By Anne B. Walsh
oddlyalli posted a comment on Wednesday 21st September 2011 11:01pm
Sooo...Amanda is Alex and Anne's daughter? Which would be convoluted if Anne is entirely a story-you. But the characters' descriptions sound like they're related.
More guessworkish:
And she's been sent back into the land of the living to repay for leaving her husband to die OR to save the decendent of the one she rescued instead of him. I've already forgotten--was that her son? If so, scratch that, let Voldie die. Wait, wait! Voldie came from Al's brother! Did you leave an opening for a present day little Al existing? Slytherin's primary/secondary gift is driving me bananas.
Gah, I can't think this tortuously at this time of night. I'll just wait for you to explain everything, unless it's revealed to me in a dream, or some such balderdash.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
It was her husband, fiance at that point, Amanda saved. Her brother was the one who died, due to a nasty spell on the family line which stated that each generation would be reduced to one, and only one, child who would live to adulthood. With the rest of it, you're coming close, but not quite there yet... mwahaha!
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Wednesday 21st September 2011 12:59am
YEA...Glad to see the start of this story. I love the other Dangerverse stories and look forward to reading this one as well.
The recap at the beginning of this chapter was good. It got me back into the story.
The last bit about Amanda is interesting and I can't wait to read more about that plotline.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Thanks, and Amanda will definitely be around this year!
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2011 2:54pm
Yay for more DangerVerse! I'd pay for DangerVerse if it was allowed. Especially as you have released ebooks versions which is a great way to read this stuff. Now onto my review:
That chapter felt a bit to much like: "And last week in the danger verse". I suppose re-reading the entire main DV sequence means everything is so fresh for me. So glad you're back writing this though. I like how you used Aletha's musings and look through the memory box. You didn't make her forget just to use this as a catch up at the beginning of this story? lol.
Saying that though, that final bit with Amanda Smythe is fantastic. I think you succeeded in how mysterious you wanted that to be. As I have lots of idea's but none of them seem to add up to a complete theory that makes any sense at all. Those ideas are (any hints about how close I am would be appreciated, lol): The fact her "father" hissed suggests that the family gift was parseltongue and that they are some descendant of Slytherin, possibly Voldemort although I think that is unlikely. Who is Grandpa G as well? Godric Gryffindor is the only G I can think of, which just confuses me even more.
Loved the line: "To Lord Voldemort, he was five feet, ten inches of black-haired, green-eyed, bespectacled irritation." Especially when you followed it up with: "Assuming he hasn't been upgraded to threat level by this point."
I also liked the Ginny's bit about "Vanity, they name is Snow Fox".
Thanks for writing, I can't wait for me!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I decided to err on the side of more information, since anyone who was new would need it and anyone returning would be willing to put up with it. You're close with your ideas about Amanda and her dad... and thank you so much, I had great fun writing those lines and was hoping someone would enjoy them!
Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2011 2:09am
Arrrrrr, matey! This be a fine treasure for Talk Like A Pirate Day, it be! And it's glad I be that book 4 ran over, for now we get a little longer to spend with Pack and Pride.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Ah, but my originals have them too, just under different names. (Legendbreakers is the most blatant about it but the rest of my writing has them sneaking in as well...)
Kathleen posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 7:44pm
Arr! I be delighted to hear yer a real live author now, the kind I ken steal from on the high seas! We pirates prefer that kind to the broke landlubber kind. I hope yer sales let you buy a yacht soon...
This was a great beginning to the (final?) book. I'm enjoying it already -- it was lovely to revisit all of them.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, this ought to be the last main DV. Here's hoping I can pull it off!
Prongsie posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 2:16pm
Well, huh :) And yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ^^ Let me explain: the 'huh' is for the whole scene with Amanda and her father (I've never really understood the whole Amanda-situation. Now I'll have to start specific re-reading. Oh no... ); the 'yaaaaaaaaaay' is for the start of SD :) I got an e-mail (and watched Facebook) and did one hell of a happy dance when I noticed SD. Happy happy happy ;)
Anyway, I think you're off to a very good start of the year and of the final part of the Pack and Pride's journey. Go you!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, Amanda's meant to be a bit confusing at this point, so don't worry too much. It will all be explained in time. I'm so glad you're happy!
Zevi posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 2:03pm
So you are a professional fanfic writer now? :P More seriously, what was the Amazon book you mentioned was written by the people here?
I like how you've used the memory box as a way of reviewing the past books.
And I am looking forward to the rest of this story.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I would be if that were legal! The Amazon book is called "Horror, Humor, and Heroes Volume 2: New Faces of Fantasy." Volume 3, which is science fiction, is in the assembling stages. More story, and originals by me, coming as soon as I can manage them!
Bialystoker posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 1:42pm
And it's filling me with mixed feelings of apprehension and joy. I have a horrible feeling about what's hurting Draco's arm... and I hate knowing something awful's going to happen and knowing I can't bloody do anything! Please, lovely Authoress, make everything turn out okay? Is that even in your job description?
I'm on tenterhooks for the next installment, so I hope you update soon!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Don't worry about Draco's arm. Danger chased him out of the kitchen with her trusty wooden spoon when he was after the fairy cakes himself, shortly before Padfoot sneaked in and gobbled them all up. And yes, actually, as it happens, that is in my personal job description...
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 9:50am
Thoroughly enjoyed this even if I had no idea what was going on in the last section. Thanks for updating and more please.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You're not really supposed to understand it quite yet. Amanda's story will be more fully told in this one.
kendiara posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 9:28am
Squee! Runs off to read Of Alex and Anne...
Nice summation for newbies and a good roundup for the rest of us :)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Thanks for enjoying it. I tried to make it both interesting and comprehensive, at least enough to let you know the players.
worldwarrior posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 8:07am
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is crazy! Thank u plz update soon!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yep, crazy it surely is!
callie posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 8:04am
hmm interesting... amanda smythe is amanda slytherin... at least her soul is...and alex is her dad... and she has the task to do something... but what?
great chapter! very curious ending! thanks for the bedtime story!!!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
You get tons of points and cookies! Very very smart!
AwesomelyMoi posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 7:39am
Yay!!! I've been waiting AGES for this one, and its just as awesome as I expected it to be :) It's great that you're updating so frequently now, so I don't really have much to say, other than great work, and continue on!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Just over two months is ages? I'll make a note of that. ;-)
renfro92w posted a comment on Wednesday 28th September 2011 8:56pm
Anne B. Walsh replied: