Surpassing Danger
Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
collide-a-scope posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2014 5:07pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
Again, Anne, I can't believe that you've waited this long without spoiling the origins of the Founders, especially when you must have known as part of the story for so long! I must bow to your self-control, because it's a LOT better than mine... So, to business. I loved Fox's reunion with Aletha and Padfoot, it was spot-on with the emotional output from Fox and the advice from the Pack parents. I also liked the hosts of the Founders and their consorts, especially Hufflepuff's. I can't wait to see what plot twists you're going to slot into that seemingly simple trio of conditions!
Nenya posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2014 7:02am for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
*Incoherent squawking*
I love who you picked to be the Founders' hosts - it's perfect!
Sooo, next chapter..."the raven shall the other aid"?
buffarama posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 8:39pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
*looks for bati to be going nuts*
I bet elladora is going to go see corona soon ;)
ccarter posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 8:23pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
I was beginning to think I had misunderstood (or remembered incorrectly- it's been a while since I reread from the beginning) about Harry and Ginny having a child, so I'm glad to know I wasn't crazy. Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Anansii posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 7:17pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
Let me guess: this connection is one of the earliest ideas that went into the construction of the Dangerverse. It makes a LOT of sense in retrospect. Good place for Gifts. As to whether or not this is a good deal, I shall withhold judgement until the story is done. Knowing your style, I will guess that it will turn out Harry couldn't have done better if he'd thought it out with both hands for a fortnight. :)
qadoshkyrie posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 6:58pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
Oh! Oh oh oh oh oh! I keep forgetting Harry isn't the only Heir of Gryff anymore.
Problem solved two ways then...
And yes, I really hope people don't flame you over Luna's statement.
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 6:39pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
What an AWESOME way to end the work week!
Okay, bargain struck. It's not more than they were prepared to pay, but the payment will truly be a sacrifice. Now to just get past the egos involved. I'm still a little confused, though about Harry. He and Remus are BOTH Heirs of Gryffindor? Through different lines? And that bit with Severus and Corona. You love to do this to us. We know WHAT happened, as it is clearly spelled out. But we don't know what it means!!! Aargh. I'm just too impatient for my own good.
qadoshkyrie posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 6:25pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
Great Job. I had totally missed what the bargain was going to be about until now.
And I really really really hope that Percy and Crystal get it together. I think that would devistate me if they miss each other. More so than when I thought that Draco and Luna were lost forever since they at least left together.
So, no big deal for Pearl to give up hers - Letha could always have another child after the war, and she and Sirius have already shown that they are interested in having another after Pearl. But, if I remember the prophecy right...Neville. How would someone else get Neville's power? Or am I remembering the prophecy wrong? Is this why Harry has to have a child first? so that when he swears off his powers, the powers are already passed on? I must go a-searching
Great job! ^_^
PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 5:53pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
I'm so nervous for the next chapter...
kendiara posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2014 5:07pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)
Good grief my heart's going to give out before this whole thing is over...Will we find out what the others wrote? I wonder who will choose to give up their gifts or if there's going to be a fight over whose going to do it :) Pillow fight between Luna, Neville and Meghan :)
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2014 4:30pm for Chapter 59: The Bargain (Year 7)