Facing Danger
Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
By Anne B. Walsh
Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 1:58am for Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
Mixed emotions here - good to see an update but ouch, some of the contents. Evidence Voldie hasn't read the Evil Overlord list anyway.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Why would Voldemort read the Evil Overlord list? He thinks he's already perfect.
Lesa posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 1:05am for Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
D: Unfair, unfair, I say!
Yet, really epic. Sad, yet epic. Percy = epic. Alice = epic. Evanie = adorable. And as everything should come out alright in the end, I thereby call most everything epic, and leave it at that. ^_^
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I had fun with the epicness. And life is unfair.
menentesa posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 12:15am for Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
ERK!! I KNEW you were going to do something with their vows! I just knew it! After reading the one where they're in the British History Museum that you wrote, I was just waiting for it. Sigh. Fantastic, as always. But as your previous reviewer said, I know you won't leave it bad forever, so I'm eagerly awaiting your next installment. Keep up the good work!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
It's a case of my realizing I'd made that mistake and deciding the bad guys would just love to take advantage of it. It's going to be bad for a couple chapters now, I'm afraid.
kendiara posted a comment on Monday 17th January 2011 11:44pm for Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
I like bad things, mostly because I know you're not going to leave them bad forever :)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
One of these days I will leave them bad, and you'll all come and hunt me down...
dmhgbz posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 2:29am for Chapter 46: Worse than Death (Year 6)
Anne B. Walsh replied: