Surpassing Danger
Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Sunday 17th August 2014 6:41am for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Oh my word. On my second reading of this chapter already and loving every word as usual. Have been re-reading SD in preparation for the build up to the Last Battle (tm). Can't wait for your next update
collide-a-scope posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2014 10:00am for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Yayayayay, I spotted a quote that was on the Facebook list and it was said by the person who I thought it would! Hooray for Snape! Great chapter Anne, definitely gaining momentum now!
Nenya posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2014 9:23am for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Oh my...the raven shall take his place with honour indeed. That, Anne, was just beautiful. Congratulations.
Dangams posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2014 7:45pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Wow, go Severus! That speech really works! And bold, brave Meghan. Can't wait for the next chapter!
PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2014 7:43pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Wow. Even with the spoilery bits you give us, I'm taken by surprise.
buffarama posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2014 7:38pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
you actually made me tear up, PAGE. i have a feeling the gryff heirship is going to ne up in the air as long as you can manage it
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2014 7:21pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
Yes yes yes yes yes YES!!! This was so perfect. You are so amazing, to weave all these different elements together.
On another note, your stories have the least number or grammatical and spelling errors that I have ever seen. I can't remember the last time I even saw one. (And based on the speed that you say you finished a chapter and then post, you are just that good!) All in all, you are just the perfect author.
kendiara posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2014 6:08pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)
"And the raven will one day take his place of honor...." god that makes me cry.
Scott M posted a comment on Monday 18th August 2014 1:46pm for Chapter 60: Worthy (Year 7)