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amulder posted a comment on Sunday 25th June 2006 8:46pm

Love the chapter. Percy's plot is very puzzling, and left hanging. Grrr. So he saw a dead body. But then they find Barty Crouch up in the bedroom. So whose body was it? No one seemed to answer that question yet.

How long does Polyjuice last? Is the new person not really Crouch? If not, then he'll turn back in an hour. I don't think they can make polyjuice from stored parts. If they could, then in Canon there would have been no reason to keep the original Moody alive. (Well, except for the occasional questioning.

good job on talking through the Joseph story.

Poor Harry, though. He's still being quite the idiot about Cho. Bad enough that he still even looks at her, but to still be _wanting_ her when she's clearly with Cedric? uhh, people can be silly.

thanks for sharing

n4zhg posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 11:22am

I scored the Donny Osmond version, so it's a good review in anticipation of the next chapter.

amulder posted a comment on Wednesday 21st June 2006 3:49am

Realized I hadn't formally reviewed...
So I just had another read, and all I can say right now is thanks. No concrit to offer this time. At least, nothing springs to mind.

Someone else commented elsewhere about Ginny taking over as Alpha... and i find myself wondering how Neenee will react to that. Probably better than if it were the reverse.

I was a bit surprised to see no reaction from Ron about Krum singing with Hermione. I seem to remember reading about one Joseph show where Potiphar and Jacob were played by the same actor - Potiphar is really quite a small role after all.

Percy... now, that is a puzzle. nice bit of cliff hanger there. But it may not mean anything, after all, they might not be hiding at Crouch's house any more. If they are, well, Bad Things will happen.


Mariposa posted a comment on Wednesday 21st June 2006 2:28am

Lovely chapter! I just feel bad over the whole Letha/Tonks/Charlie thing. Poor guys but I'm sure it'll be resolved quickly. Remus holding back his hysterical laughter was quite funny though. Why did you have to have Letha make such a big mistake? Haven't the other adults shown they're not infallible too? The ending was very "dun, dun, dun!" I can't wait for more! :o) Mari

Gardengirl posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 2:10pm

Well, no criticism from me, pal. I think you are doing a fantastic job of creating your own, very original, story, while keeping it at least parallel with canon. Keep up the great work!

karina82 posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 10:18am

cool chapter. bit worried though, i hope tonks does end up marrying charlie.
wonder if percy will survive going to crouchs house?

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 7:49am

Aargh! Goodness me, I sure don't want Percy imperioed. What will happen when he gets to Crouch's house and probably finds his death eater son there? Disappear like Bertha Jorkins, i.e. end up dead? I hope not. Prat he may be, but I don't want him dead.

Why on earth did Aletha tell Tonks about the potion? When she came bringing around wedding invitations, no less? I guess her conscience finally caught up with her, but still... Well, I hope they work it out and get married after all. Maybe it'll just make their relationship a stronger one? I'm being hopeful here, but stormy weather makes your roots go deeper, after all.

And what is Rita up to together with Dudley? That cauldron is stinking, and I'm not sure I want to know what they're brewing.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing!

Graup posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 7:11am

So, the deceit finally rears its ugly head. You handled it remarkably well.

Obviously, Canon is going in the Tonks/Remus direction. I am glad you added a bit about that. It certainly adds mystery to your story.

I am interested in seeing how you handle the third task (not the show, but the maze). Will you send Harry to fulfill his destiny to bring Moldie back to a body?

Or will you make it a dream sequence?

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 6:47am

Woohooo! Here we go - it's official, at last: Harry Potter is the heir of Gryffindor. Too bad you need a blood relative to undo the binding of the magic, but I'm sure they'll find a way around that. Does it need to be a living blood relative, or will the ancestor himself do? Would a pendant charm do the trick? i guess we'll find out, eventually.

Good for the pride to all try out for the musical, and I'm really interested in finding out about the casting. Guess it goes up now, doesn't it?

Brilliant writing, as always. Thanks for sharing!

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 5:44am

This task was sabotaged, indeed. One guess it was Dudley who did it? Interesting, interesting. I really like your twist on things. And the way they discovered (or should I say deciphered) the message in the egg was just great. Friendship rules, and the pride must be on the top of that list. And my, would I like to have a place like the Hogwarts Den.

Teaching Skeeter a lesson or two is a nice touch, too, but some of the best was Luna's far out advice proving to not be far out at all. Lovely, just lovely.

Thanks for sharing!

Charm posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 1:12am

Yay! Joseph!And it and yellow and green and brown and scalet and black and ocre and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver and rose and azure and lemon and ruset and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and blue!!!!! Keep the story up! I love it!

freakyfinger posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 12:46am

oh . . .evil aletha

Mary Morley posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 9:45pm

Maybe you could give us a reference to the words in Draco's song for those of us who are not familar with "Joseph"?

Nice chapter as usual. I enjoy the fact that sometimes your characters do something stupid or wrong with the best of intentions -- for example, Letha dosing Tonks. Makes them more human.

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Making the characters more human is the intention - I'm glad it works.   As to the song, if you want to see it right now, hit Chapter 40 of Living with Danger.   If you can wait a little while, I'll be posting a one-shot of the show as done at Hogwarts, with full lyrics to all the songs.   Thank you!

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 7:20pm

Heh, threads twining around threads as it all moves forward. I'm enjoying the ride.

David Thacker posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 5:51pm

What about the pepole(spelling?) in the dream world that Danger gose to could they help Harry?

Anne B. Walsh replied:

Good thought, but no.   The binding  can only be undone by  a living blood relative  from the same bloodline from which the powers come.  

Sterling posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:27pm

Hello there. I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your story quite a bit. I haven't agreed 100% with everything you have done in it(such as putting the entire pride into Gryffindor) but with a story as involved as yours that is to be expected. It is, however, a great read and I am enjoying your story immensely.

Graup posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 3:30pm

Ok, so I WILL definitely say something nice.

Great chapter. I enjoyed the task, and the hubbub after the task. Dudley appears to be a culprit in the attempted murder of Ron.

Thanks for sharing your work. You are extremely talented, and I enjoy your stories.

Mariposa posted a comment on Tuesday 6th June 2006 2:11pm

*huggles* Great chapter! I don't mind waiting, you update often and reliable enough to not mind. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter and I can't wait to see who gets what. And how they will unlock Harry's magic. That's very intrigueing.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Monday 5th June 2006 8:17am

If they need a blood relative to undo the bindings on Harry's power, they know where to find Godric, Maura, and Paul, now don't they?

StoneCold posted a comment on Monday 5th June 2006 12:11am

Well, that was very short sighted of James to blood bind Harry, what with being on the run from Voldemort.

I'm sure you'll find a reasonable way out of it.

Which just leads me to a side thought, why in the bloody hell wasn't James or Lily their own secret keeper, if bloody Dumbledore could be his own for Grimmauld?