" (so many bad puns that will now go unsaid!). But, well, it seems the decision is made.

But thanks for the story, I enjoy it all anyways, and Merry Christmas!

Dangams posted a comment on Monday 16th December 2013 8:52pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Haha, Highland Hannah. Most amusing. :D

And yay, Sword of Decision. I've been waiting for this moment for years, for the spells on the sword to be shown. :)

Finally: Hail Arthur, King of the Britons!

buffarama posted a comment on Sunday 15th December 2013 3:30pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

wasn't clear, sorry. do like. can see muggles being unhappy and causing problems, though. that was what the 'aww, shande' was for. princess ginevra and the like make me snicker :)

SerenityLily posted a comment on Saturday 14th December 2013 1:39am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Hey Anne!

Brilliant chapter, as always :) I was quite surprised by the choice of Arthur, though, since previous scenes in which the characters talked about how Remus has developed as a leader made me think he would be the Minister... But I'm still glad it's Arthur, though! Looking forward to seeing more scenes of the Ministry in exile!

AND OMG HARRY AND SIRIUS AMUSING THE KIDS IS SO CUTE ASDFGHJKL okay gushing done hahaha but it's such a nice scene to imagine :)

And now, the news.... I'm turning 16 in three days! yay! so then I'll be eligible to open an account with the bank which means... I can soon start buying your books :)))))) I am so looking forward to reading them :D (okay maybe I use too many emoticons???)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Remus is leading the Order. He wouldn't be accepted by the Ministry at large, because he is still a werewolf. And too many emoticons... nonsense! Happy birthday btw!

Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Saturday 14th December 2013 12:13am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

"putting on her best 'I know what I am doing and everything will be all right now' smile, as taught by Professor Alice Longbottom the year before.

It's the face that got me through O.W.L.s, but will it work on a war? "

Ah, now that's a good teacher, teaching exam-taking techniques which are very, um, applied. And useful even after you're done the exam.

As someone who's in the middle of finals right now, I focused on that, but the rest of it was good too. :)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Hey, Alice wasn't just teaching them how to pass O.W.L.s. She was teaching them how to fight.

n4zhg posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 4:05pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

"Visualization of the Cosmic All"?

Dating yourself a bit there. :)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yep, I sure am... if you take into account that I was reading my mother's copies of the Lensman series, shortly after devouring her stack of Heinlein juveniles.

PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 3:33pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)


I can honestly say that I think that he'll be a glorious leader.

Also, in terms of your origional work--I totally indend on buying...I just need the money first. I'm kinda going through a broke period... :( As soon as I have money, I'm buying A Widow in Waiting, Homecoming, and A Dinner of Herbs.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I do understand about broke periods, and thanks for letting me know!

jua-chan posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 11:48am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Yay, another chapter. Arthur being chosen as leader was not really a surprise for me, but it was still very nice to read. I am really happy that Harry isn't the leader. He may be maturer than most kids but he is still just a kid.

The scene with the Semtex was funny. I like Molly a lot and it does sound a bit like lack of common sence to put explosives into what is esentially a refugee camp.

So Sanctuary is finally being used. I can't wait to seee how that goes and if there is anything its builders might not have taken into account. The scene with the dogs and the kids was cute. Well done.

I am still waiting for the revelation of what Hermione put into her dagger. I am not sure if I mentioned it last chapter but I really liked what Megan did with hers.

So we are moving swiftly to all out war. While I dread the horrible things that are likely to occure I can't wait for Voldemort to get what he deserves in the end (although that is still far in the future I think).

I always enjoy reading your stories and I can understand that feedback is important. Can't wait to see what happens next.

P.S. After 5 months of waiting I will finally get my hands on a hard copy of cat tales. Looking so forward to reading it ;)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Ah, thanks for the reminder about Hermione's dagger! It will be in the next chapter. Yes, horrible things will happen, but so will good ones.

Nenya posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 2:29am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Huzzah, a brand new chapter! Absolutely loved it - although I think the stars were the elder Weasleys, Molly for sorting out the girls and their Muggle charges, and of course Arthur at the end there. I'm not hugely surprised, mostly because of 'A Secret Never Told', but I'm thrilled to see it happen now. I also liked Fang, Padfoot and Wolf helping the children settle in; it was a great 'little' moment before the epic choosing-our-war-leader scene. Yay for Percy and Crystal, too - am I right in thinking that's not too far from happening? In terms of next chapter, though, could we pay a visit to Brian and Corona...? *puppy eyes* thanks, as always!!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

And the fun part about the dogs? Those are OUR dogs. Fang is basically Bruce (sniffle... still miss him) and Padfoot and Wolf are playing much like Buddy and Brando do. Brian and Corona, yes, ma'am!

Phil Boswell posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 1:48am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

I swear it's true, I was going to mention that wedding even before I saw your Auctorial Note: I distinctly recall wondering whether you intended that to be an older Arthur ;-) Many other authors have taken that option, but you have been kind enough to provide more justification for making Arthur the Minister than "he's a jolly good bloke, not to mention the only good person we heard of from the Ministry" so thank you!

As for people I am missing…you manage to make us care about so many of your "cast of thousands" it would take a truly immense chapter to update us on all of them. I'm wondering what's happening back in the school (and I need to catch up on Defying Gravity to see how those Slytherins are getting along), I hope Evanie and Peter are safe and well (and the latter's redemption is on track) and what is going on with Lucius and Starwing? (I miss the secret messages-to-author feature we had at TFA!) I even want to know whether you have a particular identity in mind for the Muggle bloke who just objected to the use of a sword to choose a ruler (I see what you did there ;-) not to mention what your plans are for the people the Pride would have been partnered with in canon (Hannah and Story, in other words, although I would be intrigued to find out what Rolf Scamander is up to right now ;-) Oh, and talking of blasts from the past, that is Let Halcyon up there, right?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Story has a very special destiny in this one, which we'll actually see next chapter. Hannah... haven't decided, but she'll get something good. And yes, that's Let! Good catch!

buffarama posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 1:40am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

aw, shande.

*has visions of 'princess ginevra' and the like.....

Anne B. Walsh replied: don't like it?

Anansii posted a comment on Friday 13th December 2013 1:32am for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Grin - at least he didn't have to pull it out of a stone. But I agree, Arthur is a good choice. The name just makes it amusing.

Hang on, here comes the first drop...

Anne B. Walsh replied:


carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 12th December 2013 11:31pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Having Fang and Padfoot and Wolf come play with the children was a stroke of genius. And while I was thinking that Sirius would be chosen by the Sword, I do believe that Arthur will be a much better choice. As you said, he is so well liked, and he does know how to listen. He has no problems with Muggles and Muggleborns (even if he doesn't totally understand the Muggles). I would say that your Arthur is actually better suited for this task than Jo's. I do see a problem with the dream in LwD, though, as Albus would not be able to perform "father of the bride" duties. Great way to introduce the idea of the Sword of Decision, since Neville was right about Harry being one of the few people that everyone will listen to. And who was the witch in the red work robes? Have we met her before?

I never got around to reviewing the last chapter, and I just wanted to let you know that once again, you are driving me crazy with your "half-told" pieces, such as the message that Hermoine received. I'm sure that the message was obvious to many, but I cannot come up with anything to explain it.

Who am I missing? Strange as it may seem, I miss Peter and Evanie. I know that Peter has been flitting in and out, but we see so little of Evanie. Did they ever get her a potion piece? And when is her baby due? And what about Echo, or is it Cissus? I can't remember which one got kidnapped by Lucius, the cretin. Even if they figure out a way to free Starwing, what would happen, since Luna isn't there anymore?

I'm looking forward to reading Christmastime. And my copy of Kildeer is in the mail... Whee!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

*whistles idly about Albus* Yes, Evanie has her potion piece. She was practicing with it in Chapter 40. Her baby's due in mid-September. Echo was the one taken by Lucius, since she's the adult of the twins, and we'll see her briefly. (Your book package weighed almost six pounds...)

kendiara posted a comment on Thursday 12th December 2013 11:11pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Yay Arthur :) I kinda miss Peter (God knows I never thought I'd say THAT ever) and Evanie. I miss Draco and Luna and really want to see the birthdays in the Founders Castle soon.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

More Peter and Evanie is an easy one. Birthdays at the Founders' Castle in Chapter, ummm, 48, I think?

karm23 posted a comment on Thursday 12th December 2013 9:29pm for Chapter 46: The Sword's Decision (Year 7)

Great chapter, as always!

I wonder, what goes through Crystal's mind these days when she thinks of Percy. I mean, what he thinks of her has been pretty clear for a while now, but not the other way around. I'm glad Scrimgeour decided to step back. Another thing that I keep wondering about, and I'm not sure why, is if Harry and Ginny's marriage is something that everybody knows about or not. I can see the yearmates knowing, but since it was such a private affair I'm really not sure.

I liked that Harry was the one who introduced the way they would choose the new leader. It's a great way for the adults to see him as someone mature, because of the way he's saying he cannot be the leader himself.

And also, they way you keep the little bits of fluff in the story in spite of the chaos is great. Fang, Padfoot and Wolf were very nice together, and so was Remus's explanation.

I'm sorry if I'm not very constant in my reviewing, but I just want you to know that your stories are great, and one of the reasons for that is becaise they make you think a lot. I never realized Arthur was the one who presided over the ceremony.

Until next time!!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

We'll find out what Crystal thinks of Percy eventually. The yearmates do know about Harry and Ginny, and they're not keeping it a secret precisely, but they're not volunteering it either.