By Anne B. Walsh
warthog1984 posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 2:14am
Lucius IS Draco. Draco is Lucius. Lucius is Draco. Oh god, Draco is a Malfoy!!! Ehwww.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
...only in the Dangerverse would that last sentence not be greeted with a resounding "Duh".
Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 1:34am
Congratulations on hitting the anniversary! (Anne-iversary?). Lots of things going on right now, competing possible theories, and threads that I suspect won't really come together for a while. What's happening in the text as presented seems a little too straight or one-sided to be real, and there's certainly gaps in what we know, but I could also quite easily binterpreting those gaps via wishful thinking. I may just have to stop theorizing for a few chapters.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 9:46pm
I had completely forgotten in all my upset that the new resident "upstairs" could be Albus. Duh! The message from Alex was phrased so that we couldn't tell for sure, though.
I almost needed tissues, but I kept getting interrupted by family before it could get too bad, strangely enough. (then I would come back and read some more) So Luna's vision has come to pass. I am wondering, though, how Lucius happened to have the Imprimatus on hand; he was planning on using it on Draco if he couldn't get him under control, wasn't he? I guess this means that Luna isn't the heir of Slytherin, either. *sigh* So I'm out of ideas on that front.
I'm thinking about the prophecy: "A long awaited night of pain Brings dreadful loss, yet also gain; Despite the words, the theft, the flight, A secret hope hides in the light." Still don't know what it all means, but I think it refers to today. And didn't you write some stories with possible "outtakes" from the DV? This sounds really familiar. I need to go find it. And while I would love for you to tell me what Luna Saw when she looked at Lucius, I suppose I must be patient. It would be really helpful if I could remember who else had red hair besides Ginny and Anne (and all the other Weasleys).. Wait, Percy is the only Weasley with black hair, right? Hmmm. And speaking of the Weasleys, we haven't heard anything from Fred lately, either. Double hmmm...
You have really spoiled us these last few weeks, so I won't be too upset if it takes a while. Feel free to drop hints over on FB; I didn't realize there was a group until last week!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
No, Percy's also a redhead. But Dumbledore was a ginger before he went white... hee. The Imprimatus came from Draco's dagger, which Luna had planned on using on Lucius...
Anansii posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 8:27pm
Scream? Nah - now we know that the tombstone never had a body under it, that nobody has SEEN a body, and Luna says he's been talking to her. Lucius' word is... well dubious at best. I has my doubts... In all events, We're past the prophecy point, and anything can happen.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Well, there's definitely ashes that used to be a body interred there.
Dangams posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 8:24pm
Ahhhhhhhhh. Has what I think might have happened, actually happened? Or am I misreading a line in the last chapter, and it's all gone horribly wrong. Hrm. We shall see.
In other news, Happy Birthday Dangerverse!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I don't know, what do you think has happened?
kendiara posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 7:07pm
See if we scream at you then you're going to get sad and not write. At that point we'd have to wait forever and ever for you to finish, and if I yelled as much as I want to it would probably be a lot like Meghan when Harry fell from his broom. But louder and meaner and less magic-y. I loved that Albus was smart enough to realize that story would get out and cut it off at the knees. It probably is a lot easier to think about those kind of things when you aren't the only one doing all the things. (Having help with the Pride and the Pack instead of cannon HHR only). I find Lucius interesting in the last few chapters. Much more like the Lucius of old and less the mangy werewolf. We've had a lot of lessons on how the wolf effects people and while Mare's healing turned him back to pretty, I don't know how much she could have reversed the wolf. He was well on his way to Fenrir Greyback and far away from suave Malfoy. The rings are interesting too...since as far as I can remember neither Luna nor Draco have used their red gems. Basically I pretty much am ending most every review from now until the end of the 'Verse with: I refuse to believe in Draco's demise.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, well... all kinds of interesting things happen. And those aren't pendant gems in the rings, though good try!
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 6:46pm
Oddly, this chapter -- where the remaining pack- and pride-mates mourn Fox, needed more tissues than the previous one.
And once again we run into "Valentine". Can't be helped, you started this AU long before DH came out and we found what who "R.A.B." was. You could do a mass edit easily enough, but then the whole "Valentina Jett" thing wouldn't work if Sirius's middle name were Orion or Deneb or Castor or Polaris or Vega or (God help us) Betelgeuse.
Ah well, such a strange thing. All the major deviations from Canon don't bother me, but this one minor one does.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, that is rather odd. And sadly, I have no way to do a mass edit. Every chapter is a separate entity so I would need to reread the entire Dangerverse and individually edit each place where the name appears.
tocom81 posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 2:40am
I will NOT believe it until after the last word of the DV is published. If he is not back until then I will wait for an epilogue and only if he has not returned then to marry Luna, have kids and live his life in peace, I will start to believe that you have really done this unbelievable, unthinkable, unspeakable thing!
And thank you, by the way, for the fast updates!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Tiger posted a comment on Friday 25th October 2013 12:18am
I wonder if the person who is joining the pride at halloween is Albus and not Draco. Or Draco is actually dead, but he gets somehow brought back via the resurrection stone or some other maneuver. He cannot remain dead, otherwise I have an extra pitchfork. In all seriousness I loved this chapter, especially Luna's interaction with everyone else.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I've bucked JKR on many things, but not that. No spell can reverse true death.
kendiara posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 11:30pm
I refuse to believe in Draco's demise.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You do that, sweetheart.
warthog1984 posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 11:05pm
Evil, evil, evil Author. I'll wait until tomorrow to determine if you get run out on a rail or not ;). Lots of waiting... Good chapter, IF things turn out acceptably for the Pack and Pride. Fortunetly, tomorrow is a light day at work, so I'll have time for reading once it is posted. Update!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Mwahahahaha. *hides*
Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 10:43pm
*screams* They're going to turn Malfoy Manor into Fidelius Manor! Is Remus descended from the Beauvois in DV-main, too? "Straight through the hoop I wouldn't." Did you mean this to echo the Muggle expression 'damn straight'? Because it does, making this a very good piece of invented Wizard English. Sirius giving Draco permission to take his NEWTs sounds significant somehow. Maybe he'll enroll at Hogwarts-in-the-sky or something. "Barbara Allen" and Neville's roses - and from his heart grew a red, red rose, if I remember correctly.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, yes they are. And yes, Remus is descended from the Beauvoi daughter. And yes, that's exactly what I meant it to sound like!, that's a yes-y reply...
carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 24th October 2013 8:58pm
Yeah, I knew that Harry would have put safeguards onto the fire that he gave Draco, but of course he goes and blames himself anyway. Typical Harry. I loved how Ginny fussed some sense into him.
Oh dear, Draco really is gone... I had hopes... But I was wrong...
So many things have been put into motion; I really don't know how you manage to keep track of them. I didn't need the tissues right now, but I usually fall apart about the time of the funeral, so my time is coming. I'm very curious as to Luna's plans. It seems like I have this figured out, but it's just at the edge of my mind. I look forward to the next chapter. Well, not really, since I don't want what is going to happen to happen in case it goes badly. I guess it's more that I look to the idea of the next chapter. Let's leave it at that.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*sends hugs* Nitpicky fans and losing track of the details of my actual life.
Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 19th October 2013 10:04pm
Hmmm. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Draco, not Lucius, due to some of the phases used... or else the prolonged contact with Draco's mind had more affect on him than he do like to keep us guessing, don't you?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
But of course!
kendiara posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 10:01pm
Lucius calling Hermione kitten? I'm calling shenanigans on that being right. I'm still voting for polyjuice and Draco being alive. If not I'm writing my own AU of an least in my head because I can't actually write lol.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
To mess with her head, because Kitten is the name she only accepts from her father... only Lucius, in a cruel and twisted way, is her father.
Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 9:28pm
"Tell me the Heir of Slytherin lies buried in Godric's Hollow" ... And now I know where Alex is buried, don't I. "Perhaps I can find someone with artistic talent who might be interested in rendering it for me…" Fan art. Lucius wants fan art of *himself*. And I have nothing to say about the more serious parts of the chapter, apparently. I'm enjoying it, though, and very interested to see how it all plays out.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
He does. He's also, very subtly, threatening Luna.
Dangams posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 2:14pm
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*goes and gets tongue depressor*
Nenya posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 1:51pm
Huzzah, another update!
" Tell me the Heir of Slytherin lies buried in Godric's Hollow and I might believe you" - oooh. I BELIEVE THAT. Though I'm not sure who it is...a Dumbledore, a Potter or a Peverell...hmm...
I'm not sure I totally believe in Draco's death. "A secret hope hides in the light"...wasn't that how it went? I doubt the real Lucius would be happily quoting Lloyd-Webber, either. I continue to keep my fingers crossed!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
That was the line... though Lucius might do that to mess with Hermione's head!
Matilda17 posted a comment on Thursday 17th October 2013 1:49pm
Hmm.I am not great at figuring out what's going on, but I don't think that Draco has really been killed.
Can I just say THANK YOU for the suddenly-constant updates? I love it!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You're welcome!
Tiger posted a comment on Saturday 26th October 2013 2:15am
Anne B. Walsh replied: