By Anne B. Walsh
Dangams posted a comment on Saturday 18th October 2014 8:22pm
Oooh, many explanations. All the explanations. Some of it I knew, some I'd guessed, some was new, but it was nice to see it all laid out. Nearly there now! Stay on target!
Nenya posted a comment on Friday 17th October 2014 5:05am
Whoop! :-D this clears everything up nicely, and I can't wait to see the wedding!
Silentwing posted a comment on Friday 17th October 2014 1:33am
LOVE IT! I've been re-reading the entire collection in order. I patiently await the last installment.
I have 2 favorite authors on this site. You, madam, are one of them! :-)
buffarama posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2014 10:24pm
great birthday pressie :)
read at work, reduced to unexplainable happy!tears
PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2014 9:33pm
Good Chapter. Can't wait for more. *SQUEE* That is all. :)
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2014 4:06pm
It's been a long trip to this point, but well worth it!
carolebear posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2014 7:51pm
So Amelia was right - good for her!! I really liked the way this chapter went down. It tied up a lot of loose ends, but left many more unanswered (there's got to be some story left for the next four or so chapters). And Letha and Padfoot get Marcus back; what a miracle that is! There's going to be quite the population explosion around the Den, new and old, isn't there? And we still need to find out about the names of the charming children in the last chapter (even though they have been discussed over on FB). I love hanging out ever there, since sometimes we get to have conversations with you.
Nenya posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2014 1:55am
Aww, Marcus! :-) and much general happiness. I liked the Cornerstone, I'd just got to that chapter in my re-read, so it was good to finally have the identities of Champions, Heirs and Consorts confirmed. So is Albus going to 'go on' soon? :-( Also, Lily is awesome. I hope the Pack and Pride eventually hear from Severus!
kendiara posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 11:41pm
Since I've already done a "Holy shit Holy shit" review, I'll try for something else this time :) I'm so curious if we will get to see how everyone deals with thier new situations. Meghan, she's so used to using her power and Danger and Remus have not been alone in so long its got to cause some frissures. Not to mention the whole stress let down of Voldemort being dead. Does the bond stress also shorten thier lives? Or just the power of Danger's magic? Its going to be chaos in the Pack/Pride for the next bit. I loved Lily and Snape, and she's right he should be the mystery. I hope he sends horrible jokes to Sirius (like the reconstitution plaque was sent to him) for the rest of his life.
buffarama posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 10:40pm
squeal and awww and smiling. all the happy!
PreseliAvalon posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 8:05pm
*FLAIL* CHAPTER! BABIES! OMG...."moderately ominous", indeed.
I can't wait for the next bit!
Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 7:47pm
Whew - you weren't kidding about those answers. I'm certain I've not picked up on all of them in the first read. But then, I'll be rereading the whole thing from the start after 70, so I expect I'll pick up what I missed on the way. And feel free to make it a happy ending (even if, as Schmendrick once pointed out, nothing really ever ends) - it's certainly fine with me!
And speaking of upping the Awwww count, thanks for returning Marcus - that I assure you I was NOT expecting!
Alagaisia posted a comment on Sunday 28th September 2014 1:20pm
First of all I just wanted to say that i love the Dangerverse, I've read most of your spin-offs from it as well, and i just finished re-reading what's here so far after convincing several of my friends to read it as well. I'm awaiting the end of the series with a mix of dread and anticipation. Oh my god I've cried so much for these books! I should hate you by now, i never thought I'd cry over people like Peter or Draco or Narcissa- and here i am calling them by their first names without a second thought! Thank you. This is really amazing, and you're really amazing, and I can't wait to see how this ends. -Madeleine And i almost forgot what I meant to tell you, which is relating to (chapter 59?) When they meet the people married to the founders, you said one of them was from Teribithia, which was created by two kids in the book Bridge to Teribithia (which is a great book and if you haven't you should read it) and from context i believe you meant Teribinthia, which is a place in the Narnia world place thing. ( Not sure if part of Narnia or it's own country) it could be a typo or intentional, I clearly wouldn't know, but it seemed like earlier you were taking about Narnia so i thought I'd put that in.
rynaldo posted a comment on Friday 26th September 2014 7:44am
So, If I have this right, your characters just pranked Voldemort to death. Beatiful! I hope that I am right because that would fit so well with the universe that you've built. I look forward to the denoument though I will be sad to see my favourite fanfiction end. I think I can admit to some sentimentality at the return of Harry's (and everyone else's) loved ones in this chapter without turning in my man card. The Dangerverse is an altogether wonderful effort with more than enough original content to stand proudly beside it's inspiration.
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2014 9:47am
Well, that was nice. I can hardly wait for the denoument.
Zarz posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 7:42am
Wow! This is just - wow! I started reading the Dangerverse way back ages ago, but eventually stopped - I think the site stopped sending updates and I didn't realize I needed to re-subscribe for a couple of years. And when I started seeing the updates again, for a long time I didn't read them - the last chapter I had read was back when Aletha and Sirius were captured, and Alex was crying as he gave Danger the dire warning that she was going to be too late for *something* horrible - I was too afraid to read further! But finally I did, and I was fascinated, but eventually realized I had not a clue what was going on! So what was I to do but binge-read the entire Dangerverse up to that point? (I think this was a new record for me - I've stayed up past midnight plenty of nights, even on school nights, trying to finish the last chapters of a book. I think this is the first time I've done so three nights in a row!) And now I'm finally caught up, so I can properly say you are amazing!
I've been trying to figure out all the hints you've given us in this latest chapter about what's going to come next. I think I have Ginny's part figured out, and I can't wait to see their daughter, but I confess I'm a bit worried about Snape. Did he manage to get himself killed in the last five minutes? And I've always been meaning to go back through and track who has used which jewel for what. Of course now they've finished the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor ones, but shouldn't Danger at least, and maybe one or two of the others, still have Hufflepuff and Slytherin?
And it's been driving me nuts trying to figure out who is still going to lose their Heir magic. I've been pretty sure it will be Harry or Remus for a while, but then I realized Remus and Danger were mostly dead while Harry was making his bargain, so it probably won't be him. I did have the thought that Harry has essentially had a Slytherin Heir's power from Voldemort's Horcrux. Possibly losing that will count, though as he says, he'd give up a lot more than just Gryffindor fire to defeat Voldemort.
And I must say - Fox as Lucius was an incredible twist! Even having read enough of the recent chapters to be reasonably certain who he really was, you still had me half-convinced it really was Lucius Malfoy! And I never did see Luna-as-Amanda/Fox-as-Dafydd coming, so that was a fun twist. I'm glad they got at least some time where they got to act as decent human beings. And it was so incredibly sweet and heartbreaking how they protected Peter - even to the point of helping him arrange, and then carrying out, his death so that his daughter would be safe.
And I must confess, it's been entertaining trying to properly interpret everything Alex and the others have been saying, particularly in regards to Fox's stint as Lucius. Obviously not only did they know Draco had to believe that his death was coming, but they also wanted the rest of the pack to believe Draco was dead. I'm still mentally working out why, but it does lead to some interesting questions, such as when Alex was telling Danger that their "newest resident" was settling in well, obviously he intended that Danger believe he was talking about Draco, and that she take comfort from it. But why didn't he say Draco? Just because Draco had now changed his name and Alex didn't want to give that away? Or was "newest resident" not a reference to Fox now being a Founder's Consort (or dead) and instead really a reference to someone else - Albus, for example?
And this is now way too long, so I'll just say that I can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work, and I am so excited about seeing this saga end! (Well, except for the minor detail that then it's over, which will be terribly tragic, but that just means I'll have to start going through your original works. Anyone reminiscent of Alex who I should be looking out for? - And BTW, that was just a perfect revelation that the original Heir of Slytherin was actually a Hufflepuff!)
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 6:30pm
Ok. So. Wow. I did read this as soon as it was published by didn't get chance to review. Just read it again to refresh my memory. I am in awe, quite simply. Love everything, can't begin to find a favourite part. And the title references C.S.Lewis, for which even more respect. Cannot wait for the next chapter.
Scott M posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 1:13pm
Heee, yay. Amazing, wonderful, fantabulous chapter. I believe I know part of what they did, and obviously it worked so far as getting Voldy to cut his own cord, but I shall wait and see!
Dangams posted a comment on Saturday 20th September 2014 6:31pm
REVENANT ARMY OF AWESOME! (And they were awesome.) That scene is best read while listening to 'Statues' from the Deathly Hallows Part 2 soundtrack, I think.
This is proving to be an excellent finale to an excellent fanfic! I can't believe we're almost at the end! Keep up the good work. :)
buffarama posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2014 5:50pm