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Jimbocous posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 4:46am

Love it! What a great twist to things ...

Anne B. Walsh replied:


shanntarra posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 4:42am

I didn't understand the statement in this one about "He did it because I asked him to." I had to go back 3 chapers to find that he said said "Please not her hand, it will kill her." Or something along those lines. To be honest I don't think enough clues have been left if you are going for alot of fore shadowing. It sometimes feels like there are little bits missing that are important. That the author knows and expects the reader to know but the author never told them that.
Other wise good story. I hope for more.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I'm sorry that you feel lost in the story. I try to make my clues subtle, since most of my readers like trying to guess where the story is going and being surprised at the parts they couldn't figure out. All will be made clear at the end, so if you're getting frustrated you might want to wait until a few more chapters have been posted.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 4:27am

Oh, my.

I cannot decide whether to pity Narcissa or envy her. Once I had thought it through, if she truly loved both Lucius and Draco, she made the only decision she could. In an odd and extremely morbid way, I think I might even be happy to die in order to keep my son and my mate alive. (Please note that every single House quiz I have ever taken has placed me in Hufflepuff.)(I'm rather sulky about that, frankly.) Contrariwise, to my mind, Lucius is... I cannot think of a term sufficiently vile to express what Lucius is. He should have killed himself. He should.

Poor Draco. Poor baby. He had just discovered that his birth mother really had feelings for him after all, and now she's gone. I hope this doesn't throw off his relationship with his actual (adopted) Mum.

And it certainly took Severus long enough to take his head out of... um, the sand! (that's what I meant to say all along, yeah, the sand) where Draco is concerned. I suppose he couldn't bear to allow himself to hope Draco could be redeemed, or some such. Severus can be *such* a prat.

Loving the updates! Thank you for feeding our greed!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

I love your analysis of the situation--I can't say I'd be happy to die in that situation, but I think I would do it. You're entirely right about Lucius, but what did you expect? Draco will recover, but it will take time and pain. And yes, Severus can indeed be a prat.

carolebear posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 2:31am

*Squeals like a fangirl!* Four updates in 5 days - you spoil us!

Well, personally, I think the best choice for Lucius to make would have been himself. Of course the man is too selfish and self centered to even consider that course. Doesn't this Snape dream of Cissy, and perhaps believe that there may be an alternate reality? I get so confused - you are an evil genius, playing on my weaknesses like that. Will Draco ever confide in Snape? I can't remember if he has any reason to trust him. Darn, I STILL don't like waiting, but you certainly make things worth the wait!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Of course that would have been the best choice, but you've pinpointed the difficulty. This Snape does indeed dream of Cecilia Black, but he believes he's made her up. Draco knows he can trust Snape, but isn't sure Snape will trust him...

Rach1 posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 12:08am


I think I'm enjoying this even more than the "standard" DV at the moment. I did NOT see that coming, wow!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, since this is being updated and mainline DV isn't, I'd sure hope so...

Tim Sullivan posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 11:49pm

Wow, you're pumping this story out pretty fast! And of course I like it. It's very true to the canon characters (even Draco's canon character).

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yeah, I always felt he got a raw deal in canon. If he'd just had somebody who cared enough about him to show him what was and wasn't right...

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 9:44pm

Enjoy the wait?!?
Wait.....that is even more evil than a cliffhanger is. You give us fluff with a warning for a lovely angsty chapter and than you tell us it might me quite a wait!

Oh well, it'll be worth it, I hope.

This group really needs time to talk and compare stories becuase it seems as though they all hold pieces of a puzzle.

Teddy.....awh *heart trobs double time* so sweet.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, it's out there now so you don't have to worry.

BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 7:24pm

Oh... that was... oh. *at a loss of words*
You know you're evil, right?
Update soon, k?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yeah, I know

Changer posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 3:21pm



Anne B. Walsh replied:

Already did.

Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 1:28pm

My new favourite character has to be Teddy! He's so adorable! I wonder, was Luna in on Draco's plan? She seemed to know more than she should, but then Luna's more than she seems, isn't she?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yes, Luna was 100% in on the plan.

carolebear posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 12:52pm

Ohmygod! Three chapters in four days! I'm all atwitter (and not the phone kind, either!). The response I read to the first review has me all worried about Draco now, but at least the visions don't show him dying right away. Loved the fluff! There's altogether too little fluff during a war, so I'm really glad they got to come meet Teddy in person. Loved Harry's last thought about giving him too much chocolate and then sending him home all wound up.

So when is Ron going to let Harry know that the fiendfyre was the only way to save Hermoine's life? And I really can't remember why Luna knows what happened even though she wasn't there. Give a girl a hint, please?

By the way, I don't enjoy waiting at all, even though I have been told that good things come to those who wait. *looks up at Anne imploringly*

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, don't be too worried, Draco isn't gonna die... yet. Ron's exhausted right now and not thinking too clearly, and he knows Harry is the same, so he's going to wait until both of them have had some sleep. Luna, because she's betrothed to Draco, has (or now had) a little ability with Malfoy Manor similar to his, so she could see what was going on in the living room.

Roxy1 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 11:25am

more more more!!
please :)
I love this story ( as with all your others, I've read the dangerverse probably about 5 times total now), and I am so curious to see what is going to happen to Draco, when Voldemort shows up!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Draco's done his best to ensure he won't take the heat personally, and he may have done too well...

Ladyofthelight posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 8:58am

It is indeed being pieced together now! That was an impressive display of magic that Draco did! Great chap, update Dangerverse and BC soon!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Yeah, well, he may not be so happy with it after he finds out the consequences...

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd August 2009 4:12am

Oh don't you worry, I'm not going anywhere and I'm staying tuned.

This is so exciting! *squueee*

Anne B. Walsh replied:

That might not be the word you use after next chapter. Just a warning.

BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 11:56pm

That was brilliant as always^^
I can't wait for the next chapter - your little description above sounded more than just promissing...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

If you're not worried, you should be.

callie posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 11:50pm

i think ive got everything...

hehe id forgotten about the suicidal house

hmmmm... i wonder what drao's unpleasant surprise is...

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Well, if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?

Cassie Selbo posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 3:44pm

Love the story thus far but thank goodness you're doing a recap because I can't figure out how this played out!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Just remember, no matter what Draco said, he's firmly on the side of good these days. He intended most of this to happen--a few things he didn't, but mostly it went the way he thought it would.

carolebear posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 3:21pm

Wonderful as always. Of course, as always, you leave us with more questions. I am loving the frequent updates, though. And NArcissa think that Lucius might be Hermoine's father? Too rich!

Anne B. Walsh replied:

She's got no other way to explain it--what's she going to believe, that her perfect little angel of a son did it?

ClarenceRose posted a comment on Saturday 1st August 2009 6:49am

Yay! i'm excited!
That was great!

callie posted a comment on Thursday 30th July 2009 10:42pm

please tell me that draco has some big elaborate plan so hermione doesnt have t do that!

poor harry he really didnt want to do that

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Oh, don't you worry, Draco's plan is going fine... and will, right until the point when he runs into something he didn't expect...