By Anne B. Walsh
Anansii posted a comment on Saturday 22nd August 2009 10:16am
Hmm... Draco about to give Hermoine a hand? :)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Hey, no stealing my jokes!
Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 2:24pm
Oh Pearl, how we love thee! She is so sweet! I wonder if Neenie will have a boy or a girl, and will it affect Hermione either way?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
*grins* Not gonna telllll!
callie posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 12:12pm
are they going to give him a new one and have hermione have his old one?
great chapter!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oh, just possibly. Mwahaha.
Ryan Illuser posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 9:57am
Yay action again. Great to see they are doing things again.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I'll try to keep the action as constant as possible.
Lesa posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 7:42am
Hmm...first Otherworld's Peter turns out to be a real hero, now the Voldemort-created silver hand will be able to make sure Hermione has her hand!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Good guess but no. Neat idea, though!
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 7:37am
I'm so glad to see that Draco is lookign for a way to help Hermoine. I still think she is ambidextrious, but a hand to replace the one she lost sounds like the desirable alternative. Thank goodness for the other reviewers - they are helping me figure some things out. I printed the prophecy from Chapter 14 out and I'm making notes on it (in pencil, of course).
Isn't the Room of Requirement wonderful? Even when Draco sleeps, he will wake up in a safe place on the Other Side.
I really hope the idea of bringing Snape's soul over from the Other Side is the way it goes - that sounds like a wonderful way to reunite Cecy and Severus in the flesh.
One more question, and I promise to leave you alone (until you post again). Are the dementors the main bad entity in this story, or is it the Ministry, or is it the Blood Purists you referred to in this chapter?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Ok, let me be specific, Hermione is not ambidextrous. Yes, the RoR is pretty cool. No comment on your third paragraph. And does the last bit really matter? They all need to get taken down at least one peg.
carolebear posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 5:35am
What are the chances of getting a family tree at some point? Or at least a list of which couples have which kids. I find myself getting hopelessly lost.
Peter Pettigrew is the dear friend who sacrificed himself to save Muggles? At least he is good in one universe, who would have thought?
I've reread the prophecy from Chapter 14, and I just want you to know that I am crap at interpreting them (always have been, although I did figure out the meaning of a few of the lines from the DV ones from time to time). Guess I'll just have to wait and see how things play out.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes, that was Pettigrew. Just hang in there, the prophecy will be explained. And for that list, try going here.
tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 12:49am
Oh, bleah, they have a Ministry too. I suppose they had to have one, but bleah, just the same.
OH! Wow, that really *is* sneaky. But... all those memories, and... imagine TWO, but... oh wait... um, huh? Nevermind. I think. Man, I could NEVER be an author. My teeny little brain would collapse under the stress.
And that other thing.. what will he do afterwards? Ask her to put him to sleep right away?
The inside of my head is all twisted up like a pretzel now. Ow. (Crawls off to whimper in a corner and read Regency romances that require no thought power.)(But can be quite fun, if you know which authors to pick.)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
What will who do after what? And I love Regency romances, especially Georgette Heyer.
BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 12:11am
Now he really has something in common with his worlds Harry: Draco has to hide as well - or things might get a tad ugly...
I wonder what Meghan has in her mind for helping Hermione. Has she found a way to make something similar to a regular ferecarne? Or just a way to make the spellwork less complicated? It would be so much more easy to simply bring Meghan or an other qualified healer with him - but there would be way to many questions to answer. And probably no-one would believe him anyways.
So I hope you'll update soon... I can't wait to find put what Draco can do now...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Oh, you'll see. You will see. *evil cackle*
HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 12:04am
Okay Anne, right now we are at a straight piece of runway of this rollercoaster with a gentle slope here and there to give me time to ponder all the cluess together before we suddenly get plunged into the deeEEEEEEPPPPPPHHHHTTTTSSSSSS AAAHHHHH SHIIIITE!
Here we go agaiiiiiin. LOL
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I probably shouldn't be laughing at you, should I? Yet I am...
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 3:02pm
One day, the ministry will become an intelligent piece of magical society.
Until then, I'll get back to my knitting.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I'll buy you some extra yarn for the wait.
MLM97 posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 2:53pm
Ah, the Ministry. You can always count on them to make a bad situation worse. :-) There's the interesting implication that in the Beauvoiverse, they're kept in check by various and decentralized authorities.
Why do I get the feeling Isabelle's accomplice casts a sorrowful shadow?
And I figured ferecarne would come into Hermione's situation somehow. I was wondering if we'd see the Quartet cross the barriers so she could get treatment. Now <i>that</i> could have been interesting, but it's probably more than you want to deal with.
Thanks for the update! (See, no whip tonight. :-) )
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Generally, yes, but at this time of panic they're taking advantage. Good guess on Isabelle's accomplice but not this time... and yeah, the Quartet have enough to deal with, I think I'll spare them a trip to another world. Yay, no whip! :dances:
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 2:10pm
Faithless light is lucius?
But reflected shadow... Narcissa?
It would make sense...
Since the serpent/draco comes from them...
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Well done! "reflected" is a pun on the myth of Narcissus, btw.
ClarenceRose posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 2:05pm
Nice to know Peter was decent in a different universe.
I feel like i've reached the top of the roller coaster/luge ride and now i'm tipping forward into a downward motion.
If that made sense...
Go Draco!!!
The Boy Who Defeats Dementors!
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yes indeedy. The tipping point may not be quite this chapter but it's very close now.
Anansii posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 5:52am
So the threats are coming to a head in both worlds simultaneously. Makes a certain amount of sense. Hmm... wonder if Draco gets to help Harry with Voldy, and then Harry gets to help Draco with the dementors?
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Indirectly, but yes.
Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 5:02am
Wait, let me guess, the serpent is Draco, right? This is certainly an interesting plot twist, so good job on that. Each chapter just makes me anticipate the next even more! I really need to re-read this from the beginning though.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yep, "serpent" is Draco, and "faithless light" and "reflected shadow" are each a person. Guess who?
HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 4:11am
this is so You!
Just when I'm trying to keep it al together in this mad rollercoaster that is your mind (NO! I will NOT leave just because I hate heights. Lol) you suddenly throw in a prophecy that I had forgotten about!
Amazing. You love doing this way to much but I love you for it.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Mwahaha. I'm not sorry and you can't make me be! :-)
Musta posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 3:45am
HAHAHA! The end is just pure gold, seriously.
Anne B. Walsh replied:
Yeah, Cecy's not much for self-blame. She sees too much of it.
MLM97 posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 3:27am
I'd been wondering what happened to Peter Pettigrew in the Beauvoiverse . . .
It sounds like the dementors are getting worried. I would be too. The first sign was already fulfilled back in Chapters 47-49, the second will be when Draco manages to bring Snape's soul across the worlds to inhabit Snape-BV's soulless body ("no sight" puzzles me--will he be blind?), the third . . . I can't guess, but it worries me. Who's going to forswear Luna--and which Luna?
Thanks for the updates; now, back to work! :whipcrack: :-)
Anne B. Walsh replied:
I hadn't intended the 47-49 arc to be the first part of the prophecy, but it does sorta work. Neat. "No sight" is another of my extreme sneakinesses. No one's going to forswear Luna--Luna herself will become forsworn. Aie, a whip! :ducks: (If you want a hint, "no sight" and "forsworn" are the same kind of wordplay, one I'm very fond of.)
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Wednesday 26th August 2009 7:12pm
Anne B. Walsh replied: