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Wolf470 posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 9:40pm

Yes please continue. I like what I've read of the story so far.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Always good to hear!

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 9:00pm

Oooh, very nice. I'm very curious about the Legendbreakers now.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Further details in future chapters, as always.

EricMyerson posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 8:11pm

intriguing - certainly willing to guess who the cat is - Hermione? Looking forward to seeing the next installment.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

You are correct!

Michael10 posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 6:30pm

More please. as always your work is good. if you don't want a full story then maybe a seven part one each chapter covering up to year 7 and beyond.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Thanks for the suggestion.

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 5:59pm

Reminds me just a bit of something I've been toying with, only the Mary Sue Squad is rigidly forbidden from messing with major characters: their job is to rescue the Red Shirts and nameless unknown pitiful victims whenever practical without collapsing the story. This is not quite as easy as it sounds... :)

Gee, just how many calico kitties do I know who fit the description, snicker. Yes, I do believe I know who that is. Forward!!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, I can well imagine how hard that would be. And I know they seem Mary-Sue at the moment but I'm trying very hard not to make them that, really I am... Eve and Suzie are going to be a little bit that way just because they have seniority, been doing this a long time, and they picked this job for Neenie's first time because it would give her a success to start with. Glad you liked!

callie posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 5:57pm

Wow love it... the perfect birthday present now all i need is my pottermore email and it will be the perfect birthday!!!

so patches is hermione that's easy... are susie and eve versions of lily and letha?

as always cant wait for more!!!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, yes, and no. More information on that in future chapters.

Pyromaniac posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 5:28pm

I really enjoyed the story, and I definitely want to know more!

The idea behind the Legendbreakers is simply brilliant, but you'll need to do something to ensure that they're not all-powerful. Remember, a good story requires conflict, and if the conflicts are over before they happen, it's really boring. That said, I look forward to whatever else you come up with in this universe!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

A very good point, and I thank you for bringing it up, but don't worry. The Reality Cops are both intelligent and nasty, and the Legendbreakers can seldom use any particular gambit more than once. This scenario was hand-picked for Neenie's first time out on her own as most likely to give her a good result, start her off right. Her next time, and the ones after that, are likely to be much more exciting!

Dangams posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 4:47pm

Yes! I have great approval of this story, and I can't wait to hear more.
James's way of dealing with Voldemort was amazing. May his balls freeze solid (assuming he never sacrificed them in some dark ritual) and his fingers and toes fall off. Also, what happened to his wand after James grabbed it?
I've a few theories about the identity of the eponymous cat, but I think I shall wait to read more before making a firm guess.
Write swiftly! Can't wait for more!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

James has the wand around somewhere. It will probably end up in a museum, or snapped. Or both. More soon!