By Anne B. Walsh
MLM97 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 1:07pm
Always nice to see a new Dangerverse update. I look forward to seeing what you'll do now that, over the course of FD and these few chapters, you've eliminated nearly all the threads of conflict that filled HBP. :) And a Harry who can actually be mature when dealing with Severus is a delight.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oh, there's still plenty to happen. Don't you worry, the year won't be boring.
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 12:43pm
"No secs". *fit of giggles* Excellent as always, Anne.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
That was a last-second inspiration. Apparently everybody loved it!
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2012 12:55pm
I love the photograph idea. Portrait might be more fun, though undoubtedly harder for the characters to pull off.
"Contrary to popular opinion, we do not come to school to see how much trouble we can get into!" *snicker*
How wise is it to tell everyone exactly what Ron's new strength and weakness are?
Aletha is warning Harry's Slytherins about the 1:15 inspection, yes?
Unless, of course, you could learn to bottle your attitude towards Harry and sneak it into the soup at Death Eater Headquarters one evening, directed towards Voldemort… Heeeeee.
I like the holiday parties idea.
Meghan is gonna have a blast with the HBP Potions book. If Harry ever lets her at it.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
They might eventually have a portrait done from the photo. And *shrug* stuff gets out, so it's better not to try and sneak. Then people will think it's a big secret and go prying. Yes, Aletha warned the Slytherins. Meghan will get to see the HBP book for VERY SHORT PERIODS...
jules3677 posted a comment on Friday 18th May 2012 3:43am
So much covered in such a wonderful chapter. Harry is certainly turning into a fantastic leader. The sanctuary is coming along. Loved the idea of pictures for the walls. You have such innovative ideas. The writing, as always, is excellent. The characters are so rounded. Love this! Thankyou for posting.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Harry's sneaky that way. And hey, what's the point of writing if the characters don't feel real?
callie posted a comment on Thursday 17th May 2012 5:46pm
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it all!!!! the sanctuary, the magic of the sorting hat, the celebrations, and how smart pearl is!!!!!
and i will most certainly be buying a widow in waiting as soon as it's available!!!!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yay! I'll be sure and let everybody know as soon as it is!
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2012 3:00am
Welcome back! As usual, you come back with a bang (sorry...). Loved the conversation between Letha and Harry, the Draco/Amanda/Luna scene (the mystery deepens), but especially loved the Red Shepherds. Percy discovering his inner Weasley, Cristal teaching the Twins about Muggle explosives - it's all good! Glad to hear your original work is going well, but even gladder to learn that SD will be updated more frequently.
Already waiting for the next chapter...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Hey, I made the joke first, you're allowed to make it back. I've been having so much fun thinking about the Red Shepherds... next on their list of fun Muggle inventions? Duct tape.
mlraven posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2012 4:20pm
I first learned of the Dangerverse through Poufwa, many years ago. I read the first two and a half then, but became occupied with other work and never finished them.
I'm finally current; I completed this, the most recent chapter, about a week after I began reading.
I love these stories. I've never become so incredibly involved in a fanfiction before. Towards the end of FD, when all the /bad things/ were happening, I realized just how much it was tearing me apart to think of what was happening to these good, albeit fictional, characters.
Having read all four stories in a very short period of time has let me notice some details that perhaps I would not have if I had taken longer to read. I came to the same conclusions about Amanda and Alex as Bialystoker. I am a bit confused by the fact that the revenant "woke up" after she was already in Amanda's body. Amanda didn't seem aware of who she was before they disturbed the revenant's body, so I assume that was the direct result. Considering that they only found one tomb, though, her brother (and her lover) must be burried elsewhere. I don't know how relevant that is, but I wonder when we'll find that out.
Another hint I've picked up on is the fact that Sisseh meant Lily, and Siss always treated Harry like her child. Did some part of Lily's soul attach onto Siss, or to Siss's dam? And are we ever going to find that out, perhaps when Draco's up with all the ghosts? I assume the reason we didn't see a ghost/memory of Siss when Harry saw his parents and Marcus is because she's part of Lily, and therefore went back into Lily when Siss died?
Will the pureblood sword that Dumbledore wanted Sirius to remake/resummon ever feature again? Sirius doesn't have a male heir/the prospect of a male heir anymore, so he's not suitable, but maybe someone else could be. I thought of Brian, who's pureblooded (3 generations), but he's sterile, and it has to be someone with an heir.
I find it a little suspect that Dudley never listened to Harry's end of the conversations with Draco. Harry always spoke outloud in response to Draco's mind-to-mind contact, and I wondered whether something Harry let slip would ever get used against him, but now that Dudley's (thankfully) dead, we don't need to worry about that.
In the original prophecy that mentioned the raven joining pheonix, cat, and dragon, it mentioned (and the characters have since forgotten) that Snape had to overcome darkness to be their friend. Was the darkness long ago (when he ratted them out), or was it more recent, when he admitted that hating Sirius had never comforted him? Or has it not yet happened?
I'm also curious about the secret entrance to the Den from the Quidditch Pitch. Alex blanched when Harry asked him about it, and its origins and intentions never got resolved. Did Salazar make it to sneak in and kill the other Founders, or did it have to do with Alex and his children? And is Slytherin's primary gift (I agree with Bialystoker that Parseltongue seems much more minor than all the rest of the primary gifts) going to come out soon, perhaps in conjection with Amanda/Draco/Alex/Luna?
Speaking of Luna, has the Pride actually taken measures so that when she changes sides, their secrets (the Sanctuary, the Den, etc) will stay hidden?
I'm sorry this review got so out of hand, I was just so excited to finally get current and relate all my unanswered queries. I hope you write more soon; I look forward to every update.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Review is not out of hand. Review is awesome. Now, in backwards order: No, the Pride hasn't taken measures yet, but they will be soon. Yes, the Slytherin primary gift will be revealed as part of Amanda's story arc, and Alex's bad memories of the Quidditch pitch entrance are connected with his dad. Snape's overcoming of darkness was a while back. The Sword of Decision is actually just about to come back up! Good catch on Siss/Lily... you might notice Lily was wearing an interesting piece of jewelry when Harry sees her... and I'm sorry you were torn, but I'm afraid I take it as a compliment to me and my writing! Thanks for reading and stay tuned!
Baileyfish posted a comment on Sunday 6th May 2012 8:33pm
I found your stories last week and have devoured them. Now I'm terribly sad to realize that i've caught up with you and have to wait! I don't know how I'll stand it. You created an amazing and complex alternate universe here and I absolutely love it. Can't wait to see what you've got planned!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Allow me to point out that there is now a Chapter 2 to this fic... glad you're enjoying it!
Bialystoker posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2012 9:08pm
Just re-posting this comment from last year, since I would still love to know if I got anywhere near the mark with my guessing:
I’ve been rereading the DV in lieu of updates while procrastinating on my NaNoWriMo, and I’ve come up with the following theory about Amanda: Amanda and Matt have the souls of Alex’s children. Ezra Smythe gets taken over by Alex occasionally. Matt died young in his first life, which is why Alex’s line died out. This is a redo for Amanda because she’s a revenant. She’s intending for Draco to stand in for her love so she can choose that he dies and not her brother. Rather ruthless, but she doesn’t seem to have a lot of consideration for other people’s lives. I guess that would be the Slytherin coming out. I’m also thinking that Parseltongue is Slytherin’s secondary gift. Because alongside gifts like handling fire, healing, and controlling plants, talking to snakes is a bit wimpy, no? I’d have turned Dark too if that was all I got. Is there a Beauvoi — Malfoy connection, or am I just connecting things from Be Careful that aren’t supposed to be connected? Also, I’m thinking that Luna and Neville’s blood connection (Butterbeer cap, second year) should come into play, or else you wouldn’t have included it. Luna doesn’t do things without reason, right? Those are all my guesses so far. Am I getting warm?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You're very, very close! Off on one point about Amanda, but right on just about everything else. There definitely is a Beauvoi-Malfoy connection -- someone's going to discover it fairly soon -- and would it surprise anyone to know that the original Malfoy, the Muggleborn wizard who poisoned his pureblood cousin in order to inherit from him, had the Christian name Lucius?
Bialystoker posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2012 9:07pm
YES! It's back! There are not exclamation marks enough in the WORLD for me to amply convey my excitement and enthusiasm!!!
callie posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2012 12:30am
very very interesting... i like what the red shepherds did... and the bit with amanda luna and draco... as always i can't wait for more!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Crazy, aren't they?
jua-chan posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2012 8:14am
Such a long wait and now it finally updates and i am not allowed read fanfiction till my exams are over (My other half is glaring at me even now). Just wanted to let you know that I am looking sooo forward to reading this and that I'm really happy that there is a new chapter. Will leave proper comentary in about 2 weeks when my ban is lifted (damn exams).
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, exams have the annoying factor times ten. Will be looking forward to your comments!
Jamie_Rosewood posted a comment on Sunday 8th April 2012 2:58pm
I love the Dangerverse! Hope to read more of this fic!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
More is now available!
yulerule posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2012 3:31pm
Wow. So I've just spent my entire winter vacation reading the dangerverse from beginning to end. I've just finished, so this reviewe is about lots of things.
The story of Amanda(It is her body that was in the entrance to the sanctuary, right?) which was mentioned somewhere...I want to read it over, could you please point me in the correct direction?
Ron now has infrared vision, but can he see shapes that are the same color, and how would he tell two people who have the same build apart? I would think that he needs something like echolocation to complement what vision he has. Would I be right in imagining its somewhat blurry as in some of those cameras, or is it more defined than that?
Luna hasn't connected Amanda to who she actually is, has she? So the prophecy that says Slytherin's line has to die out means Voldemort will be defeated, but if Amanda is also of his line, though of the "good" portion, does that mean the prophecy only refers to the 'evil' portion of the line, or does it affect Amanda as well?
Happy to see Aletha becoming more herself. I hope she will see herself in those memories, and accept the Pack and pride.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Well done to catch who's in the Sanctuary. Amanda's story is near the end of the chapters marked Year 5 in Facing Danger. Ron can see people's features, not just their outlines -- he's got pretty good vision, just in black-and-white. Luna has a decent idea who Amanda is but doesn't quite understand what's going on with her... even Amanda isn't totally clear on that at this point. However, note that the prophecies make a very interesting distinction about Slytherin's lines...
Thorfinna posted a comment on Wednesday 21st December 2011 2:35am
Another interesting chapter in an rich and full AU. But my sadness that there have been no updates since September. I know, not really all that long in the greater scheme of things. I'm hoping now your original plot bunny is out and about looking for a publishing home that you'll return to the JK's sandbox and give us some more DV love.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Sorry... it took a couple more months to leave me be. I hope and believe I can get back into the DV swing, though!
Contrition posted a comment on Saturday 19th November 2011 11:57pm
Alright, I started reading Dangerverse in May or June, so I guess I'm still 'new'ish. At least, I'm familiar with the verse by now, though I've never reviewed. Looks like I get to go back and re-read the last one to find out what Amanda's dream/vision/memory was again...
Generally speaking, since I've spent the past few months reading Dangerverse and getting caught up, I will say that obviously we wouldn't have the universe to play in without JKR herself, but I really like what you've done with her characters, even more than what she did to a point. I think Ginny and Ron are both really poorly developed in her series and I think your version of them is much better. In the original I don't like most canon relationships, but I think you do a good job probably because you've developed the characters so well.
I also have to express my skepticism here of Draco's inevitable "death," as it will happen in this volume. After reading your 4 earlier Dangerverse pieces, I can't see you letting Draco die even when it seems like he surely will. I eagerly anticipate your intervention.
I'm also simultaneously disgusted by the idea of a pregnant, 16-year-old Ginny, and impressed at the logic you use for it. It smacks of bad fanfiction, but I don't think anyone could accuse you of that after reading the other pieces. I still think she should be older, but the explanation of love/life to counteract Voldemort's hate/death is pretty good. I am curious about how you portray it... but I have a feeling you'll do a good job with it and readers like me will be able to cope with the idea. Not to mention, I'm curious to see what role the Davies baby will end up playing, because if I remember right, Luna had a mini-prophecy about him, too.
Anyway, you've done a great job with this verse, and I'm excited to see where you take us with this story!
Contrition posted a comment on Saturday 19th November 2011 11:53pm
Alright, I started reading Dangerverse in May or June, so I guess I'm still 'new'ish. At least, I'm familiar with the verse by now, though I've never reviewed. Looks like I get to go back and re-read the last one to find out what Amanda's dream/vision/memory was again...
Generally speaking, since I've spent the past few months reading Dangerverse and getting caught up, I will say that obviously we wouldn't have the universe to play in without JKR herself, but I really like what you've done with her characters, even more than what she did to a point. I think Ginny and Ron are both really poorly developed in her series and I think your version of them is much better. In the original I don't like most canon relationships, but I think you do a good job probably because you've developed the characters so well.
I also have to express my skepticism here of Draco's inevitable "death," as it will happen in this volume. After reading your 4 earlier Dangerverse pieces, I can't see you letting Draco die even when it seems like he surely will. I eagerly anticipate your intervention.
I'm also simultaneously disgusted by the idea of a pregnant, 16-year-old Ginny, and impressed at the logic you use for it. I still think she should be older, but the explanation of love/life to counteract Voldemort's hate/death is pretty good. I am curious about how you portray it... but I have a feeling you'll do a good job with it and readers like me will be able to cope with the idea. Not to mention, I'm curious to see what role the Davies baby will end up playing, because if I remember right, Luna had a mini-prophecy about him, too.
Anyway, you've done a great job with this verse, and I'm excited to see where you take us with this story!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I do believe that I must blush, although very belatedly. Sorry for the LONG wait for an update. Yes, little Zach will have his own part to play, though in a side plot mostly... and I may yet surprise you with the outcome of Harry and Ginny's wedding!
Bialystoker posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2011 1:44pm
I’ve been rereading the DV in lieu of updates while procrastinating on my NaNoWriMo, and I’ve come up with the following theory about Amanda:
Amanda and Matt have the souls of Alex’s children. Ezra Smythe gets taken over by Alex occasionally. Matt died young in his first life, which is why Alex’s line died out. This is a redo for Amanda because she’s a revenant. She’s intending for Draco to stand in for her love so she can choose that he dies and not her brother. Rather ruthless, but she doesn’t seem to have a lot of consideration for other people’s lives. I guess that would be the Slytherin coming out.
I’m also thinking that Parseltongue is Slytherin’s secondary gift. Because alongside gifts like handling fire, healing, and controlling plants, talking to snakes is a bit wimpy, no? I’d have turned Dark too if that was all I got.
Is there a Beauvoi — Malfoy connection, or am I just connecting things from Be Careful that aren’t supposed to be connected?
Also, I’m thinking that Luna and Neville’s blood connection (Butterbeer cap, second year) should come into play, or else you wouldn’t have included it. Luna doesn’t do things without reason, right?
Those are all my guesses so far. Am I getting warm?
Bialystoker posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2011 12:32pm
I’ve been rereading the DV in lieu of updates while procrastinating on NaNoWriMo, and I’ve come up with the following theory about Amanda:
Amanda and Matt have the souls of Alex’s children. Ezra Smythe gets taken over by Alex occasionally. Matt died young in his first life, which is why Alex’s line died out. This is a redo for Amanda because she’s a revenant. She’s intending for Draco to stand in for her love so she can choose that he dies and not her brother. Rather ruthless, but she doesn’t seem to have a lot of consideration for other people’s lives. I guess that would be the Slytherin coming out.
I’m also thinking that Parseltongue is Slytherin’s secondary gift. Because alongside gifts like handling fire, healing, and controlling plants, talking to snakes is a bit wimpy, no? I’d have turned Dark too if that was all I got.
Is there a Beauvoi — Malfoy connection, or am I just connecting things from Be Careful that aren’t supposed to be connected?
Also, I’m thinking that Luna and Neville’s blood connection (Butterbeer cap, second year) should come into play, or else you wouldn’t have included it. Luna doesn’t do things without reason, right?
Those are all my guesses so far. Am I getting warm?
ccarter posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 3:58pm
Anne B. Walsh replied: