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Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 4:46pm

*cuddles Hogwarts, because mental hugs can happen to anything, even castles*

Hehehe, called it for Crystal and Percy.I'm so glad for them.

*hugs Blaise* A fitting denouncement. And I do so love the way Neville kept the prophecy's promise.

bwahahah PINK! BLUE!

...sleep well, Albus. You've earned it.

Hello, Ella dear.

*sings* Hi, we're the replacements, hi, we're the replacements....

...because really, how else? I might've thought it'd be more join than replace, but still and all. ^^

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 4:33pm

Dear, precious, clever baby Irina. Mm, time. <3

Peace and hope! To go with love. ^^

...and we kept him a little longer, so we'll treasure what we get.

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 4:22pm

*cuddles Harry* I love the little callbacks to canon. And I like this better, but. XD

You TOTALLY moped, Sev. XD

mwahahahaha magic partners~~

bwahahahaha worked with clay XDD

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 4:07pm

i was loving it, all of it, but somehow it was Hagrid who made me burst into joyfully grieving tears. *cuddles Annette, who you made us love in three paragraphs*

GODS I love your Neville. So perfect. All these little confrontations... All so perfect. So much love.

*cuddles a tiny tot and rushes on to the next chapter*

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 3:40pm

Oh, Colleen. You were the bravest of all. *cuddles Blaise*

It's a final battle. Of course there will be endings. All we can do is count the blessings we get in the meantime.

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 3:22pm

Mwahahahahah clever clever starwing clever clever harry founders are jammy bastards and I so called it. <3

Also i continue to adore all the Narnia stuff in here. I nearly killed my keyboard with a spit-take when I saw Beruna and Terebithia.

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 1:06pm

mwahahaha, I did know it. Mostly because you're a tricksy wench and I've read some of your other stories, and at the point where you most despair is when you should most doubt your perceptions. XD

...besides, Draco's such a fantastic actor.

Phil Boswell posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 5:30am

Am I bad to really, really want to see that original "terrible piece of drek" now you've mentioned it? It sounds like it would quite amusing after all this time.

Congratulations on making it this far, not that I for one ever doubted you. If only I could take your inspiration and convert into real words-on-paper…

Face Toward the Dawn posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2014 2:07pm

I love Snape's present to Sirius.

Is Sirius's rational-or-not checklist a real list? (If it is, can you share?)

And Luna, hooray! \o/ A useful prophecy!

Nenya posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2014 4:24am

Oh, where to start? There were so many fantastic moments in this :-) the Riddle house being used for Camelot is poetically perfect - and I think that as a Muggle I'd be intrigued and pleased by its history, rather than scared off. It was great to see Marcus being adorable and enjoying life. Couple of questions there - do the newest cubs get pendants? And what happened to the statue in Godric's Hollow when Marcus rejoined the land of the living? I'm intrigued by Luna's prophecy; I guess the one with the power to vanquish the dark curse = Nadia being born, and she has the power to end the werewolf curse. She's born to those who have long defied her because, although without the curse she'd have been born sooner, she was blocked/defied by the werewolf magic on Remus (and Danger?). Hope you get chance to cover this, either in the next chapter or a new story! From an overall perspective, I liked the device of Sirius narrating/chronicling it, and I like the subtle reminders that things never go back to normal, but you keep moving forward. Finally (in the grand tradition of saving the best for last)...Percy and Crystal. This made me ridiculously happy; their scene was perfection, exactly the way I imagined it. The dialogue was beautifully nuanced, heartbreakingly sad at times but ultimately hopeful - and of course they're taking care of a certain pair of felines. I wish them every happiness.

buffarama posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2014 12:14am

awwwwwwwww heeeeeee luna! bloody prophecies

Anansii posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2014 12:04am

Grin - I think I know what Luna means here, and I agree - it just wouldn't be right to leave THAT hanging, and it makes perfect sense.

PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Saturday 25th October 2014 6:36pm

*stunned silence* O.O Oooooh...

kendiara posted a comment on Saturday 25th October 2014 6:33pm

Squee! Werewolf babies break the curse! Okay that's what I'm going to assume anyway kinda like Healer Young was saying when Draco and Ron switched, curses have a specific release trigger. That may be the only thing I've ever figured out in this story :)

bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2014 3:55pm

Well now, that's a nice ending or near-to-ending, whichever it is. Very well done indeed.

One small nitpick. By the rules of muggle etiquette, Hermione will be "Hermione Weasley" or "Mrs. Ronald Weasley," but not "Mrs. Hermione Weasley" unless they later get divorced adn she chooses not to resume "Granger".

Wizarding society may have different rules, of course.

Hot48cricket posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 5:23pm

wow - it's amazing that you are wrapping up this story!!! It has been an amazing journey and I want to read the ending...but I don't!!!!

Nenya posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 1:02pm

Lovely, Anne! :)

The wedding was as beautiful as I've been imagining it for...oh, six years now? Albus's passing was suitably sad yet uplifting, and I'd half-guessed the guardian thing from one of your Draco/Luna one shots but it was nice to have it confirmed.

I have to put a word in for Blaise. I feel heartbroken for him, I really do. I think you've done a terrific job making him a complex, multi-layered character who represents the good in Slytherin house, and I'd like to know what he does with his life, now he's lost his Colleen.

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 12:50am

The wedding at last - and y'know, while I never really thought about it, I didn't feel particularly surprised at the announcement. Who better to take over from the Founders etc.?

And now we approach the last two chapters, I'm looking forward to the rest of the story and dreading the ending of this saga I've followed for so long and enjoyed so much. Of course it'll be awhile before I really miss them because I'm going to follow the end by a complete reread. Thank you so much!

carolebear posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2014 8:21pm

There were two sections that stuck with me, the first from Harry. " If this were a story, then my part would be over as soon as Voldemort died. The author wouldn't know quite what to do with me afterwards. So it would just make sense, in a poetic kind of way, for us to kill each other instead of letting me hang about. He sipped at his punch, enjoying the rush of bubbly-sweet-sour citrus across his tongue. But this isn't a story—or rather, it's a whole bunch of stories, because what else is life?"

Well, I think the author knew exactly what she was doing. This has been such a wonderful adventure, and I really feel honored to have bheen a part of it, getting to talk to you on FB and learning more through the side stories.


Hermione chuckled. "Like meddling in the affairs of dragons."

"For we are crunchy and good with ketchup." Meghan grinned from her place riding piggyback on Neville. "And mustard, if it's Dadfoot."

I have always loved this quote. See you in a few days!

PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2014 7:39pm

*SQUEE* LOVED. As always.