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Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 14th May 2013 9:14am for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

Giggling hysterically at "no secs" - I can see where Padfoot's line in innuendo comes from with lines like that!

Excellent chapter thanks.

Dangams posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2012 8:14am for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

I return from the darkness! An awesome couple of chapters. :D I like the plottings and plannings, the little twists on canon (like the book), and Snape's first lesson. All very good, can't wait to see more.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yay, you're back! *dances* More coming.

Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2012 5:28am for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

Thankyou for this wonderful update.

I loved the little bits of comedy in it. The 'no secs' joke and Draco having to watch out for Harry in a 'marauding mood' are just so amusing.

I wonder what burden Dumbldore has to tell the pack?

I look forward to reading more.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, this is sixth year. What did Harry find out in canon sixth year that he had to go out and do?

triciaelbl posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2012 6:39pm for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

I really like how this is developing. I can't wait to hear more. Loved the integration of the book-it will be fun to see where that is going. I am very confused with the Amanda stuff-I think I know WHO she is, but not WHY, and will be patiently awaiting more clues on that front. Keep it coming!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Alex will be telling a story at some point which will shed some more light on the why. Though Amanda told it once before, if you want to go back and look at Chapter 26 of FD...

callie posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 5:06pm for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

Very good chapter once again... and i like harry's idea for everyone to get the hbp's potion notes... i enjoyed the secs joke too though that might just be the teenager side of me coming out...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Hey, they are teenagers, so why not make the same jokes they would?

ccarter posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 3:58pm for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

So excited you are updating SD again, and so frequently! Can't wait to see what comes of everything!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I'm doing my best!

MLM97 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 1:07pm for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

Always nice to see a new Dangerverse update. I look forward to seeing what you'll do now that, over the course of FD and these few chapters, you've eliminated nearly all the threads of conflict that filled HBP. :) And a Harry who can actually be mature when dealing with Severus is a delight.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, there's still plenty to happen. Don't you worry, the year won't be boring.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 12:43pm for Chapter 4: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers (Year 6)

"No secs". *fit of giggles* Excellent as always, Anne.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

That was a last-second inspiration. Apparently everybody loved it!