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Starqueg2 posted a comment on Friday 9th September 2011 2:31pm

I'm loving this story so far, as I have loved all of your stories.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yay! Thanks! Hope I can keep it up...

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Thursday 8th September 2011 9:00pm

Ooh, I quite like this.

Re Fox: Music?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Points for you, ma'am!

Dangams posted a comment on Thursday 8th September 2011 6:41pm

Another good chapter. I am intrigued as to who exactly Eve is, and which of the Pack and Pride ended up with each other.
Also, the only Legendbreaking (as in vastly changing the story) so far has been fairly sneaky and low key. Are there any Legendbreakers who espouse a more kick-in-the-door, sword-waving, guns-blazing philosophy?

More soon, please! :)

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I thought I had made it pretty clear who Eve was, but I guess not. Reread Chapter 1, maybe? As for your other question, there were Legendbreakers with that philosophy. Once. See the new chapter for details.

callie posted a comment on Thursday 8th September 2011 4:48pm

so is eve a danger from another world? and i have thought all night... i have no idea how fox is going to do his magic...
so you'll just have to tell me through the story!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

No, Eve is not Danger from any world. New chapter with Fox's magical choice on its way!

Zevi posted a comment on Thursday 8th September 2011 4:41pm

I like your solution of putting explanations into characters' thoughts. (They are still there for those who need them, but less jarring than if they were part of the dialogue.)

As for "Fox's" magic, would it be a version of their old pendants?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I'm sorry that you find explanations jarring in the dialogue. I've always thought that was one of the best ways to do them, because it's bringing the readers into the world in a very natural way -- the characters need things explained as well, if they're new to a setting or a skill. Sadly, you do not get points, but great try!

paintduckky posted a comment on Wednesday 7th September 2011 11:57pm

Through his music, perhaps?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Points for you!

StarrySkies posted a comment on Tuesday 6th September 2011 10:26pm

Yay for another chapter!! As soon as Fox said "Don't Panic" I thought of Hitchhiker's. Probably because I just finished all the Douglas Adams books of the series and am about to start on the the first of the others.

I've always loved how well-read the Pack and Pride were.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Their Chronicler reads far too much. As you probably already know.

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Tuesday 6th September 2011 7:45pm

Hm. Intriguing. And I adored the 'I want to be him when I grow up' line.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I debated leaving that in for quite a while, so I'm glad it works for you!

Zevi posted a comment on Tuesday 6th September 2011 7:21pm

I liked how you handled the two Remuses (or is the plural Remii? :P ), and the general direction of the story.

About the reply to the previous comment, I guess it makes sense that if you get more requests for clarification than for letting people think for themselves, you'd have to spell things out. Although the more vocal subset of critics isn't always the most representative.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Perhaps not, but they are the ones I tend to respond to. Squeaky wheel and all that jazz. Story has plenty of developing yet to do!

Zevi posted a comment on Tuesday 6th September 2011 3:26pm

I am greatly enjoying this story. The worldbuilding, the action, the characters, all of these elements keep me coming back to your works.

The only problem I see with this chapter is that you are going overboard with explanation of your metaphors. It's as if instead of saying "the sea of unfamiliar faces swirled around him, carrying him towards the square", you'd write "The unfamiliar faces around him were like waves of the sea. The waves carry a piece of wood without any consern for it, and all the water looks the same to the wood, and so the strangers around him pushed him along, without any consern for him as a person". Do you see what I am trying to say with these two examples?

In this case, if you never mentioned the word "authors", and simply talked about Chroniclers, whose writings define the worlds they describe, and how the more experienced ones object to younger ones tampering with their work, it would still be completely obvious what you are talking about, but would sound more natural than the characters of your work explaining all your metaphors for the reader.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Your point is taken, but I've been dealing with a lot of readers who are grumpy about not understanding, so I may have overexplained a bit. Apologies.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Monday 5th September 2011 10:19pm

VERY nicely done! I'm definitely being drawn into the story ... so, I wonder who's next? Danger, I hope, as a partner for Remus! Though Sirius would do well, too ...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, it depends on who they can locate and/or retrieve next. I'm actually thinking of another pair of people...

callie posted a comment on Monday 5th September 2011 9:56pm

hmmmm interesting...
more more more!!!.....please?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I said Wednesday, so it's going to be Wednesday! :-P

Ann Star posted a comment on Monday 5th September 2011 6:37pm

I'm loving this story! Both for its ties to Dangerverse and for what it suggests about your original work. Is the entirely oringal work avalible anywhere yet?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

The original work is yet to be written, but that's probably happening very soon! I'll keep you all posted.

Dangams posted a comment on Monday 5th September 2011 5:00pm

Nice chapter. I loved the Hitchhiker reference. :D Remus is indeed a hoopy frood.
I am curious to see how the Remus/Moony thing will be resolved. More soon?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, I couldn't resist that, especially when Reynard just yelled out "Don't panic!" with no input from me... (No, I'm not crazy (er than usual)...)

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Sunday 4th September 2011 12:06am

*cackles* That is precisely the point. Have fun scaring the cats!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, I do. The Evil Red Dot lives!

StarrySkies posted a comment on Saturday 3rd September 2011 5:42pm

Oh I am so totally in love with this story. I can't wait to see more! And of course Nennie and Fox wouldn't have be able to resist such an opening, especially not with the house they grew up in.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I love that your worlds have rules. Definite things that will make you stay in Outer Time or in the world you are currently in. It makes it easier to avoid, although that makes me wonder. If one of the Legandbreakers had eaten bread, and salt, and had wine, though not in the same meal or day, would they still be nearing a Seal to the world they were currently on an assignment to?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

No, the time element is important as well. It has to be pretty close to each other. Thus pretzels being dangerous. Rules are important -- if you don't have them, you can't be a good writer!

StarrySkies posted a comment on Saturday 3rd September 2011 5:25pm

Love. Absolutely love it. I really enjoyed you referring to your own words on DV in the story. I haven't had time to sit and read until now, so I get the first 5 in one go, and isn't that just the best way to read it?
I can't wait to see where else this goes Anne. I am so glad that you were able to transition into being a full-time writer. If I had that courage, I'd be onstage all the time. Go girl!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, that's not the last time I'll be quoted (or show up) in this one. As for courage... work a crap job for a while, save up all the money you can, accept that it may still take a long time, and then GO. Do it now, while there's nobody depending on you but you!

Raven Laehnart posted a comment on Saturday 3rd September 2011 9:10am

I love how you explain the magic connecting their family. It's complex in nature, but simple enough to type out cohesively. I must say that I hope Remus is the bearer of Fox and Neenie's other packmate, I like Remus too much to see him as a villian type.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Don't worry, no villainy for Remus. He's angry but wouldn't do anything bad.

Dangams posted a comment on Friday 2nd September 2011 7:30pm

Oooh, most interesting. Ah, so it's Lin and Nima again. They're familiar, or at least a version of them is. These ones seem a wee bit more... bouncy... than I recall.
And this story about a bridge intrigues me. Is it a noodle incident, or do we get to hear more?
Yay, Moony! Save the werewolf!
More soon, please!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

They've had a little while to get used to each other, and to Outer Time, which is an awfully cool thing to happen. Sometime I'll write the story of how that came about. It involves death and destruction at a RenFaire. The bridge is, so far, a noodle incident but may also someday be written. It involves a tractor-trailer. Full of fish.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 2nd September 2011 7:29pm

I am doing the Very Smug Dance for having figured out who the other person in Fox's world was before we went to see him and he expositionally mused on recent history. Tell the spellchecker that is *too* a word. Spellcheckers are a Wart, and an Annoyance, and a nasty, nasty Cheat. I say so. This is rolling along nicely, and I like it lots.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Ooh, nice Very Smug Dance. Teach me how?