Surpassing Danger
Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
By Anne B. Walsh
altissimus posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2015 5:37pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
I've been wondering about William ever since Alex mentioned that he killed Salazar! I never saw this one coming - when we found out Remus was heir of Gryffindor for Voldemort, I thought that they were both heirs, but when Harry removed the blood link with Remus, giving up his power, I knew it had to be true. So Harry goes from having the powers of 2 heirs to none.
Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 4:22pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
*cuddles Harry* I love the little callbacks to canon. And I like this better, but. XD
You TOTALLY moped, Sev. XD
mwahahahaha magic partners~~
bwahahahaha worked with clay XDD
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2014 4:06pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
It's been a long trip to this point, but well worth it!
carolebear posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2014 7:51pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
So Amelia was right - good for her!! I really liked the way this chapter went down. It tied up a lot of loose ends, but left many more unanswered (there's got to be some story left for the next four or so chapters). And Letha and Padfoot get Marcus back; what a miracle that is! There's going to be quite the population explosion around the Den, new and old, isn't there? And we still need to find out about the names of the charming children in the last chapter (even though they have been discussed over on FB). I love hanging out ever there, since sometimes we get to have conversations with you.
Nenya posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2014 1:55am for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
Aww, Marcus! :-) and much general happiness. I liked the Cornerstone, I'd just got to that chapter in my re-read, so it was good to finally have the identities of Champions, Heirs and Consorts confirmed. So is Albus going to 'go on' soon? :-( Also, Lily is awesome. I hope the Pack and Pride eventually hear from Severus!
kendiara posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 11:41pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
Since I've already done a "Holy shit Holy shit" review, I'll try for something else this time :) I'm so curious if we will get to see how everyone deals with thier new situations. Meghan, she's so used to using her power and Danger and Remus have not been alone in so long its got to cause some frissures. Not to mention the whole stress let down of Voldemort being dead. Does the bond stress also shorten thier lives? Or just the power of Danger's magic? Its going to be chaos in the Pack/Pride for the next bit. I loved Lily and Snape, and she's right he should be the mystery. I hope he sends horrible jokes to Sirius (like the reconstitution plaque was sent to him) for the rest of his life.
buffarama posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 10:40pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
squeal and awww and smiling. all the happy!
PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 8:05pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
*FLAIL* CHAPTER! BABIES! OMG...."moderately ominous", indeed.
I can't wait for the next bit!
Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 7:47pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)
Whew - you weren't kidding about those answers. I'm certain I've not picked up on all of them in the first read. But then, I'll be rereading the whole thing from the start after 70, so I expect I'll pick up what I missed on the way. And feel free to make it a happy ending (even if, as Schmendrick once pointed out, nothing really ever ends) - it's certainly fine with me!
And speaking of upping the Awwww count, thanks for returning Marcus - that I assure you I was NOT expecting!
Contrition posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2017 4:30pm for Chapter 65: Cornerstone (Year 7)