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bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 1:42pm

I think maybe Meghan's growing up. She folded when Hermione told her, "Yes, but I am," without even having to be reminded of what happened on the mission to rescue Graham.

Now I need to go back and reread earlier chapters. I may be getting this mixed up with one of the DV AUs, but methinks that "Dursley" (Dudley) is not quite what Harry and Draco think he is.

But I think you haven't been playing fair with us. You closed last chapter without showing us what the Death Eaters did to Ron, and now we are just told he's been blinded with some unspecified sort of Dark Magic. Which leaves, the readers, without clues as to how it might be undone.

And you describe the scene with Sirius and Aletha through Peter's eyes, which again leaves us without details of the dance. I'm sure Aletha was communicating something to Sirius, but without the details, again, we can't guess.

The Scarlet Pimpernel eh? But not the Purple Pimpernel, which is a whole different basket of flowers. Come to think of it, there's a line from that one that might have applied to the rescue of Graham:
I want to get in, get on with it, get it over with, and get out."

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Meghan is growing up, but she was also very upset by what happened and was looking for someone to tell her it was all right to back out. Sorry but Dudley's just as nasty as he seems... and details about Ron, and Sirius and Aletha, are coming. I just wanted to set the stage first, get the atmosphere going, before I started into the nitty-gritty. Thanks for changing websites!

carolebear posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 12:31pm

*squeal* Good thing I went to church last night - more time to read new update today!!

Still Bad things happening, but there were no Worse Things at this time. Guess you are giving us a bit of a breather, huh? So what are Dumbledore and the Order up to while we are focusing on our younger members? (rhetorical question)

So very proud of the whole Pride (proud of the pride sounds so very strange). To Harry for not falling apart. Of Draco for doing what he can to make things easier for Harry (and again for Harry in accepting it without arguing). Of Hermoine for holding it together for Pearl and then Ron. And Ginny for accepting help when it is needed. And Crystal for jumping right into this whole magical thing without hardly a blink and helping with everyone’s mental state. (Now I need to read The Scarlet Pimpernel — I downloaded it from Gutenberg.) I did wonder about Meghan healing Ron, but Healer Young cleared that up for me. I still have hope for him, but not in the way of magical eyes — eww. Poor Ron — I hope he lets Hermione in soon.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Did I just find a loophole in the marriage vow fiasco? Please, please, please, what was Aletha humming before she made Sirius Obliviate her? It sounds to me like her telling him to do it, practically begging him to, could be a mitigating circumstance. And it seems that she will not tamely submit if someone tried to take advantage of her. Another request — what is the significance of Aletha’s new name Mare (is it one syllable, or two)? Is it because of her animagus form? How did they know?

Not sure about Peter yet, although I know in my heart that he is just weak, and not necessarily evil. What has happened because of him though… Now he has a bit of a chance to redeem himself. Evanie is taking to the magical world better than I thought she would; love how she is relating to the house elves.

I’m being just a little bit obsessive about this right now — I would apologize, but I think it shows just how much I have invested in your stories.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Just a little obsessive? Really? Dumbledore and the Order are trying to make sure nothing else goes wrong. The Pride is starting to grow up, is what's happening. I think you'll like The Scarlet Pimpernel--it's a good story. You'll see what happens with Ron and Hermione. And yes, you did just find a loophole... or at least the beginning of one. Mare is one syllable. Peter's chances are certainly better now than they were. And Evanie has spent most of her life being like a house-elf, working hard and unseen, so she relates to them naturally. Thanks for a wonderful review!

callie posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 9:25am

ah!!! more please!!!

just thinking could ron get 1 or 2 eyes like Moody has?

great chapter as usual

Anne B. Walsh replied:

That would be nice, but the spell that was used, as we will be discovering later, won't allow it... we'll see what might be worked out, though.

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 6:24am

♫♪You seek him here, you seek him there, you seek him everywhere.♪♫
Ah yes, one of my favourites and the BBC (Public television, England) has had some great series on this book on TV in the 90's. Loved it.

So does this mean our Percy is going to be the new menace to Voldemort and his henchmen?


And speaking of henchmen; when I read in the 'Be careful....' series how Peter gave up his life to save that of others. I kinda wished he would get a chance in this Verse as well. I loved how you 'gave' him Evanie. And now we can see all the more the many doubts he has had from the day he took the decision that altered his life for the worse. I hope he gets to redeem himself, even though death might await him. Perhaps a complete Obliviation for him so he can live his life as a Muggle with his lovely wife, Evanie? Mmmmm?


Ron, Oh poor Ron. Will he ever be able to see again (because 2 swirling magical eyes....eeew) and be able to fly again?
Sirius and Letha....goodness. So much sadness but not all is lost.

Danger will save the day! and if not the day, perhaps a few hours?

I loved the update. Good to see you back on form and my sincerest congrats on Publishing. This is a squeeeee worthy moment

Anne B. Walsh replied:

It makes me very happy that so many of my readers know the Scarlet Pimpernel already. And why would you ever think that about Percy? *innocent smile* We'll see what happens to Peter and Evanie... and no, Ron won't be getting two mad eyes. I promise. Danger will indeed be saving the day... sort of.

Prongsie posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 4:49am

I'm starting to get a good feeling from this chapter ;) Let's hear it for Evanie! (alright, for Peter as well, as he obviously isn't all THAT bad...)

Poor Ron though, to be punished for trying to do something good... But I'm sure Hermione will get him out of his state, even if she'll have to drag him out kicking and screaming (I'm sure the rest of the Pack will help her willingly if necessary :))

Yay you, by the way! Published author, woooow! Not that we didn't expect it, what with the absolutely fabulous stories you've been writing on this site... Anyway, go you! ^^
We'd be eternally grateful if you kept updating FD though... ;)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, I've always been interested in Peter. And unfortunately, being punished for doing good is all too common. That is exactly what Hermione will have to do. And yes, of course I'll keep updating FD!

kendiara posted a comment on Sunday 23rd January 2011 12:42am


I love weekends :) And Evanie.

And now I'm going to go cry.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Here, have some tissues. I shall try to keep you loving weekends.

LynnTerald posted a comment on Friday 21st January 2011 9:12pm

*evil grin* It's still as fantastic as I remember. Excellent writing and stringing along of the drama. I'd say flame the author for the cliff-hanger you left us with, but I've been known to do that from time to time so that would be kinda hipocritical of me. As to the "Bad Things"...:]...I don't have to wonder. You've already given us the answer of what will become of Sirius and Aletha and even the date of when things might be better for everyone. All one has to do is look to the very beginning and they might be able to see it. The only thing you haven't done is actually tell us how those things transpire and whether or not Sirius and/or Aletha will have use of their magic and I very much look forward to finding out how those things come to pass.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Cliffhangers are how writers keep their audience under control. Well done, to remember that one dated story! I shall try to tell you how they happen as soon as I can. Incidentally, your other review went through...

LynnTerald posted a comment on Friday 21st January 2011 8:39pm

Is it bad that while reading this chapter I wanted to dance and squeal for joy? That reaction might have something to do with an energy drink that I consumed while reading this thing, or it could be that I am really happy that you finally got the next chapter out, or a mix of those two things. Overall, though, that doesn't diminish the fact that the chapter wasn't nearly as bad as you might think it is in the way of "Bad Things" especially when you've practically already told us what was going to happen at the beginning of the entire series in almost chapter One, in fact. I may not want bad things to happen to these characters, but it makes the story far richer and no one has died yet (of the characters that I really, really like anyhow).

Well, here goes: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Ok, I'm done with the fan girl squealing now and I can't wait for the next chapter. Now all I have to do is wait...darn...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Only a little bit bad, but be careful with those energy drinks. Also be careful with trusting authors. They do all kinds of tricky things.

the_elusive_snitch posted a comment on Friday 21st January 2011 4:09pm

Yay, Anne's back with a new chapter. Boo, she mind-wiped Aletha and turned Sirius into a dog with little more magic than Mrs. Figg. I did like though how you demonstrated with Ginny and Ron's rescue that the best laid plans never survive the first encounter with the battlefield.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yep, and they got everybody out alive so it still doesn't count as a disaster. It wasn't good either, but that's war. As for Aletha and Sirius... there are reasons, my friend, there are always reasons. Keep reading. No, seriously, keep reading. By the time you get this reply there should be a new chapter.

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Thursday 20th January 2011 8:44am

I was going to try and write a really long and detailed review but all I can think of to say is arghhhh.
Okay, so Percy and co have been rescued, good. Ron standing up to Dolohov, excellent. Ron's eyes, not so excellent. Sirius and Letha - well, arghh again. And I would like to know what Draco is planning, and whether Danger will get to Sirius and Letha and help them, and oh, lots more questions, so please please update soon...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Here, have some anti-arghhhh. In the form of "I promise, everybody will be together again at some point fairly soon in story-time". Draco is planning to help Harry get through the tough time ahead of him, and yes, Danger will get to them. Help is more problematic...

Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Thursday 20th January 2011 7:54am

Hey, I'm still reading this and enjoying it when I can. Although, I was wondering when you would get around to updating again.

Your terrible things in this chapter are just that...TERRIBLE.
BUT, hopefully, you will succeed in making them good again.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks. 8)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, terrible is the word. But also fun. I shall try to update more often and make things better!

Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Wednesday 19th January 2011 11:38pm

I am definitely still reading this, although I have to admit that your Bad Things were worse than I'd thought they'd be. Much more looking forward to your making them good again.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Sorry about that... oh wait, no I'm not.

Kathleen posted a comment on Wednesday 19th January 2011 11:25pm

I'm still reading! But oh what terrible things have happened! I hope you can fix them....

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, I can. Or rather the characters can. You shall see...

frostbyte posted a comment on Wednesday 19th January 2011 12:28pm

I was waiting sooooo long for this next chapter, even with all the Bad Things to come. while the Sirius-Letha thing wasn't happy to read about, I knew you were going to use the vows at some point. Even though Things were Bad, very well written.

and, what exactly happened to Ron's eyes? I know Divexare oculi is Latin for "To tear the eyes" (that's what 6 years of Latin'll do for ya), but I'm having trouble figuring out whether they were messed up or literally torn out. which would most definitely be a Bad Thing.

can't wait for the next chapter!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

They weren't torn out, but they are very messed up. It's not pretty. And since it's Dark magic... I do love JKR for coming up with that one. We'll see what happens. Pun only somewhat intended.

kendiara posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 9:07pm

If at the end you do anything worse than Tomb of the Heroes...we might have to hunt you down :)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

At the end... I don't plan to. But before the end, there's gonna be lots of pain.

carolebear posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 8:59pm

*sniff* That was a total downer. I know that Bad Things happen in war, but it almost seems that Worse Things happen in a magical war. I'm not surprised that it took so long to get this one out - I wouldn't have wanted to write this one either. I will take comfort in some of your other review replies that even though bad things will continue for a while, there will be good things eventually. And as Prongsie said, Danger's wild magic is still in play. Question - if Sirius can't do magic anymore, how is he Padfoot? Or is he just a dog?

I will admit to having a hard time keeping some of these new people straight, especially Grace Smythe. She is Amanda's mother, yes?

I'm working my way back through the main DV series, and I have to tell you, Anne, that if you had written this before JKR, I would totally throw rocks at her stories! I know that you used them as a springboard, but wow, you certainly write a gripping tale.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Working backwards: WOW. Thank you so very, very much. Yes, Grace is Amanda's mother. Sirius was transformed by the DEs after he hexed Aletha and lost his magic. Good things will indeed happen eventually, and some as soon as next chapter, though they may not seem good at first! And once again, THANK YOU!

Starqueg2 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 7:36pm

I'm so glad to see an update for this story. I was in the midst of re-reading from the first story, and only a few chapters away from the end when the update came out. I love this universe, and can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Me neither! No, just kidding. I'll try and write it soon. Thanks for reading, and for rereading!

TheAndyman777 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 2:49pm

... HOW COULD YOU *cries*

Why Sirius? first you give Drace an expiration date, then you go and make Voldie force Sirius to use magic against Letha. This really upsets me, that you could be so cruel. Who's next hmm?

On the plus side, excellent work again. I'd been waiting for this next chapter to come out, and detoured to your other works for a while, reading Be Careful in about 2 days and Return Of The Aurors in a few hours. Seriously good work there :)

So yeah, you are mean, but your work is awesome. keep up the awesome, not the mean.

with thanks

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Who's next? Well, really, everybody. War is not nice and bad things happen to people. But there will be lots of good stuff to happen along with the bad, and some of it is going to be seriously awesome (if I do say so myself) so keep your eyes open for that!

tangentsferret posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 10:29am

(vast wave of sympathetic affection for the poor author trapped by the Plot Juggernaut)(not the stupid comic character, the original Indian-sub-continent wheeled inexorable Juggernaut, but you knew that, didn't you?)

If it helps at all, you wrote what you didn't want to write really well.

I have a job! I wanted something simple, near home and part time, that wouldn't take up too much of my time and energy: so of course I ended up with a complex demanding deeply interesting job working with people I can actually have an intelligent conversation with forty minutes from home that has mandatory overtime. Sigh. Nothing ever happens by halves in my life.

Glad to see you! Thank you for not wandering off into the Great Beyond!

Now I am running behind schedule and must hurriedly get ready for work. (scurries off)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Ahh jobs. We need them and yet how horrible they are. Mine is the reason I haven't been writing lately... but meh. It pays the bills. Good luck with yours and I'll try to pry a bit more of my life out of mine!

callie posted a comment on Tuesday 18th January 2011 9:54am

very interesting,
i'm assuming Mare is actually Aletha obliviated and the dog is sirius, aletha can still do magic but doesnt know it and sirius cant and knows it but cant tell her cause he's a dog...
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

You are absolutely correct, well done ma'am! More to come as soon as I can get it done!