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Chapter 32: Committee of Inquiry

I have to stop looking at them. Looking won’t change anything.

Remus turned away from the still figures of Sirius and Hermione, lying together on the hospital bed. He knew he would pay later for being so controlled now; he’d have to ask Dumbledore if he could have permission for himself and Danger to go hunting in the Forest later tonight. Ripping something to shreds would suit him about now.

But my robes are not a good something to do that to. Deliberately, he opened his hands, releasing the cloth, and willed his shoulders and arms to relax, which they did grudgingly. They’re not dead, they’re in no pain, and this is reversible. I am overreacting, and I need to stop.

Madam Pomfrey and Percy Weasley had succeeded in quieting down Fred and George, and the nurse had allowed the boys to see their sister briefly, before she evicted all three of the older Weasleys. "I’m not even going to try with the others," she said to Remus on her way back up the ward. "From Meghan’s stories and what I’ve seen myself, I wouldn’t get far, and at least most of them understand the meaning of quiet."

Harry came out from behind the screen that covered Ginny’s bed now, and walked quickly past Sirius and Hermione, not looking at them. He went straight to Draco and gripped his brother’s hand for a moment. Remus watched as their grips shifted, one, two, three, almost faster than he could follow, and certainly no pattern he knew.

Came up with their own shake, then. Good for them.

Harry said something in a low voice to Draco and Luna, who both nodded, got up, and headed for Ginny’s bed. He went to Neville next, and they had a low-voiced talk, both glancing at Meghan, curled between her Pack-mothers and crying softly. Finally Neville nodded, as if agreeing to something, and followed Harry back up the ward, both boys nodding respectfully to Remus as they passed him.

Pride business. I shouldn’t interfere.

And I might appreciate a little interference over here.

Remus crossed to the chair Neville had vacated and sat in it himself. What do you need?

I’m not sure yet. I haven’t seen Letha like this before. She’s so shaken, so unsure.

Yes, we have. Twice that I can think of. Remus displayed the appropriate memories. The day Aletha and Danger had met again after their years of separation, the day he and Danger had told her the truth about Sirius, he had seen past Aletha’s usual calm and witty façade to the deeply emotional woman beneath. Then, the night before Sirius’ trial, when he had threatened Andromeda Tonks to bring Remus and Danger together in time for moonrise — Andromeda had agreed to play the victim, but Aletha hadn’t known that, and the serenity she’d displayed through the rest of their ordeal had cracked.

Ah. You’re quite right. And I see a pattern.

As do I. As long as Aletha has one person on whom she can rely completely, she can face anything. But if that person is harmed...

Not the safest way to be. But I doubt there’s anything we can do about it.

And we shouldn’t even if we could. It’s her choice to make, not ours.

True. And she does still have us, and Meghan and the other cubs. And... Danger muttered a curse. I almost forgot. Her job. Is she going to be able to handle taking the classes, teaching alone where she and Sirius used to do it together?

I think she will. She might need a week or so off, Albus can get a substitute for that long, but I think she’ll be able to finish out the year.

Aletha’s crying was beginning to abate, her sobs no longer shook her all over, but she was still far from calm. She alternated between allowing Danger to hold her and hugging Meghan close. Remus kept his distance for the moment, though he stayed alert. People in shock had been known to act very unlike themselves, and Aletha was a powerful woman.

Meghan rubbed her eyes and sniffled hard. "Danger?" she said, looking up at the woman. "Is it true nobody knows what the monster is that..." She didn’t finish, allowing her eyes to speak for her, as they flicked towards her father and Hermione and hastily back to Danger’s face.

"I’m afraid so." Danger’s own voice was rough, she was holding in her tears in the face of Aletha’s greater grief. "If we knew, we might be able to find where it hides, or protect people against it."

"But wouldn’t the people who were attacked know? Wouldn’t they have seen it? They all look surprised. They must have seen it."

Meghan had a good point, Remus realized. The people who were Petrified, without exception, looked shocked or frightened by something. If we could revive one of them, maybe we could find out what it is. But we can’t revive them until the Mandrakes are ready...

Or can we?

"Yes, that’s true," Danger was saying. "But they can’t tell us what they saw."

"They could if they were well again," said Meghan. Her upturned face was hopeful. "I could make them well again. I could make one of them well again, so they could tell us."

"No," croaked another voice. Aletha lifted her head. Her eyes were bloodshot, but no less fierce for that as she fixed them on Meghan. "No. You will do nothing of the kind."

"But Mama..."

"I said no!" Aletha held her daughter hard and stared at her. "I have lost enough. I will not lose you as well. You are forbidden to heal any of those people. Do you understand me?"

Danger took a breath. Remus felt the words she was about to say in her mind. Letha, be reasonable. Meghan wouldn’t harm herself, and we’d know so much more...

Don’t, he warned swiftly. Don’t even try.

But she’s being unfair!

And in her place, would you be any different? Remus knocked aside the barrier Danger had put up and showed her the thought she’d tried to hide from them both — Meghan using her Ravenclaw power to heal Hermione. I want her back as much as you do, but not if it means hurting Letha again. She’s right. She has lost enough. We all have.

And if this means more attacks? People dying, even?

Remus took a moment to think it through. We can’t even be sure they saw the monster, he said. Or that they’d be able to tell us what it was if they did. And if the Heir thinks we have a way to revive Petrified people who might tell us who he is, he will start killing them. There’s no way to bring them back from the dead.

Have I ever told you I hate it when you make sense?

At some point, I’m sure.

The doors of the hospital wing opened. Albus Dumbledore strode in. He looked slightly distressed, but that could have been caused by anything from a lack of hot chocolate to an earthquake, thought Remus critically. The man’s facial control was almost perfect, as close as any human could probably get.

In this case, he would have been willing to wager on what was causing the look. Dumbledore stopped a few feet from the bed holding Sirius and Hermione, regarded them for a long moment, then turned to Remus. "I must speak with you. Immediately, if you can."

Remus stood up. "Of course. Will you be all right, love?" he asked Danger.

"We’ll come too," said Aletha in something resembling her normal tones, looking up. "If we may."

"Certainly. I did not like to ask it of you, but offered, I gladly accept."

Aletha stood up, looked once more at Sirius’ motionless face, then bent and kissed Meghan. "Behave," she told the girl. "And tell the others where we’re going. Where are we going?" she asked Dumbledore.

"Your office, if you would be so kind?"

"We’re in the office," Aletha said to Meghan, who nodded, then raced up the ward and vanished behind the screen where the rest of the Pride was holding conclave.

Dumbledore embraced Aletha. "You have my sympathies," he said, keeping the phrase from sounding trite. "Will you need time away from work? It can be arranged."

"No, thank you, Albus." A trace of a smile flitted across Aletha’s face. "At least he had the good sense to get himself Petrified on a weekend. I should be fit for work by Monday."

Remus turned around so that no one would see the expression on his face.

"And will you need any assistance?"

"At the moment, I don’t think so. But if I do, I’ll let you know."

"And I will surely do everything in my power to provide it." Dumbledore led the way out of the hospital wing, Aletha on his arm, for which Remus was grateful, since it meant her back was to him.

Don’t laugh at Letha. It’s not nice.

She’s asking for it!

Even if she is... Danger’s tone was playfully reproachful. Then it turned pleading again. Oh, Remus, you’re sure she’ll be all right?

Positive. Remus put his arm around Danger’s shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t penetrate his barriers and see that he was working on the "make believe you’re brave" principle. She won’t even know any time passed. It’ll be as if she fell asleep in that corridor by the library and woke up when the potion’s administered to her.

It just looks so horrible... what if something went wrong? What if she’s not asleep, she’s awake, and trapped in her body, and she can’t move or do anything?

If that were true, she’d be upset by it, and we’d know. Remus reached into Danger’s robes and tugged at her pendant chain. She’s not dead, neither is she hurt, and she’ll be waking up as soon as the Mandrakes come to full growth. If we let ourselves wallow in fear and what if’s, we’re letting the Heir of Slytherin win.

Well, we can’t have that.

They had reached the office. Aletha opened the door and ushered them inside. "I’m all right now," she said in answer to Danger’s questioning look. "Really."

"If you’re not, tell us," said Remus. "It’s why we’re here."

"I will." Aletha took her seat. "Albus? What’s so important?"

"I am afraid I must ask something of you," said Dumbledore gravely. "Something which may be outside the law, but is inside the bounds of common decency. But to explain why, I must tell you a story."

"We’re listening," said Danger.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before, within living memory," Dumbledore began. "Within my living memory. Fifty years ago. I was the Transfiguration teacher then. A girl was killed. There was talk of closing the school. But then a young wizard from Slytherin, a fifth year and a prefect, claimed to have discovered the Heir of Slytherin in the person of a third-year Gryffindor, and to have failed to kill the famed monster as it escaped. The Gryffindor was expelled and his wand snapped. The Slytherin received a Special Award for Services to the School."

"The Heir of Slytherin was a Gryffindor?" said Danger in confusion.

"The person believed to be the Heir of Slytherin was a Gryffindor," corrected Dumbledore blandly. "And he was distraught. He had nowhere to go after being expelled from Hogwarts. His father had died, and he had never known his mother. He had few useful skills, fewer now that he could not legally use magic. But he was kind and gentle, and good with animals. I convinced Headmaster Dippet to allow him to assist Ogg, the gamekeeper."

Aletha was nodding slowly, carefully folding a piece of parchment into smaller and smaller halves.

Dumbledore reached into his robes and pulled out a letter. "This morning, I received this from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. I do not believe it to be a coincidence." He handed the letter to Remus. Aletha came around the desk to read over his shoulder. Danger simply closed her eyes.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

We have received information that one Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, may be raising an illegal dragon in or around his home. The penalties for this action are strict, up to fifteen years in Azkaban, twenty-five if the animal in question appears maltreated.

A committee of inquiry will be arriving at Mr. Hagrid’s home this evening to investigate this matter. Your presence would be appreciated. Kindly await the committee between eleven and eleven-thirty tonight.

Remus folded the letter back up, frowning. "Hagrid’s never made it a secret that he’d like to have a dragon, but he wouldn’t actually be crazy enough to raise one on Hogwarts grounds, would he?"

"I am not certain. However, I do suspect that this accusation, true or not, is merely a cover, and that once Hagrid is in custody, someone will rediscover his connection to the other current happenings at the school, and use that as an excuse to jail him without trial."

"And now that there’ve been more attacks," said Danger, and Remus felt her sudden understanding and accompanying fear, "they could do it easily, couldn’t they? Claim they’re taking steps to keep the students safe?"

"Indeed. And in my own person, I can do nothing, nor can I ask any witch or wizard to intervene in this case. However..."

I do love Albus’ howevers.

Oh, me too. Danger smiled politely, with just a hint of the predator behind her eyes. Wonder what it is this time?


"All right," said Harry. "We have a plan, then."

"No," said Neville.

Everyone turned to look at him. "No?" repeated Ron. "Why not?"

Neville turned pink under so much scrutiny, but he had a look on his face Harry remembered. It was the same one he’d worn when he had challenged them the year before, as they had prepared to go down the trapdoor and try to stop Voldemort from getting the Sorcerer’s Stone. "I’m not going with you. I’m not going anywhere tonight. Pearl needs me, and I’m not leaving her."

"You can go," said Meghan quietly. "I’ll be all right."

Neville shook his head. "I’m staying with you," he said. He looked challengingly at Harry. "We have to find some other way. I don’t have to be with you to work the magic. I’ve been keeping Norbert hidden from up in our dorm, and it still works."

"But you won’t know when we need it changed," objected Draco. "When we need you to hide Norbert and whatever Hagrid’s got him in, and when we need you to take it off so Tonks can see us. And we can’t time it because we might get held up. You have to come along."

"I’m not coming," said Neville stubbornly.

Well, I wanted him to grow a backbone, thought Harry, feeling a sudden urge to laugh. I can’t very well be mad that he’s done what I hoped he would.

"Ron," said Ginny suddenly. "How did you find me again?"

Ron frowned. "I’m not sure what happened," he said. "It was my pendants. One of the jewels lit up, and the light got brighter as we got closer to you. But I didn’t figure that out. Draco did." He looked over at the blond boy. "How’d you know that?"

"It was a guess," said Draco. "I thought about what Alex told me about the jewels."

"What Alex told you about the jewels?" repeated Harry. "When was this?"

"When I turned the daggers intangible."

Harry nodded; he knew about that. Draco had demonstrated it for them, and now the cubs wore their belts everywhere, under their robes. "What did he tell you?"

"He said the jewels could be used either to make other things like our pendants, or to give our pendants something extra. I think you did the second one, Ron, when you said you wished you had some way to find Ginny. You have Gryffindor gems, and the Gryffindor gift on the pendants is getting hot and cold and glowing. So the gem glowed brighter the closer you got to Ginny." Draco looked at Ginny. "Why’d you want to know?"

"I think I have an idea. But it doesn’t want to come where I can see it."

"Don’t think about it," advised Harry. "Think about other things."

"Luna," said Ginny promptly. "What’s your father putting in the next issue of The Quibbler?"

"Oh, he’s got lots of fine articles," said Luna, obviously pleased to be asked. "His best piece is by an American Healer, it’s all about lucimpeds."

"Lucimpeds?" asked Ron, with a look on his face that suggested he knew what he was letting himself in for.

"Yes, they’re fascinating," said Luna. "They’re long and thin and green, they masquerade as cucumbers in people’s back gardens, and they eat gnomes. They slide down the gnome tunnels, and their feet light up, so they can see where they’re going, and to blind the gnomes. A pair of lucimpeds can get rid of a gnome problem in three weeks. They work together very well, even when they can’t see each other. Some people think they’re telepathic."

"Got it!" said Ginny suddenly.

"What?" asked three people together.

Ginny pulled out her pendant chain and lengthened it, holding it out. The rest of the Pride took it and put it on.

This is the Ravenclaw gift, isn’t it? Ginny asked. Silent speech, or sharing thoughts, or whatever you want to call it?

Meghan and Harry nodded together.

Meghan, you and Luna have Ravenclaw jewels, right?

I have a Gryffindor one now, said Luna, displaying it. It changed the night I was Sorted. But I still have three Ravenclaw. And Meghan’s are all Ravenclaw.

So one of you could use one of those jewels to make us all able to do this without wearing the same chain. Just for tonight. Right?

And then you can tell me when to change the magic, said Neville. So I can stay in and still keep you hidden.

Ginny, you’re a genius, said Harry warmly.

Ginny blushed and reclaimed her chain quickly. "Thank Luna," she said. "I would never have remembered what I was thinking of if it hadn’t been for her and the lucimpeds."

"There’s one thing, though," said Draco. "Alex said these things are one use only. So we can’t go doing this every day. Just in emergencies."

"Offhand, fox," said Harry, "I think this qualifies."

Draco bared his teeth and caught his thumb between them once.

"Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?" demanded Harry.

Draco leaned over to Luna. "Is the law of our side if I say ay?" he asked casually.


"No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir," said Draco to Harry.

"I don’t understand this," said Ron.

"Don’t worry, you’re not alone," said Neville.

"They’re just being rude to each other," said Meghan. "They do it all the time at home."

"I did have one other thing I wanted to ask," said Ginny. "What do you think we should do about Tom’s diary?"

Harry shrugged. "I don’t see that there’s anything we can do," he said. "If we told a teacher, we’d have to tell them how you got it, and they wouldn’t likely think someone’s old blank diary you picked up off a bathroom floor was worth much, unless we told them about the magic..."

"And that would be bad too." Ginny sighed. "All right. We’d better let it go, then."

"And besides, there’s no way to find out who took it," added Draco. "Whether it was the person who attacked you, or someone else who just saw you lying there."

"But who would leave her there like that?" objected Ron. "It has to be the person who attacked her."

"And that person is probably the Heir of Slytherin." Harry’s head was starting to hurt. "I declare this discussion over," he said wearily, standing up. "We’re not getting anywhere. Let’s go get some lunch. See you later, Ginny."

"Just a moment," said Madam Pomfrey, coming out of her office as they made for the door. "You’re not to leave until someone arrives to escort you. They should be here any moment."

"They" turned out to be Danger. "Hello, everyone," she said with a small smile. "Apparently I’m qualified as a student-escorter. Next stop, Gryffindor Tower."

"But we wanted lunch," said Ron.

"They’re serving it in the Tower," said Danger, leading the way. "After Professor McGonagall addresses you. I hope you like it in there, because you’ll be spending a lot of time there for the next few months."

"Until this all stops," said Draco quietly. "Or until they close the school."

"Stop that," said Danger, making a flicking motion near Draco’s nose. "They’re not going to close the school. Everything will be all right. As long as you lot behave. No sneaking out, understand?"

"Understand," said Harry, crossing his fingers behind his back.

Of course we understand. We’re just not going to obey this one time. After that, we will. But we have to do this.

He wondered if he was trying to convince himself.


Harry liked Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan, but there were times when they were a nuisance. Tonight, for instance, they wanted to talk about the Chamber of Secrets, and the Heir of Slytherin, and who it could be. It was nearly eleven o’clock by the time they finally fell asleep.

The Pride boys dressed silently and slipped down the stairs to the common room. Luna and Meghan were already there, waiting (Madam Pomfrey had kept Ginny in the hospital wing overnight). Luna held her pendants in her hand. "I wish," she said clearly, "that all of the Pride who are awake be able to talk inside their heads, like we can when we share a chain, for two hours."

One of the gems flared up, bathing them all in blue light, then subsided.

"Did it work?" asked Ron.

I don’t know, what do you think? Draco quipped.

Very funny, said Harry. Neville? Ready when you are.

Neville nodded, taking his place on a couch. Meghan sat next to him, and their hands met. No one but the Pride can see them, he said silently, his eyes shut. No one but the Pride will notice them. They’re not important to anyone else. No one but the Pride will see them. He opened his eyes. I think that should do it. Good luck.

Good luck, echoed three female voices. Luna, Meghan, and...

Ginny? asked Ron in surprise.

Luna said all the Pride who are awake, Ginny reminded her brother. You didn’t honestly think I was going to sleep on a night like this?

Never mind, said Harry. Come on, we’re wasting time.

Ron tripped halfway down the first flight of stairs and rolled into a suit of armor, causing a resounding crash.

"What’s that?" called a voice from down the hall. "Show yourself!"

Harry swore. Damn it, we forgot about sound! Neville!

Hold on, I’m on it.

Harry tuned out Neville’s muttering in favor of pulling Ron to his feet and getting them out of the way of the two teachers and three ghosts who were coming to investigate the noise. Draco followed, skirting around the group. No one wanted to find out the hard way that Neville’s magic wouldn’t hold up against physical contact.

There, no one should hear you now, either, said Neville.

Thanks, said Harry, and then concentrated on getting downstairs and out of the castle without actually running into any of the teachers, prefects, and ghosts who were patrolling the corridors.

Sorry, muttered Ron on the third floor.

It was an accident, said Draco. Could have happened to anyone. And there was no harm done.

Just be more careful, all right? Harry gave his friend what he hoped was a carefree grin, but he could tell it had failed. He was too tense.

Once they were across the grounds, Neville adjusted the magic so that Hagrid and Fang would be able to see them.

They need to hear us too, said Ron, after knocking on the door with no answer.

Right. Another adjustment. Try it now.

Ron knocked again, and Hagrid flung the door open.

"What did we do?" asked Draco in bewilderment. Hagrid was pointing a loaded crossbow at them.

"Oh, it’s you," muttered Hagrid, putting the crossbow aside. "Nothin’, nothin’. I’ve just bin expectin’... comp’ny."

"Looks like you don’t want them," said Harry, coming in. "Is Norbert ready to go?"

Hagrid nodded, pointing to a crate on one side of the room. "I packed him some rats ter eat on the way," he said, pulling out an enormous handkerchief and blowing his nose, "an’ his teddy bear. Jus’ so he don’t get too lonely."

Only Hagrid would get a dragon a teddy bear, said Ginny.

All right, Neville, think you can do the crate too? asked Harry.

I hope so. Neville began to repeat over and over his assertion that no one but the Pride or Hagrid would see or hear the crate or the dragon inside it. Just as he finished, there was another knock on the door.

Hagrid looked panicked. "It’s all right," said Harry quickly. "Neville’s magicked the crate, no one will see it. It’s safe now."

"We’re magicked too," added Ron. "They won’t know we’re here unless they step on us."

"Just don’t laugh," said Draco.

Hagrid gave a small smile, as though laughing were the last thing on his mind, then went to the door and opened it.

Ron stared at the four men who entered. "That’s Lars Vilias!" he said, pointing at the second man in line, behind Dumbledore. "The Minister of Magic!"

Do we know him? Draco asked Harry, pointing at the last man in, who had tawny hair, glasses, and walked with a limp. He looks familiar.

Harry frowned, studying the man’s face. He did look a bit familiar. Hold on, they’ll introduce themselves.

"Hagrid, I’m sure you know of Minister Vilias, if you do not know him," Dumbledore was saying.

"Pleasure, Minister," mumbled Hagrid. Vilias was not very tall, with dark hair and a small mustache and beard. He looked as if he would rather be anywhere else.

"Robert Tolamap, from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." Tolamap was a big wizard with a flourishing beard beside which Minister Vilias’ looked rather scrawny.   "And Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office." Dumbledore indicated the man Draco had taken an interest in.

Harry shook his head. Don’t think so, he said, studying Scrimgeour’s face. Maybe he looks like someone we know.

But what are they doing here? asked Ron.

"Pleased ter have yeh here," said Hagrid mechanically. "What’s yer business with me?"

"Well..." Vilias began.

"There was a report of an illegal dragon on these premises," said Tolamap. "I’d like your permission to search the house, Mr. Hagrid."

"Go ahead," said Hagrid. "Yeh’ll excuse me if I let Fang out while yeh do it?"

"Of course, of course." Tolamap drew his wand and began to open cabinets.

Hagrid looked directly at Harry as he crossed the room to the back door. Suddenly Harry understood — Hagrid was giving them a chance to get Norbert out of the room. Even if Tolamap couldn’t see or hear the dragon, sooner or later he was going to fall over the crate.

Grab the crate, he ordered silently. We’re getting Norbert out of here.

But I want to see what’s going on, objected Draco.

"Leave the door open?" Harry asked Hagrid, hoping Neville’s magic would hold. "So we can get back in?"

Hagrid gave a small nod, his eyes on Tolamap, who was rummaging through his china, briskly but not ruthlessly.

"Does he really think Hagrid would bung a dragon in with his plates and stuff?" asked Ron as they heaved the crate out the door. Fang was already out, lifting his leg against a tree at the edge of the Forest.

"He doesn’t know." Draco set his side of the crate down. "He has to look everywhere. Shall we head back in?"

They just beat Fang inside, and Hagrid closed the door with an expression of relief. Dumbledore was standing to one side, smiling slightly. Tolamap had moved on to Hagrid’s closet and chest of drawers. Scrimgeour was muttering to Vilias. Harry caught a few words. "...waste of time... be done with it..."

"Come, now, Rufus, it’s not that much time." Vilias mopped his brow with a polka-dotted handkerchief.

"Sir, with all due respect, you’re exhausted," said Scrimgeour a little louder. "The meeting with the goblins this morning, and then with this news the reporters haven’t let you have a moment to yourself all afternoon, you barely had time for supper before they were on you again — can’t we get this over with? For your sake?"

"All right, all right. Anything, Bob?" asked Vilias.

"Nothing, sir," said Tolamap, emerging from under Hagrid’s bed. "Except a few empty brandy bottles — you a heavy drinker, Mr. Hagrid?"

"I give it ter the animals," said Hagrid quickly. "Helps ‘em get over colds an’ stuff like that."

Tolamap shrugged. "Expensive way to do it, but who am I to judge? No dragon, sir," he said to Vilias. "Looks like those boys were wrong."

"Boys?" muttered Ron. "What boys?"

Will you tell us what’s going on? asked Luna inside Harry’s head.

No time now, said Draco. In a minute, if we can.

"Thank you, Bob, that’s all," said Vilias. "You can go."

"Righto." Tolamap strolled towards the door. "Professor Dumbledore," he said, bowing slightly to the Headmaster. "Mr. Hagrid. Pleasure to meet you."

Hagrid grunted as the door closed behind Tolamap.

"Now, to business," said Vilias. "I’m terribly sorry about this, Hagrid, but I’m afraid something’s got to be done. Attacks on students, now one on a teacher — I’m sorry, but this just can’t go on."

Hagrid looked very nervous, Harry noticed. "But I never," he said imploringly. "Professor Dumbledore, sir..."

"I have told you repeatedly, Lars, that removing Hagrid from the school would have as little effect as removing me," said Dumbledore.

Scrimgeour snorted. "Are you claiming he was expelled for nothing, then? Be reasonable, Dumbledore, the man’s record is against him, and there’s nothing for him except your word — not that your word isn’t worth anything, but against proven facts..."

"The proven facts in this case," said Dumbledore politely, "are that Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts, has been employed here ever since, and has never in that time harmed a student. He has, in fact, saved quite a number of students in his years here. I cannot stop you from doing what you perceive to be your duty, Rufus, but I can protest it. And I do."

"Protest away," said Scrimgeour testily. "He comes with us."

"It has to be done," said Vilias. "Has to. We’d be derelict in our duty if we didn’t do something about this."

"Where’re yeh takin’ me?" asked Hagrid huskily.

"Just briefly," said Vilias hastily. "And only as a precaution. You’re not being punished, Hagrid, we understand you’ve done nothing..."

"Azkaban?" whispered Hagrid, going white under his whiskers.

Harry felt fury rise in him. Ron growled. Draco’s hands balled into fists.

What are you all so mad about? asked Meghan. I can feel it.

They’re talking about sending Hagrid to Azkaban, said Harry. Shh, he added, wincing, as cries of anger and outrage flooded the link. They’re still talking.

"If you insist on continuing in this foolish course, Lars, there is no reason for me to remain," Dumbledore was saying. "However, I must warn you, Hogwarts is an unusual place, where many curious and unexplainable things may happen. Things which are no one’s fault." His eyes were locked on Hagrid’s. "And now, I bid you a good night."

He turned and went out the door. Harry felt his stomach sink. If Dumbledore were deserting Hagrid, that must mean there was really no hope.

Dumbledore doesn’t think it was Hagrid attacking people, said Draco. And he’s never been wrong before.

"Come on, then, Hagrid," said Scrimgeour, drawing his wand.

Hagrid snorted. "Yeh think I’m gonna fight?" he said, pulling on his moleskin overcoat.

"Merely a precaution," repeated Vilias, raising his hands as if to calm both men. "Please, let’s try to keep this friendly."

"Oh, sure," said Ron. "I’d be right friendly to the blokes dragging me off to Azkaban."

Shut up! Harry snapped. Remember? Hagrid can hear you!

Hagrid had indeed winced a little at Ron’s words. "Sorry," said Ron quickly.

"’Sall right," muttered Hagrid.

"Sorry, what did you say?" said Vilias, turning back from the door.

"I said," said Hagrid, raising his voice, "that if there should happen ter be anyone lookin’ fer some answers, they’d need ter follow the spiders. That’s all."

Follow the spiders? Draco repeated, sounding confused.

"Oh yes, an’ Fang’ll need feedin’ while I’m away," added Hagrid.

Vilias and Scrimgeour were trading baffled glances. Clearly, they had no idea why Hagrid was addressing these remarks to an empty room.

Neville, your magic works really well, said Ron.

That’s great. What’s happening?

Ow, said Harry, rubbing his temples. You don’t need to yell. Quickly, he brought the listeners up to date on everything, as Scrimgeour and Vilias escorted Hagrid out the door. He had just finished when a howl from outside sent all three boys running to the window.

What is it? demanded Ginny. What’s happening?

The howl was followed by a scream, and the beating of wings. Animals, said Draco. They’re being attacked by animals!

Vilias was flat on the ground, a grinning wolf perched on his chest, strangely visible in the darkness of the night. Scrimgeour was trying to ward off blows from the wings of a great black horse. Hagrid was nowhere to be seen.

He’s probably scarpered by now, said Ron, laughing a little. This is great! Even the animals know Hagrid’s innocent!

What kind of animals? asked Meghan innocently.

There’s a wolf, and a black horse with wings, said Ron, as the latter knocked Scrimgeour over with the sweep of a wing and reared over him, screaming again. Why?

Oh, no reason. Meghan was laughing.

Ron bristled. What is so funny?

The back door of Hagrid’s hut opened. All three boys whirled.

Moony walked in, as calm as if he broke into other people’s houses every day. "Fang," he called, and the boarhound jumped up and ran over to him, fawning on him. He scratched behind Fang’s ears, then came inside and picked up Hagrid’s crossbow with a grunt.

"If there were anyone here," he remarked to the ceiling, "I’d tell them that there’s going to be an inspection of Gryffindor Tower at five minutes past twelve. I’d also tell them that sneaking out will be extra-severely frowned upon from now on. However, tonight will be an exception, due to the Hypocrisy Agreement. And I would remind them that certain people might actually assist them in slightly extralegal affairs, if asked properly. That’s all." He turned toward the door, then turned back. "Except that there’ll be no need to feed Fang. Come, boy."

Fang followed at Moony’s heel as he shut the door behind himself.

Harry let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. "Those weren’t just animals," he told Ron, taking another look out the window. Wolf and horse were gone, leaving Vilias and Scrimgeour to pick each other up off the ground. Neither was visibly injured, though both looked highly disgruntled. "That was Danger and Letha. In their Animagus forms."

Draco nodded. "I’d bet you anything Dumbledore asked them to do it."

Ron looked impressed. "Cool."

Harry checked his watch. "Come on," he said. "We’ve got half an hour to get Norbert up to the Astronomy Tower. I just hope Tonks isn’t late..."

But she wasn’t. In fact, she was waiting for them. Neville adjusted his magic once more to let Nymphadora Tonks see the three boys and the dragon in the crate as they heaved it up the final set of stairs, leaving bits of stuffing behind them from Norbert’s much-abused teddy bear.

"’Lo, Tonks," said Harry, catching his breath.

"Wotcher, you three," said Tonks, lighting her wand to reveal her spiky, bright blue hair. "Harry, Draco, I heard about Sirius and Hermione, I’m so sorry..."

Harry shrugged. "They’ll be all right," he said without any real feeling behind the words.

"No word yet on what’s doing this?" Tonks brought her broomstick over, and Harry and Ron heaved the crate up so that she could slide the straps of the harness under it.

"None," answered Draco. "The idiots at the Ministry think it was Hagrid."

"What?" Tonks looked astounded. "Hagrid? He wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it bit him first. How could he be Petrifying people?"

Harry shrugged. "They tried to arrest him just now," he said. "But some of the animals from the Forest ran them off."

"Good for the animals." Tonks cinched the straps tight.

"You sure Charlie won’t mind this?" asked Ron anxiously.

"Not a bit. We’ve even got a story ready — officially, I found this lad in someone’s basement while I was making rounds in Bath. My mentor’s a good sort, he’ll back me up. He’s the one who arranged for me to get the weekend off." Tonks mounted her broom. "Well, off to Romania. Don’t get caught sneaking back in, now, that’s the worst."

"We won’t," promised Draco. "Good luck."

Tonks waved and kicked off from the stone platform. Norbert squalled in the crate as he rose from the ground.

"Should Neville take the magic off him now?" asked Ron.

"Good thinking." Neville! Harry called silently. Can you take the magic off Norbert and leave it on us?

Sure. But this is about all I can manage, I think. Even Neville’s thoughts sounded tired. Are you coming in now?

Yes. We did it — Norbert’s away!

Cheers echoed through the mental link as Harry led the way down the Astronomy Tower stairs.

"Oh, yeah," said Ron halfway down. "I meant to ask. What’s the Hypocrisy Agreement?"

Harry and Draco sniggered. "We made a deal with the Pack-parents when we were about eight," said Draco. "We’ll follow the rules if they do."

"That means they’re not allowed to get us in trouble for doing what they do themselves," added Harry. "We’ve gotten away with loads of pranks that way."

Ron groaned. "I want a family like yours."

"Doesn’t everyone?" asked Draco innocently.

Everyone, get to bed, warned Harry as they approached the Tower. McGonagall’s coming in less than three minutes.

We’re going, answered Luna.

"Aubergine," said Draco to the Fat Lady, who didn’t answer. Oops, he said silently. Neville?

Are you sure this is it?

Positive, said Harry. We’re right outside the portrait hole.

All right. Harry felt his friend make one final effort. Good thing I’m already in bed.

The Fat Lady blinked. "Gracious, where’d you come from?" she said to the boys.

"Around," said Harry. "Aubergine."

"You’re not supposed to be out so late," warned the Fat Lady as she let her portrait swing open. "I should report you, you know."

"Please don’t?" said Draco imploringly. "We were only gone a little while, and we won’t do it again."

"Oh, very well, just this once."

"Thank you." Draco climbed through the hole after Ron. Neville and the girls were already gone.

I’m going to sleep, then, said Ginny. Nice work.

Thanks, said Ron. Good night.

Good night, echoed Harry. Sleep well, Ginny.

Thank you.

Was it his imagination, Harry wondered, or was the mental feeling of her words a little warmer than it had been before?


Elsewhere in the castle, a bottle of champagne was being opened.

"To a successful mission," toasted Danger.

"To a friend saved from an unjust fate," answered Remus.

"To the best prank we ever left Sirius behind on," said Aletha, her eyes sparking with mischief, and perhaps an unshed tear or two. "He’ll be furious that he had to miss it."

"I have to admit, though, I’m curious," said Remus, taking a sip of his drink. "I’m curious how the boys got out of the castle, with this kind of security, and I’m curious why they went to Hagrid’s. I’d ask them, but I doubt I’d get straight answers."

"You could ask Hagrid," suggested Danger. "He should know at least why they came."

"True. I can probably trail him tomorrow."

"Or you could just ask Albus where he is," said Aletha. "I highly doubt he doesn’t know."

Remus grimaced. "True, but he can’t admit to that knowledge to anyone, not even us. One whisper of that gets to the Ministry, or the board of governors, and he could be removed, for aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice."

Danger nodded. "And the last thing any of us needs right now is for Albus to be removed from the school."

"Not quite," said Aletha softly. "I’m sure it’s just what the Heir of Slytherin needs."

"Well, we’re not giving it to him," said Remus firmly. "Albus Dumbledore is staying at Hogwarts, if we have anything to say about it."

Three glasses clinked together in affirmation.

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