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Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 10:26am

Oh, wow. Things really came to a head there and you left us with a bit of a cliff hanger. How devious. Looking forward to the next chapter. Cheers.


MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 12:34am

Great chapter! I knew that Jump was Sirius, why didn't any of them think it, even if he did look different! (well not a black, grimm like dog!).

I like the way that Lucious found out, can't wait to see what Peri does to Lucious to try and get Ray back!

Keep up the great work, looking forward to the new chapter of Facing Danger as well as this!


honourary weasley posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 9:12pm


I'm sorry. That's just not fair. You are absolutely not allowed to end this chapter here.

All i can say is you'd better have another one coming soon!

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 4:34pm

Oh, my; that is an interesting turn of events indeed. 'Twill be interesting to see how this develops.

Kail posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 3:58pm

Given how many side-stories you've got, I have to say *laughs hard* that you REALLY needed that disclaimer!

Oh, and it's been too long since I've read your stuff - I'm still only about halfway through DwD. I'm gonna go try to catch up now. Ta!

Hannah3 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 12:40pm

Is Jump Sirius? Like, him Obliviated? Seems logical to me...

Quizer posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 10:28pm

Exciting it is, the chapter. Hmm, I wonder about Lucius. Would his line / Draco mean enough to him that he would accept a solution that doesn't save himself, but does save Draco?


Miss.Mandy25 posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 2:07pm

It's wonderfully spectacular of course. I love it and can't wait for more! Just one question is the thing with the Malfoy's becase of the thing Lily said after her parents died?

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 12:53pm

Letha's revenge on Bella, nice. Jump is Padfoot, obviously. BIG time-skip, there. Lily's curse is coming back to haunt the Malfoys. I have the horrid feeling that it's going to do nasty things to Harry when Lucius figures out it was Lily who cast it. (Not to mention Petunia and maybe Dudley, but who gives a damn about them?)

Or can he figure out who cast it? Lily's dead, after all.

nettiet posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 7:57am

I love the Danger universe - having only recently discovered it - this is fantastic and I can't until the next chapter.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 1:54pm

Nerve block? I shoulda thought of that. I almost pity Bellatrix when Aletha's through with her and somebody takes the block off.

I also shoulda known that the severed finger bit would reappear, since we didn't get any mention of Peter's missing finger. And since the canon-parallel here is Peter's faked death, I'm not going to give up hope for Sirius just yet. Especially since there's nothing else in sight that might serve as a parallel for Sirius's years in Hell On Earth aka Azkaban.

Patches posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 6:42pm

I can't believe that Sirius is dead. I refuse to believe it. Peter lived without a finger. Sirius can too! Death eaters are such scum and of course they want to see Camelot fail. It is such a good idea. I look forward to your next chapter. thank you for writing. pms

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 5:26pm

Ohh, that's a nasty spin on things. You've thrown some major curves here and I can't wait to see how the turn out.

Graup posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 3:24pm

Nice idea for Camelot - good one.

You have Peri lost in Remus - a good thing.

Thanks for sharing the story

Graup posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 3:00pm

And so the plot thickens...

Good job on the Peri thing, and her handling of Remus. You have him pegged very well, I might add.

Dumbledore agreeable to wizards visiting?

And what will Pet and Vern do about that?

I can hardly wait to find out :)

Graup posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 2:38pm

Interesting tidbits to consider.

Lucius and Draco's curse: My guess is they belong to Pelicula. I'm not sure why, but my guess is they have something to do with an upcoming separation.

The killing of Lilly's parents intruding on Peri's mind. Well, we all take too much credit for other's failings.

Grangers still alive - true dynamic switch there. I wonder how you will weave in Hermione - will we have to wait until she is 11?

Thanks for sharing the story.

Graup posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 2:05pm

I have read and enjoyed the Danger series, and this seems to be a take off from that universe. Of course, I was blind to this until this chapter.

Interesting byplay with Remus, Sirius and Aletha. Remus really needs a friend, and I am glad you are introducing Danger/Peri to them.

There have been a few items that are still strange, with the other-worldly things. I look forward to their resolution.

David posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 10:28am

Who will be the Mordred? The Lot, the Morgase?

I can see Voldy or Lucius fulfilling the role of Lot.

I shudder to think who might be the Mordred.

Of course, the Saxons are already all around as Deatheaters.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 3:44am

*chuckle* I loved the Camelot bit and the rif you're doing on canon and on your own "Danger" stories. On a more somber note, contemplating which seed the ending refers to some scary possibilities.

Tanydwr posted a comment on Wednesday 12th April 2006 9:16pm

Cool. I like your 'In every creation' quote. Is that from somewhere or did you make it up yourself? Because it's cool!
Keep up the excellent work. I love 'Camelot'. And meeting Hermione was cool as well.
Lol, Tanydwr