By Anne B. Walsh
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 7:45am
Huh.I can't believe i forgot Dobby died.
Emmm, how about a red shirt with black or white design?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I think I can do that.
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 7:40am
Wow, that was great.
Snape's a pretty funny guy.
I like him.
Glad he's finally putting things together.
Can't wait for the action!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, I think he sometimes gets a bad rap. Of course, sometimes he gets it too good as well.
shaggy53dog53 posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 6:37am
Well, about time Snape sees the light. I'm really looking forward to your twist on the death of the (more or less) canon version - how fortunate there's perfectly fine soulless version available on the other side of sleep...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Mwahahahahaha. I have an incredibly evil twist planned for that.
HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 5:26am
Gods Anne, what a wonderful chapter.
Always found it a pity that Severus never found love after his love died. This was perfect and clearly something I longed to see.
Such heartache for Cecilia but knowing you...a bit....there must be a happy ending resulting in a weird family and who knows ....Snape as a Pirate!
Perhaps to much to ask?
This was to my hearts content. *sigh*
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Well, it was supposed to show how much he'd loved Lily... but honestly, I don't think he did, not the way he thought he did anyway. More on this in the story. And Snape as a pirate? Sorry, sweetie, not gonna work.
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 4:46am
Yes, please, keep this up!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I'll do my best.
BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 3:48am
*laugh* I especially loved the last part, were Draco waited for Snape to show him his wand! I guess Cecy told him about her... discussion with Severus?
I can't wait for an update - now that I'm not sick anymore I can even comprehend what my E-Mails try to tell me...^^
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yep, she told him. He immediately started plotting how to use it to make trouble.
BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 2:34am
Great! How else could I possibly describe this? :D
Anne B. Walsh replied:
tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 1:46am
I wonder what self-deprecating false chain of logic Severus will come up with now. And why is Cece gone all hose-pipe-ish NOW? Oh, wait, it's because she knows he's a suspicious git and will put the most negative possible spin of things, that's why! I swear, there are just times when I want to whap that man repeatedly with a large padded stick labeled "HappyBat" until he gets over himself.
Thank you for writing! Please don't stop!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Trust me, the HappyBat is on the way for dearest Sev. Mwahaha.
FireRose posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 1:09am
Ahhhh I loved that! I can't wait to see how the worlds collide for Snape and what part Draco plays in it all... Please update soon!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Draco's going to be super ultra mean and horrible. With a good end, of course.
carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 11:29pm
I do love the times that Cecilia and Severus spend together. WE see hints of what he might have been all aliong if his world had gone differently. For so long they both thought each other to be figments of the imigination, but now Cecilia at least knows the truth. Is it necessary for Severus to discover the truth for himself before his salvation arrives?
I love the filler chapters - we always learn something new about one or more of our characters. But what I REALLY love is the big action sequences. Then I can get confused in a really big way, because I will have forgotten something critical to my understanding of the big picture. *sigh* I guarantee you that when you finish this story, I plan on going back and rereading all 100-something chapters in one go, but I'll have to wait until a holiday When I don't have to get up and teach school.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, with his mind and his dedication he could have done so much... and still might, in this version at least. Action coming very soon!
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 8:20pm
So happy you are updating so much - this is me encouraging you to keep it up, as requested! Ooh, a great moment for Neville, I like those!!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I think you'll like it even more when it happens.
menentesa posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 4:04pm
huzzah! I am seriously loving this story! I just wanted to tell you as a side, I much prefer your stories to canon. I have read each of your stories innumerous times and each of the canon books just a handful. Keep up the fantastic work and I can't wait for the next installment :D
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Aww, thanks! I hope you'll like my originals that well when I start producing them.
Anansii posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 2:26pm
Complicate away - this is fun!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Will do!
LynnTerald posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 1:40pm
How ironic is it that when I have to do a report on Harry Potter books I immediately think of your version?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I think that's the greatest compliment I've ever been paid. Thank you.
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 9:58am
It won't let me change the color... :(
I was wondering though if i could get the "there wolf there castle" one in Gryffindor red...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Do you mean the text or the shirt itself?
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 9:51am
Ah, brilliant.
I always wondered why they didnt get into the castle using Dobby in canon.
Draco and Snape need to begin trusting ech other soon.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Probably because he died. And they didn't call Kreacher because they were afraid the DE's had captured him and would use him to find them. But yeah, I wondered similar things.
LynnTerald posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 9:17am
As usual you manage a cliffhanger without leaving the reader feel like they want to strangle you for the ending, though you've done your fair share of those. I like how the story is going thus far and I look forward to reading the complications.
BTW: Are there going to be over 100 chapters?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, over 100 chapters, but probably not by terribly much. We'll find out when we get there.
HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 4:42am
I fear that the last part will not be as easy as Harry hopes. But hopefully it won't be as hard for Draco as he fears.
The shirt.... I found my shipping loophole. My cousin is going to her brother in the states and she's gonna bring one back! No one will get what it's about but I don't care. :D
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I think it'll surprise everyone how it works out. Everybody needs one t-shirt no one understands.
carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 12:58am
Glad Draco was able to warn Neville in time! The wording was perfect, too. I'm a little fuzzy on why Draco is taunting Snape - I'm sure there were clues earlier, but I've slept many many times since I read it, so...
And now we have the pesky problem with the Room not being able to change configuration while everyone is still there. I wonder if there's a way around that.
They were talking about Hermoine. Has Draco done what he planned with the ferecane yet?
I'll have to wait until I get home to see the t-shirts. Stupid blocking filter.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
There will be a way around the Room's conservatism, yes. Draco has not yet given Hermione a replacement hand. No rush on the T-shirts--they're not going anywhere!
pacman346 posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 9:37am
Anne B. Walsh replied: