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callie posted a comment on Friday 7th August 2009 1:00am

ok i reread it and i am definitely crying now...

that is a very good peice of writing... i applaud you

Anne B. Walsh replied:

*hands you tissues*

carolebear posted a comment on Friday 7th August 2009 12:58am

Poor Draco. As hard as things are for Harry and crew, I really think Draco has the worst end of the deal. In both worlds. At least he has people who care for him. This chapter made me cry, too. I really hope you are telling the truth about this being the hardest chapter and not just trying to make us feel better.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, hardest for me. I don't know about the rest of you. *evil laugh*

callie posted a comment on Friday 7th August 2009 12:51am

wow that was.... amazing

i really felt what he was feeling

ah tears in my eyes!

very very very very well done

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Thank you very^4 much.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Thursday 6th August 2009 11:21pm

You are very brave. I could barely manage to read that, powerful and painful and beautiful as it is, and you *wrote* it.

I am continually lost in admiration of the worlds you call out of your mind.

I hope there was chocolate available for your snack. I, like Remus, have great faith in it's curative properties.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Chocolate there was. That and ice cream. Butterfat is right up there.

BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Thursday 6th August 2009 2:36am

Poor Draco... I wonder if it'll hurt him to see Cecilia (who looks like Narcissa) or if it comforts him... You know... I really hate Voldemort! :(
Also I'm worried abour Hermione and how she'll take loosing her right hand, her wand hand. You really know how to keep your readers on their toes!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

You know, you're the first reviewer to think of that? Well spotted. Cecy knows it, though, and will be keeping well out of the way to start with. Luckily Draco's not short of other people who care about him. And Hermione will be helped eventually... but yeah, she's not going to take it well at first.

Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 12:44pm

Poor Draco! That's too much for anybody to deal with! Poor Hermione and poor Andromeda! Things are only going to get worse aren't they? Aw. Update soon!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Not really... actually they're going to get better soon here, but there's going to be lots of pain too...

ClarenceRose posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 11:01am

Poor Draco.
It's good to see that Snape is finally figuring him out.
If only a little, tiny bit.
When is Ron going to tell Harry about the basilisk poison Hermione almost died of?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

How about after Harry wakes up from passing out?

Ryan Illuser posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 10:08am

Oh gosh, Draco is geting very Harry like. Gosh darn it Harry was so close I figuring out who Luna's "friend" is. That better happen so by the way.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Don't worry, Harry'll find out.

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 8:49am

Don't we all have that bit of Harry-isme in our selves, To always seek guilt in ourselves even though we think we blame the 'other'.

I feel so sorry Draco and I'm so curious about how he will wake up and to what to he will wake up.

I must tell you that while I was watching HBP in the Theater that first night and saw Draco.....I kept wondering what it would be like to see him in 'Dangerverse - the Movie' and play Draco Black. *sigh* :D

Until next time, take care. C

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I must admit I've wondered that myself. I "see" my stories as movies sometimes, you know...

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 7:08am

Draco's been feeling very pleased with himself thus far for his manipulations, and not unjustifiably either. Now something he's done has led to catastrophe, and even though he didn't intend it to happen let alone do it himself, of course he's going to feel guilty.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Bingo! Very, very well summed up!

carolebear posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 11:55pm

Okay, I understand why Draco is upset about Narcissa's death. Death Eater or not, she is the woman who birthed him and he feels love for her. But isn't Cissy his mother on the other side? I am still very easily confused, even though you are updating more frequently. I simply cannot express in words how beyond thrilled I am that you are updating more frequently. I'm still not quick enough to keep up with who is doing what on which side of reality, though. Won't Draco go back to the other side when he goes to sleep? Does Andromeda not know about the ferecane (?) that was used to help Draco's missing arm? Hopefully Ron will share what he knows about Draco early the next morning, before Harry does something stupid.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, Cecy is his mother in the otherworld, but he's still upset about Narcissa because he was just learning how to love her again. Draco is headed to the otherworld, yes, and the people there will be able to help him deal with his grief better than he could on his own. Andromeda doesn't know about the ferecarne because it's an otherworld invention. And Harry won't be doing anything to Draco for the simple reason that he can't get at him just now--Draco's at Hogwarts and Harry's at the Tonkses' place.

Artemis Potter posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 9:30pm

Did he get the blame myself complex from the otherworld Harry? Or did he spend so much time watching Harry via the TVP that it rubbed off on him? Awesome chapter by the way! Updates almost everyday - I feel like a kid being given chocolate whenever I ask for it!

Anyway, is Snape going to make the final jump with Draco? Is that what the otherworld prophecy means about him fleeing with two others?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I think it's more that he's finally understanding his own world's Harry, the feeling of being the hero and being able to do the awesome stuff but then feeling responsible afterwards. And Snape... maybe. *giggle*

daysoftheweek posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 2:09pm

Wait, I'm confused, it could be my memory malfunctioning but I thought Draco hadn't achieved Animagus yet? I'm also hoping for some Draco-and-his-Mum action soon, especially after this, when his mind really does need some healing.

On a completely unrelated note, I think you've been putting off the "Malfoy's-not-bad?!?" conversation just to torture us. Or me.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

No, he has, I just hadn't explicitly said that he had. He got it back in January. Cecy will want desperately to help him, but she may need to stay away just for a little while, because she looks too much like Narcissa and she'll rub his wounds raw. He will not be short of help, though. And yes, I am putting that conversation off... but it's mostly because I enjoy the look on Harry's face so much that I want to keep it to myself just a little longer.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 1:44pm

I don't have an erudite analysis or in-depth comments for you. Maybe later, when I've stopped crying.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

*passes the tissues*

callie posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 11:17pm

i love it, loathe it(or maybe just lucious), and believe that you are a very talented writer!

did you know that dangerverse is the only fic ive reread when i couldnt find my harry potter books? well now you do

cant wait for more!

poor draco :(

Anne B. Walsh replied:


Artemis Potter posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 9:35pm

Like it. No, LOVE IT!!!!!!! This is awesome. BTW, you couldn't have killed of Lucius - or as you called him in Living With Danger, Yucky Lucky?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Not right now, sorry. He has another fate in waiting.

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 5:53pm

Hate is a strong word Anne so I won't hate it or you but's somehow a shame, for me, that your writing always calls up symphaties.....even for the characters such as the Malfoys.

What a choice to make although the choice of taking his own life probably never entered his mind?

Draco must feel so hurt because here is his mother, showing him real love for perhaps one of the first times in this life and then she dies. He must also be shocked to see the woman resembling his 'Mum' die by the hands of Lucius and there is only one to blame.

The Dork Lord!

Oh boy, what a chapter this was. Way to go Anne.
Thanks :D

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Nope, doubt he ever thought of that one. And yeah, Draco's going to be torn up over this... all the more because he's going to feel it's his own fault.

Anansii posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 5:38pm

For a change I've actually looked at some of the other comments first. In similar circumstances I can see pulling out something unexpected and dropping Mr. Dork Lord before you could say "this isn't grand opera, stupid" but I suppose Lucius isn't the type to carry a handy knife in the boot or pistol up his sleeve, and voiced, wanded magic is just too
slow to catch him by surprise. Other than that, though, it looks like Lucius and Narcissa were being parents - given the situation as they saw it, Lucius was the one who had the best chance of keeping Draco alive. Not that this is going to cut any ice with Draco.

Why DO those guys follow that psychopath?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Match in worldviews. Power at all costs, suckers deserve whatever they get, and look out for number one... though Narcissa seems to've lost that one, no?

Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 12:52pm

That was... unexpected, to say the least! I feel like the choice that Sevy was recomending was that Lucius commit suicide. Am I right, wrong, crazy? I liked the twist, but I wish Lucius were dead, and dear Bella as well. If that's it for a while for BC, how's about some Dangerverse, hmm? Please?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

No, you're right. I don't know what will be updated next, but rest assured I haven't forgotten about FD...

Ryan Illuser posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 7:29am

Whoa didn't see that comming and I'm not really sure on Draco's reaction. now go and wright more.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Draco was determined not to let Lucius see him break down, but he also wanted to give his mother her due respect.