By Anne B. Walsh
Scott M posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2014 7:46pm
That sums it up really. May have more coherent things to say later, but basically wow.
Oh, and Lucius was "always fond of danger", was he? I can think of someone else who might say that a slightly different way...
triciaelbl posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2014 7:11pm
Beautiful. and so sad. Loved it!
Phil Boswell posted a comment on Saturday 15th February 2014 5:48pm
Yes, you're right, that is a perfect place to stop…and nothing I could say here could top it…so I'll settle for saying "thank you" again and settling down to wait impatiently for the next one however dark it might turn out to be.
Pass the popcorn, someone?
Nenya posted a comment on Saturday 15th February 2014 1:39pm
Oh, lovely! :-) I shed a little tear for Ron and Hermione there; with Brian and Corona, I was too nervous about whatever spell she's under. Is she the weapon that's meant to kill Moony? Really gorgeous chapter, Anne - a perfect Valentine's Day treat. Oh, and incidentally, I think Blaise might make a better Head Boy than any of the male warriors of the Pride - I think he's exactly what the school needs at the moment.
SerenityLily posted a comment on Saturday 15th February 2014 11:27am
I should probably be studying for my tests now, but oh well a brand new Anne chapter is just too attractive to resist! And what a chapter this was too - two beautifully written proposals, enough romance to go awwww but limited enough to be realistic :) and sighs all those cute little life goes on moments that I just love reading. And OH MY GOODNESS I GUESSED THAT BLAISE AND COLLEEN WOULD BE HEAD BOY AND GIRL LIKE TWO SECONDS BEFORE I READ THAT PART WITH BLAISE AND HARRY and I'm so happy that I actually guessed something right in a story for once haha damn your chapter really made my day in every way :D And as usual THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the frequent updates bless your muse I shall buy her chocolates one day
buffarama posted a comment on Saturday 15th February 2014 3:54am
Harry ought to know by now that running away from the insanity never helps, it follows you ;)
Scott M posted a comment on Friday 14th February 2014 10:24pm
Huzzah! Both for the posting of the chapter and (mostly, there are a few ominous things in there) the contents. Lots of happy occasions, and as a bit of a throw-away, Lucius doing something that appears to advance the Dark agenda, but actually works out well for Our Heroes. Though it looks like he may get in trouble for that. Even the ominous bits are rather intriguing. While I'm not precisely looking forward to the Bad Things, I am curious to see how they'll turn out.
karm23 posted a comment on Friday 14th February 2014 10:16pm
Good Chapter! I liked the teasing between Moony, Danger and Harry, though I don't much like the two possible reasons two read the letter. I hope the one that happens first is finding Alexander's Heir. I think it's great that Brian finally proposed to Corona, but that bit about her later hints at very very dark things in the future.
I'm glad Blaise got to be Head Boy, and if my suspicions about Head Girl are right, things will go very well for them together. They are a very good pair for holding things together at Hogwarts, just because of their personalities. I hope the Pack parents find all sorts of ways to wreck havoc for the Carrows without getting caught.
As for the whole scene for Hermione's birthday, it was very sweet, and very much them. Ron's nerves were adorable. By the way, did you ever tell us were the ring appeared first? I can't seem to remember.
Until next time!
kendiara posted a comment on Friday 14th February 2014 8:33pm
Squee. Also roasted werewolf sounds about right, (insert curse words here that would make Sirius wash my mouth out with soap).
oddlyalli posted a comment on Sunday 9th February 2014 6:20pm
Ditto to everything in the previous reviews; your plotting, characterization, and writing are still a joy to read, and you always introduce new things to figure out. For example, what exactly ARE Amanda and Dafydd, and have they specific plans beyond "daze and confuse DE's?" The prophecit (petit prophecy) at the end of last chapter is assuring me they are in fact them, but...I'd welcome more hints.
I love just about everything Peter and Evanie, the exception being foreshadowing everything going terribly wrong. I'm worried that the Pack will never forgive him, which leads to pain on all sides, especially when he dies (whether in battle or old age).
The only thing I doubt a leetle bit is whether Albus would knowingly divide the resurrection stone. Any amount of explaining would do away with that, though.
Thank You--Encouragement--Whoo!
Nenya posted a comment on Sunday 9th February 2014 11:00am
Oh, that was geat! I love that George, James and Lily got to send their best on the big night. And I'm really enjoying the relationship between Snape and Starwing...the serpent in the Mark coming to life is a deliciously grim idea. Keep going, Anne, this is fantastic stuff; I love the directions you've taken these characters and concepts, and I can't wait to see how you unwind it all.
Phil Boswell posted a comment on Saturday 8th February 2014 3:53pm
Nice to drop in on Brian and Corona, hope their little mission goes OK. What is going on at the Founders' Hogwarts? I do like the idea of Harry getting James' old watch, complete with bite-marks ;-)
Erm…Starwing and Severus having little private conversations? Some new revelations about your version of the Dark Mark, which I like very much BTW: why do I think that someone unexpected will suddenly speak Parseltongue in the not-so-distant future? (maybe something to do with one of you prophecies?) I wonder what that potion might be that Severus was brewing for Lucius…
So Evanie is receiving an…interesting visitor? Cannot wait to see what comes of that particular thread!
Ah yes, Ginny just turned 16, an event for which she has been waiting some considerable time. Lucky Harry ^_^
There's something familiar about that Stone, isn't there…I went back and checked and yes, it seems to be exactly what I thought. Hence the arrival of George, James and Lily. Typical George…and what is going to prompt the next time the elder Potters turn up?
Lastly, and slightly out of order, I look forward very much to whatever Ron is planning for Hermione in the orchard…and I suspect she will appreciate it as well ;-)
karm23 posted a comment on Saturday 8th February 2014 9:56am
So many good things in this chapter! One of my favorite chapters yet, I must say. Brian and Corona, I hope he doesn't put it off too much longer. I think if he does, Corona will just whack him over the head and ask him what he's waiting for to give her that ring already! The scene with Neville, Ron, and Harry on the morning of his birthday is just one of those quiet Pride moments that makes them special, their banter about the Manor Den was great. I don't think I have enough words for the awesomeness of this chapter, really. The scenes with Snape and Starwing, so many delicious little clues there, so many possibilities, I gave me a tiny bit of hope. I still have no idea what to think od Dafydd and Amanda, but I'm sure whatever I may think won't be right. Like Ginny, I'm glad Ron went out to the orchard that day, that was a lovely scene between brother and sister. I never thought you'd use the Resurrection Stone in quite that way, but it was brilliant! Having George back, if only for that short conversation with Ginny, was very sweet, and funny. and I'm glad Harry got a chance to see his parents again, specially after that scene with Sirius earlier. All in all, amazing chapter, Anne.
Sorry for the rambling review, I just think so many things happened here I wanted to comment on all...
Until next time!
Dangams posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 12:40pm
Awesome chapter! Was that my carbonara you gave to Harry, hmm? *looks suspiciously*
Also, clever clever Neenie. :D That's deliciously evil.
And I approve of Alex's latest rendition. 'fight brave and bold' is exactly the mindset I approve of.
Nenya posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 12:31pm
Oh wow, two updates in quick succession - Anne, you're spoiling us ;) I've changed my mind on my Lucius theory; I feel like there's something far more complex at play than I'd first guessed, and I'm betting it's linked to the sudden appearance of Dafydd and Amanda. I really liked the scene in the woods - I feel like Snape's dignified nod was the appropriate response! Also it's good to know Neenie's plans for her dagger; I was a bit worried about that little loose end. Regular February updates sound good to me - I can't wait for the fabled chapter 50 ;-)
SerenityLily posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 11:25am
Another brilliant chapter, as always :) a lot that I don't really understand, like Dafydd's and Amanda's sudden appearances but I eagerly await your explanations which have always been really good hehe.
I have so many theories about Lucius and his sudden behaviour - is it possible that Luna managed to get the potion into him after all, and it only took partial effect since he's already a werewolf? So he does HER bidding while pretending that she's the one doing his... I have so many ideas :D
But anyways thanks so much for the frequent updates and it's been wonderful seeing that 'new chapter' email in my inbox that makes me jump around in delight for about two minutes before I settle down to read. Look forward to seeing more soon!
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 2:49am
Another lovely chapter, for which I thank you. And the faster pace of updates to both SD and TSoS are much appreciated, indeed. I have to hope that our visitor (Alex?) will thwart Alecto's plans, which are beyond creepy!
Phil Boswell posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 1:00am
Usually when one speaks of a "dead man walking" it's a threat: why do I suspect that the Death Eaters would be wise to regard this as such, except they won't do anything until it's too late?
I know I recognise those names: are they actually the historical owners of those names, or something more recent?
So the next couple of chapters are going to get a little steamy? Good for them, and if Ron's conversation was what I think it might be, somebody is in for a pleasant shock ;-)
I'm in a kind of quandary: I want to see how you're going to end this, but I don't ever want it to stop!
karm23 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th February 2014 12:02am
Small events, or big ones. We'll see in the long run. Filler- ish is right, at this point I don't think any of your chapters lack information, or aren't important. Many things did happen in this chapter, and the appearance of Dafydd and Amanda is intriguing. And poor Echo, having to deal with such things, she's growing up very fast too, and not just for house elves. I would love to get a peek at that conversation between Remus and Ron. Your comment at the end is now making me look forward even more to the next couple of chapters. So until next time!
kendiara posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2014 8:05pm