By Anne B. Walsh
Scott M posted a comment on Sunday 4th August 2013 5:22pm
I'm glad they're starting to work things out, though i'm sure more Bad Things will happen while they're dealing with it. Loved Harry's 'stalk' at the beginning of the chapter, once I realised what he was doing. At first I thought I'd skipped a scene somewhere, but it soon cleared up. I also liked Remus being alpha as they assign the teams, though I'm not sure how well Selena, Maya and co will actually manage on holding themselves in check.
In other news, I acquired, read through and enjoyed A Dinner of Herbs last night, and am getting started on Cat Tales as well. Yay for Heroines, and I'm glad Boj managed to avoid falling into Villainy, though that may or may not last.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yeah, no, Harry's just sneaking up on people. 'Tis fun. Glad you're enjoying herbs and cats!
jua-chan posted a comment on Sunday 28th July 2013 10:21am
Yay another chapter,
now that the hint has been spelled out it does make a lot of sence.
Using their horcrux dowsing technique with potiens peaces? Thats brilliant. I am also glad to see that Graham and Natalie are not giving up.
I do understand Selena being vengeful but hope that she won't do what i think she will do, mainly kill anyone who touched little Zach.
I think Danger is worrying to much. The Pride know that the Pack did the best they could and hopefully this preparation will allow everybody to survive the war.
Can't wait for the rescue.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Danger is a mother. Worrying is what they do.
Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Saturday 27th July 2013 11:04pm
"Padfoot's latest literary effort, a book of short stories featuring dogs" This doesn't resemble 'Cat Tales' at all, no no no, of course not, why would I think that. "I suppose we should tell Percy whatever security he's been using about the Roads, it's still holding." Yay for good security And yay for Natalie and Graham! "I want them to have choices as much as you do, but that requires that they be alive to make them!" Yeah, let's get our priorities sorted out. "who'd have more personal onus against our side's Slytherins" I don't think onus is the word you want. It means burden of proof, as in, 'I'm guilty until proven innocent, the onus is on you to convince them I'm guilty.' I think you mean grudge or vendetta. Hey, the DE's took a page out of the Pack's book, they're kidnapping kids to raise them. "Can you do a search spell through these? Find Graham and Natalie's names?" Magical 'Find on this page' :D
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Hey, sneaky plugs are still plugs. Thanks for the word-pick. And wouldn't magical "find on this page" be awesome?
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Saturday 27th July 2013 11:08am
Here's another fine chapter you've gotten me into!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Saturday 27th July 2013 6:34am
What a great chapter (I feel I say this a lot, but it is true). Hurray for Hufflepuffs indeed. And for Graham and Natalie, plotting away. Can't wait to see what happens when the Prides/DA catch up with Ms Vane...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yeah. They are Not Happy.
buffarama posted a comment on Friday 26th July 2013 8:35pm
War! Selena or the other pride's gonna do something stupid, aren't they?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Most likely.
Nenya posted a comment on Friday 26th July 2013 4:24pm
Yes! Go Prides! :D
I don't want to be on tissue standby, though. I really want this to come out well :(
Cracking chapter - the pacing was great, ramping up the tension in the planning scenes, broken up with that lovely moment between Graham and Natalie. Although I really, really hope that Natalie's fate isn't going to be the same one she suffers in Be Careful...
I'm currently holding off reading Cat Tales - not because there's anything wrong with it, but because I just lost my own cat, and all things moggy are making me sad at the moment. Will pick it up again soon and let you know what I thought :)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Sorry to hear about your cat. We lost Bruce the Very Large Dog recently so I know the feeling. And no, sadly, of Natalie and Graham, it's the other half this time...
Scott M posted a comment on Saturday 13th July 2013 2:32pm
Hee. I love Harry's little moment at the beginning, I can hear him saying that. Apparently Sirius should've been there for DH, he might've had fun. Interesting that Draco's telling himself a version of his own life, but he doesn't recognize it yet. This whole situation with Draco is quite reminiscent of some of your AUs - I wonder if the Draco-mind is actually from one? It reminds me very much of what I've read of Homecoming as well; I need to go buy that soon. Also, Luna's being sneaky and making her own prophecy...I'm sure we'll see what she's getting at eventually. Off to catch up on DG before the roller coaster. I guess by this evening I'll have to wait for new stuff from both of you, which is sad, but it's also fun to catch up.
jua-chan posted a comment on Saturday 13th July 2013 12:47pm
NOOOOOOOO. Not little Zach (yes Graham bears mentioning too but poor little Zach!).
I have to say I cannot catch the hint you are talking about. Then again I like not knowing and then laughing at my own blindness later.
Love the chapter. I am happy to see a bit more of Echo, Bernie and Ciccus. They are adorable but you can also see how they are slowly growing up.
Bitting my nails to find out what happens next. Well done.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
The hint is now spelled out for you. And Echo, Bernie, and Cissus will be back!
Scott M posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 3:38pm
Awww. I'd forgotten what that gift was or who it was for - I was expecting a picture, but the snow-globe is a nice touch.
Scott M posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 1:36pm
Eee, yay. :-) This was just as lovely to read this time around as it was the first time, even though I knew this moment was coming since early last chapter. I hadn't remembered all the details around it anyway, as often seems to happen when I reread something.
Scott M posted a comment on Friday 5th July 2013 10:21am
Reading from the beginning, as I finally got around to Selena's story and decided to read in tandem. Enjoying things just as much this time, and I really will have to try the pasta recipe at some point. Maybe even tonight, though if so I'll have to modify some steps. Like Percy, I have never sauteed in that fashion, or heard of it; I'd always thought it was pushing things around the pan with a spatula or wooden implement. Your way sounds interesting, but I'd have to set aside some practice time before trying it.
Erika Shulkusky posted a comment on Thursday 4th July 2013 4:27pm
Hmmm, could the clue be re location?? Feels like a trap.......will look forward to reading your take on the final horcrux since you are diverging fom the original plot. Also wanted to let you know that I just finished reading Cat Tales and loved the short favorite was Warrior Queen.......loved the fangcats! I am a cat lover myself so any story where cats are part of the plot will grab my interest!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oh, the final Horcrux will be a doozy. And thanks! So glad you enjoyed Cat Tales... would you mind, or have you already, putting a couple comments on whatever site you got the book from? Thanks!
frances posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 4:11pm
Oh dear. Very worried about Zach and Natalie. Also would love to hear more about Hestia, Kettleburn etc. Can't wait for another chapter!!!!!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Hestia and Kettleburn will be back.
Nenya posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 6:53am
A hint that Graham isn't the one writing it? Hmmm...I confess my initial thought was 'Graham would never joke about being kidnapped by Death Eaters'. Is Luna's prophecy about the new-wed nymph coming to fruition, then? Maybe I should go read Defying Gravity for some hints.
Other stuff - loved the Harry/Ginny moment. I always enjoy watching that pair interact in your work; you write them as having a real, balanced relationship, which isn't the impression I got from canon!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Ding ding ding, well done! As for Harry and Ginny, JKR saw the story as circling more around the friendship trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ginny always seemed like a bit of an afterthought, just "Oh, and Harry should have someone too." Which isn't fair and she deserved more, because the hints we see in canon are of a strong, intelligent, determined young lady. I personally thought they should have taken her along on the "camping trip"... maybe it would have been over a bit sooner!
Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Saturday 29th June 2013 11:09pm
I love finding out more about house-elves. They can tell if a baby's going to be a boy or a girl *before it's even conceived*. How weird/cool is that? "Alex, Harry decided, must have got his looks more from his proud-faced mother, whose coloring made him think of Snow White at the same time as her expression recalled the wicked Queen from the same story…" Am I supposed to be remined of Jadis, the White Witch? "From your mouth to the Lion's ears" Yes, I think I am supposed to be thinking of Narnia :) I can't find the hint that Graham isn't writing the note.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You are definitely meant to be thinking of Narnia. And the hint is now spelled out in the new chapter!
carolebear posted a comment on Saturday 29th June 2013 10:12pm
So Harry and Ginny will have a girl, whenever they finally get around to it. But I thought the prophecy said that "Lion's line continue must, ere eldest serpent's turn to dust?" Doesn't that mean this can't end until they have a child, or Ginny is at least pregnant? (not that I am an advocate of them having children so early) The stray thought Harry had when Virginia's sock stealing habits makes me curious, since I can't connect it with anything else. I have learned that you are a master at inserting little tidbits that suddenly make sense 20 or so chapters down the road.
Very interesting story about the cornerstone of Hogwarts. Even more interesting were Luna's ramblings at the end of the story. Have I ever mentioned that you irritate the tar out of me when you just give us all these little tantalizing tidbits? There's rarely enough of anything for me to put anything together, and by the time you add another piece of information to the puzzle, I've usually forgotten the first bits. *heavy sigh* Of course, if I could figure out everything, I would be writing a companion story, like LupineMoon. I love that story, and hate it for the same reasons; tantalizing tidbits.
I'm scared, because now they ( whoever they are) have Graham, a pureblood, and little innocent Zach, also a pureblood, and Natalie, whose blood status I can't remember. Of course, the blood status is meaningless now, since they can't use the spell to determine it; it would just matter if anyone remembered. Is there a reason for the kidnapping beyond simple spite, or revenge? Or, perhaps worse, are they trying to get their hands on Selena and Roger, an obviously fertile couple? Are portkeys restricted? I know you can't/won't answer most of those questions, but if you answer any, would you please tell me which is it, unlike last time? *smiles sweetly* (You can be so devious some times. What am I saying; you are devious ALL the time.)
And I know it's not Graham writing the note because he would never, ever joke about being kidnapped by Death Eaters, not after what he went through.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I have many plans about their child, some of which deal with the time/age issue. Trust your author. Tantalizing tidbits are my specialty... and Natalie's a Muggleborn, which is well-known even if they can't determine it magically. Portkeys are not restricted, but they are traceable! And well-caught on the hint in the note.
oddlyalli posted a comment on Saturday 29th June 2013 7:33pm
Relationship info and illustrations, yay! Snortling at "Slytherin will always be evil" statements, yay! New fancy Hogwarts contraption, yay! Big bad things, booo!
Anxiously dreading awaiting the next chapter--thanks for continuing to write!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Your yays and boos amuse me intensely. As for continuing to write... I'm seldom able to STOP!
ccarter posted a comment on Friday 28th June 2013 8:54pm
I love when smart people miss the obvious. They missed the point about Slytherin and the Bloody Baron entirely. Of course the proffessors would know all about the battle with a witness they knew to ask, though I am interested to see what the "difference(s)" come to be. Intriguing as always. Also, excellent way of inserting an explanation of the state of Harry and Ginny's marriage.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Not that they missed the point, more that they knew that already. And yes, Harry and Ginny's wedding night is indeed coming... I have much silly planned circling around states of dress and undress.
Scott M posted a comment on Sunday 4th August 2013 5:26pm
Anne B. Walsh replied: